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  1. #41
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    Here are some of Warren's taxing and spending plans.
    Thanks. I think what the pragmatists are missing is that a big part of the reason we got Trump is that many voters were dissatisfied with the status quo, as represented by the centrist Democrat approach of the Clinton-Obama period. So going back to that previous status quo does not seem like a long-term solution, even if Biden was able to defeat Trump because voters are turned off by Trump's behaviour.

    I also think it's a mistake to think of this about being about one bad guy who hijacked the Republican party, so if we get rid of him things will go back to normal. Trump was pushing on an open door in 2016 - he just capitalised on trends that were already well under way in the party and took them further. There will be others who saw what worked for Trump and appeal to the same themes. That's why I object to buttslinger's view, which seems to assume that Trump is an aberration and normal service can be resumed once Republicans wake up.

    That's not to say there there would be no benefit in getting rid of Trump, because his malignant narcissism and erratic nature pose additional dangers.

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  2. #42
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    It was the best of times,
    It was the worst of times,
    It was a time like any other time..

    We know everything and we know nothing.
    Filghy, I am always surprised when anybody takes my posts seriously, I just vent, get off on seeing my stuff in print, and irk Stavoses perfect universe.
    What makes Trump different from Nixon is RUSSIA
    I cannot believe the US Intelligence Community didn't come to a screeching halt in Helsinki or after Russians were laughing it up in the Oval Office one day after Comey was fired. Maybe it did. Maybe Trump's interpreter was thrown into the back of a black SUV and taken to a secure location where a guy in a dark suit found out everything that is going on and in the tradition of the CIA "knows all, tells nothing"
    Ever since Hiroshima, the lights never go out in the Pentagon. We are the bad guys now, and that's the way we want to keep it. I want Fox News and Trump's base to wrap their legs around Trump's waist, and when he goes down, they go down. But I fear the powers that be see that as a weakening of the fragile yin yang balance that keeps millionaires around the World investing their cash right here in the USA. I think the wheels are finally coming off the Trump bus with Syria and Rudy and Impeachment, Trump's tweets say he is having sleepless nights. The Stooges he's surrounded himself with are figuring out they are stooges. Last week some Gypsies showed up at my front door, I swear. Things seem to be happening fast, any one with any sense saw this day coming three years ago, I only hope there are forces on high that can take this tragedy as a rare opportunity to get some shots in at the enemies of the United States who thought they were getting away with poking at the sleeping giant. Putin needs to get bitch slapped.

    World Class Asshole

  3. #43
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Buttslinger, Deep Throat is your Virgil in this journey through the underworld.
    'Follow the Money'. Give it some thought. In the moribund 1980s investors were beginning to take advantage of the liberalization of capital control to re-structure business so that production could be moved offshore where unit costs were cheaper and profit margins higher. Throughout the decade, but notably when Gorbachev became General Secretary of the USSR, the prospects of the USSR being opened to foreign investment sent shivers down the spine: immense resources of oil and gas, and other minerals; a large undeveloped consumer market; agricultural resources; a well-educated work-force: and combine that with technological backwardness and you have the dream becoming reality: they need us, we need them. We have the capital and the technology, they have the resources and the manpower.

    Why else has the current crop of US politicians become so mired in Russia and the Ukraine -with Azerbaijan and Kazakjstan side shows (but soaked in corruption on all sides, though it will always be a sideshow to Russia and Ukraine)- why not Bolivia or South Africa, or Equatorial Guine or the Philippines? There may be a link between all those Cold War agents and analysts and the view that, outside China, the glittering prizes were in Russia and the Ukraine.

    Follow the money, even if you end up elbow deep in Giuliani's ass. Go deep, then deeper. But remember, it is all about the money, or as the man said 'tell Michael it was only business, I always liked him'.

  4. #44
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    I wrote an epic post, Stavros, but I deleted it, I gave away too much. The truth makes me look bad. I get that Trump gets off on duping the suckers. So do half the Trannys on this site. I think the World is about to say ENOUGH with Trump. Too many witnesses. Follow the Insanity and you go Insane.

    World Class Asshole

  5. #45
    Gold Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    I wrote an epic post, Stavros, but I deleted it, I gave away too much. The truth makes me look bad.
    Please. I remember some of the shit you've written here. You're not gonna surprise us

  6. #46
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    I think the World is about to say ENOUGH with Trump. Too many witnesses. Follow the Insanity and you go Insane.
    How many times have you predicted Trump's imminent demise already?

  7. #47
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Am I right in thinking Elizabeth Warren is now edging in front of the other candidates? I can only really go by the UK media reports from the US.

  8. #48
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    You're right, but two days behind

    Last edited by filghy2; 10-12-2019 at 06:36 AM.

  9. #49
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    They say confession is good for the soul, with Trump we'll never know because I've never heard him admit anything. If we want to subpoena Trump's soul, it's under audit by the Devil.
    The Democratic polls mean nothing 13 months out.
    Hey flighy, did I ever hurt your feelings or something? Are you going to whine everytime I open my mouth?

    Politics and Religion
    Two topics to avoid in light company, this board was especially created for you to "tote the party line" and voice your opinions, thoughts and beliefs on whatever tickles your fancy or currently gets your goat.

    World Class Asshole

  10. #50
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    I forgot to add in my post #43 above that what attracted the Americans to Russia and the Ukraine was not just the assets and the money to be made, but that corruption at every level of the State meant that it was relatively easy for someone with working capital to access the system. It seems to me that Giuliani has found himself in the cross-hairs of investigation precisely because some of the people he was working with were on the wrong side of the law, but at a time when the law may no have had defined 'sides'. The days when Russia was an open field have gone, Putin has seen to that, but it seems those who dipped their toes in those swimming pools full of dollars may have wet feet for some time to come.

    Whether or not this affects the President is anyone's guess, as David Miliband has argued, we live in an 'age of impunity' and the bastards are getting away with it. Moreover, note that the announcement that was made after a phone call with Erdogan, enabled P45 to deliver a huge gift to Vladimir Putin, on his birthday, 7 October...

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