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  1. #11
    Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Trans Athlete: "Women Who Can't Beat Me Are LOSERS"

    Quote Originally Posted by ghbryans View Post
    Men are in general, taller, stronger, and faster. Anyone who lives in the real world knows that. This kind of stuff is what you get when you feed people's delusions.
    Be careful ... you have to much common sense... You are way too rational to be on this forum lol

  2. #12
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Baghdad by the Bay

    Default Re: Trans Athlete: "Women Who Can't Beat Me Are LOSERS"

    Not sure why, but I'm always surprised by the lack of knowledge people on this board have about the nuts 'n' bolts of medical transition and general trans issues...

    Testosterone blockers or organectomy result in the average trans woman a having a lower testosterone level than the average cis women. And an HRT regime of estrogen results a loss of muscle mass that negates any advantage of having experienced male puberty. As for height, that is essentially a result of random genetic chance, i.e., parentage. There are plenty of tall cis women in the WNBA and, as much I wish it were so, being a cis male doesn't mean I'm tall enough to play for the Golden State Warriors.

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  3. #13
    Junior Poster livepersona's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trans Athlete: "Women Who Can't Beat Me Are LOSERS"

    Some trans women are still women, but they are different. Trans women should compete against other trans women if they truly want respect. Also, taking estrogen does not automatically result in the loss of muscle mass. Look at Janae Kroc. I believe she's been on estrogen for a while and still massive. Yes, that's years of testosterone and she never stopped lifting. So it doesn't just evaporate. I understand she is more of an outlier that the average trans so not sure how this plays out overall. I support what she is doing. I don't support Rachel McKinnon.

    Janae Kroc has the right idea in my opinion.

    Life is short. Just enjoy it.

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