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Thread: Coronavirus

  1. #161
    Veteran Poster african1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by filghy2 View Post
    Yes I do, which is how I know you didn't actually do what you just said you did. I also know which drongo upvoted your post
    Good for you. Now go deal with your fires.

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  2. #162
    Senior Member Gold Poster Laphroaig's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post

    Your President is an idiot. And that is not fake news.
    2 images which sum up the thick, narcissistic, bloated, orange bigot in this crisis perfectly...
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	f32my4z3whf31.jpg 
Views:	66 
Size:	160.7 KB 
ID:	1243585

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	EVMnl59UMAI2lnj.jpg 
Views:	95 
Size:	113.0 KB 
ID:	1243584

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  3. #163
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    i really can not understand some people: you have the world (the whole world itself) in front of you that is facing a crisis and let me only tell you one thing... Negate it is not going to fade this problem away...
    I can only tell you one thing to you who live in the US: do not believe that this situation is going to be solved in few weeks like your president is telling you... the death count will go on for months ...
    and even if the governement will stop to update you in one week or 2 about this situation the people will keep dying for Covid-19 until there is a Vaccine or a Therapy (a cheap one that most of the people can afford) or until there will be so many persons infected to have a believable herd immunity...

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  4. #164
    Veteran Poster dakota87's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Truth is most people were downplaying the problem because Chinese communist party wasn’t being truthful. The Chinese who did try to sound warning alarms were muzzled or were disappeared.

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  5. #165
    Senior Member Professional Poster drongo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    How sad is it when someone has to check up and see who has
    up or down voted their post and comments.

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  6. #166
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by dakota87 View Post
    Truth is most people were downplaying the problem because Chinese communist party wasn’t being truthful. The Chinese who did try to sound warning alarms were muzzled or were disappeared.
    All of that was known in January. The R value of the virus was known, the case fatality rate was known, and the fact that China couldn't contain it despite taking extreme measures. Most people were downplaying the problem because Trump (and Fox News) did not listen to epidemiologists who were nearly unanimous in the threat this posed and he was downplaying it.

    Everyone knows China was not transparent about what was going on in late December. By January everyone including the public had access to information about the virus as they published its genome sequence. We had our first case in this country in January. We had one of the lowest rates of testing per capita of any industrialized country throughout February when community spread was taking place.

    As for travel bans which someone mentioned. A travel ban might delay the amount of time it takes to deal with your first case, though the virus spreads to countries that you haven't banned travel with who can then enter your country. The fact is we have 532,000 cases in the U.S. and counting and they didn't all come from foreigners (I'd wager more than 99% didn't). It was community spread once we had our first case and we did nothing to mitigate it.

    African1 and drongo are definitely dumbing up this thread. You haven't downvoted my posts yet but you can go ahead and do that. Why make light of there being fires in someone's country?

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  7. #167
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by african1 View Post
    Here is another one. All right.

    First, do you have a proof I downvoted your posts? Did you get a confirmation message stating: "African1 downvoted your post"?
    What is it with Trump supporters and figuring things out long after it's useful? People can see who votes on their posts.

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  8. #168
    Veteran Poster african1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    What is it with Trump supporters and figuring things out long after it's useful? People can see who votes on their posts.
    I am going to respond in two parts, because like a woman 👩, you put a lot of innuendos in your sentences. Anyway, he is part 1.

    I don't need to figure out things about how this forum works. I am rarely here. My visits usually follow a cyclical trend. I guess the Corona Virus brought me back. So unlike you my friend, I am not glued to HA jizzing 24/7. So there are things I don't know and don't need to know about the mechanics of VBoards. Because I don't care.

    Now more importantly, I am not insecure like you. I can care less if every members downvoted every message I write. I don't need to go to my settings like a Teenage Girl and see who rated me. It's probably important to you and that's OK. I will stop rating your posts because I don't need a human life on my conscience

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  9. #169
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by african1 View Post
    I am going to respond in two parts, because like a woman , you put a lot of innuendos in your sentences. Anyway, he is part 1.

    I don't need to figure out things about how this forum works. I am rarely here. My visits usually follow a cyclical trend. I guess the Corona Virus brought me back. So unlike you my friend, I am not glued to HA jizzing 24/7. So there are things I don't know and don't need to know about the mechanics of VBoards. Because I don't care.

    Now more importantly, I am not insecure like you. I can care less if every members downvoted every message I write. I don't need to go to my settings like a Teenage Girl and see who rated me. It's probably important to you and that's OK. I will stop rating your posts because I don't need a human life on my conscience
    Wow. So three paragraphs to explain why you didn't figure out what everyone else did about three years ago. Also, you seem to have me confused with filghy because you didn't rate any of my posts. Can't wait for part 2. Riveting stuff;

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  10. #170
    Veteran Poster african1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    What is it with Trump supporters and figuring things out long after it's useful? People can see who votes on their posts.
    Now here is part 2:

    Who told you I am a Trump Supporter? I just wrote two days ago that I sit in the Middle. I actually voted for Hillary in 2016. I also supported her in 2008. I am glad I was wrong in both instances because I can only imagine her handling of China and the Travel ban imposed on February 6th. And also as Obama turned up to be a good president with few shortcomings nonetheless. You can even read my posts from 2012 where I used to debate Republicans here and defend Obama because I felt most the criticism labeled against him was in essence, in its deep core racial. But let's be honest, the US is doing just fine. People are going to die from this. Anyone who believes Chinese death figures, well they are not very smart.

    The fact is: China Lied and People Died. I put this squarely on China who decided to send 5 MILLION AMBASSADORS OF DEATH around the world. Trump did the unthinkable and shut down all travel from China. He was attacked by the NYTimes, CNN, MSNBC and every major media outlet out there. I will post clips in a later post to remind everyone. Sleepy Joe Biden called his actions Xenophobic. Now the media, like China is trying to rewrite History. At least watch some of the videos I posted. Only one or two are from SkyNews Australia. And all videos are backed by evidence. Now the Travel Ban could not have been imposed had Trump not won the Supreme Court Case in his Travel ban on Syria, Yemen, Lybia, Iran, Somalia and Sudan. It made it easy to implement new travel bans. Maybe a blessing in disguise.

    Now the only problem, we should have shut down travel from Europe too. But because of Chinese lies, no one knew the extent of the danger until Italy (a democratic and open country) started reporting the correct figures. China acted like the virus can be controlled. But Italy told us the truth and then the World woke up. By then, it was too late.

    Didn't the WHO and China kept saying there is no human to human contagion way until the end of January?!!!! And even when we closed Chinese fights to the US, WHO criticized the decision!!! How do you answer to that? And please don't mention FoxNews again, because (1) I don't work for them, and (2) I couldn't care less about them.

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