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    Member Rookie Poster Subsonic's Avatar
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    Default Hung N the City - Ch. 20 - Blackout

    Hung N the City – Ch. 20 – Blackout

    Recap: Set in the 2080's New York, this series consists of a reduced male population that has become weaker over time and society is ruled top down by women, some of which are estromales, a genetic third sex of women naturally born with male genitalia. They are usually stronger than regular women but physically indistinguishable. A year ago, my previous chapter left off with Dave, a 21 year old estromale blowjob tradesman. Hoping for a sexual encounter, he unknowingly delivered illegal drugs to Ormella, an unhinged red-haired bombshell of a drug trafficker he'd serviced at work in the past and developed an obsession for. Merkina, one of the city's most efficient police officers and a hot estromale herself, arrested Dave upon his departure from Ormella's apartment and took him to headquarters. She tasked him with returning to the apartment under surveillance to find the hidden stash of illegal drugs, or face imprisonment. After another hot sexual encounter during the operation, Ormella caught him with her stash and assaulted him. Merkina and fellow officers rushed to the apartment and arrested her, while paramedics took Dave to a hospital, where he was admitted to ICU with severe injuries. Thrilled she'd finally caught Ormella after years of building a case, Merkina and the entire precinct were soon shocked when Governor Lisa Benson (who Merkina had a secret sexual relationship with) appeared with a court order to immediately release her and destroy all incriminating evidence. During a heated confrontation in the parking lot a moment later, Ormella and Merkina shared harsh words about their romantic past while serving in the military many years prior. They then kissed in angered passion and abruptly parted ways. The story here picks up one week later.

    (New Manhattan, May 2089)

    The sun began to set as Merkina entered her high-rise apartment after a long day mostly on street patrol and ending with two additional hours of paper work. She stripped down and climbed into a warm bubble bath, leaving the bathroom door open and lights off to enjoy the evening rays. The run-in with Ormella the previous week occupied her mind more than anything else. Seeing her previous lover turned criminal walk free after years of building a case proved to be the greatest personal challenge in years. Adding more stress was her relationship with Tina, which was strained from the long hours she'd been working in recent months. Closing her eyes in relaxation for a moment led to finding herself awakening twenty-five minutes later to a mostly dark bathroom as the night sky took over. She stood from the tub, feeling refreshed as the automated lights in the sixteen foot ceiling came on and created a dim ambiance.

    After drying and applying lotion to her soft olive skin, Merkina combed her short blue, bob-styled hair. She headed to the kitchen, fully nude and started her coffee brewer. Thoughts about Ormella continued while the machine filled her mug and mixed in her cream, sweetener and whip topping. She laid across the sofa, covering her crossed legs with a thin blanket while taking slow sips and feeling the cool air conditioned breeze. Ten minutes later she finished the coffee and felt energized. Her mind wouldn't relent from Ormella. Over the previous few days, the hatred she felt toward her gave way to the kiss they shared in the precinct lot. It burned her soul to have thoughts of desire for an old love that turned into an enemy. She gave in and slid her hand downward on the top of the blanket. Gentle touching caused her to grow and create a bulge under it. Estelle was awakening to its full nine inches and ready to be touched further. She breathed heavier as her nipples hardened. With slow and tight strokes, she was fully erect and stroking to what was sure to be a satisfying finale.

    Amid soft moans of pleasure, tingling began to build in her pelvic region. The soothing rumble of the air conditioning stopped, creating a jarring silence that made Merkina open her eyes to darkness having taken over her apartment. Stunned, she went to the large seven foot window and saw the entire city awash in blackout. The moonlight was all that remained. She reached for her com bracelet and attempted to contact a few friends from work and then her captain, Regina. All communications seemed to be down as well. She went back to the sofa, more frustrated than anything else for having a great orgasm ruined as she felt Estelle going limp, barely semi-erect anymore. “Fuck!” she said while resting her head in her palms.

    As the hour went on, more attempts to communicate continued to prove useless as everything remained dark. Hearing a knock on the door and asking who was there, Merkina heard a reply from Ara, the automated robotic aid recently purchased by the landlord. She opened the door and saw the feminine-shaped robot, illuminated with green lights around its edges and facial features, providing reassurance about the situation. “Please remain calm, we are currently experiencing a city-wide power outage that has also affected communications and most battery operated electronics as well. All power providers are aware of the outage and working to resolve the issue asap. Is there anything I can help you with in the meantime, ma'am?” She paused briefly and asked, “Yeah, do you offer sexual services?”

    “I'm sorry, ma'am, my current programming does not allow me to provide assistance of a sexual nature. Is there something else I can assist you with?”


    “very well, ma'am.”

    She laid down on the sofa and soon fell asleep. The rising temperature in her apartment awakened her after twenty minutes. The dream she was pulled from felt too real. The solid curves of Ormella's tattooed body pinning her against a wall and ravaging her were vivid enough to confuse reality with imagination. She rinsed the sweat from her face with cold water. The heat, the sexual hunger, darkness and silence were all becoming too much. Another attempt to contact someone saw no progress. Still nude, Merkina returned to the window and stood looking at the moon with a glass of wine. Lost in her thoughts while looking out, she remembered that it was possible to use a different frequency on her com bracelet. It was old and mostly unused for the previous ten years since being replaced by the more stable one that carried the majority of current communications. The only number she knew from that old format was the number 422, which she and Ormella used to communicate in secret during their affair in the military.

    She stood longer, pondering whether to dial the number, wondering if Ormella still had it reserved to her account, or if she even had a com device compatible with the old frequency. Nervousness grew by the minute as she wrestled with the potential legal complications versus the urge for their bodies to join once more. She looked at her bracelet for a while, then dialed the sequence to set it to the old format. The voice prompted, “Please enter your three digit number.” She replied, “Four, two..... two.” The line connected after four ringtones. Merkina stood silent, anxious and awaiting the familiar voice but heard nothing. Her bracelet displayed '422 connected' but there was no one speaking. After a palpable ten second silence without her saying or hearing a word, the line clicked off and '422 disconnected' was displayed. Instincts led her to believe the right person was listening, and the lack of a single word was nothing close to a mistake, but rather a silent communication of mutual interest.

    Primal hunger surged through her blood just from the thought of having what was likely Ormella's ear. She slid back into her jeans and boots, then headed to the wardrobe for a fresh shirt, using the light on her bracelet to search. Stopping at a blue casual button down, she put it on, tucked it at the waist and slowly secured the buttons just beyond her breasts while thinking over her intentions. Making her way down the stairs to the ground floor garage, her car was still functional due to advanced batteries and encryption equipped on police vehicles. Driving through the darkened streets was a slow and tedious task of maneuvering around stalled vehicles and crowds of people hurrying about in confusion. “Officer, what's going on?” yelled a pedestrian from across the street as Merkina ignored him and drifted along.

    After twenty minutes barely covering two miles and now over an hour into the outage, her bladder ached from the coffee she'd enjoyed earlier. The Vargas Apartment complex in Becker Heights where Ormella lived was another three miles away, too far to hold her pee for the remainder of the slow drive. Arriving at an intersection, she turned into an empty street close to an alley seeming to have no one in sight. She climbed out of the car, leaving the interior lights on to help her see and walked a few feet into the dark alley, unzipping her jeans. Standing by some trash cans, Merkina pulled her dick out, without a second passing before a strong stream rushed with enough pressure to splash several feet in all directions as it struck the ground with a heavy crackle. “Ahhh” she moaned in relief while playing with her aim, directing the stream upward and sideways to treat the wall. Her shaft grew longer in mild arousal as she continued to spray her stream wildly. The massive voiding took nearly forty seconds, after which she shook several times as always.

    As Merkina tucked it back into her jeans, she heard the door of her car close. The tires screeched as the thief gunned the gas and took off down the street. Amused by the boldness of the perpetrator, she said to her bracelet, “Function, disable car, agent 765 confirm.” Before reaching the end of the block, it stalled. She zipped her jeans and began walking, drawing her pistol as she approached and aimed at the driver from behind. She shouted, “Out, right now, motherfucker!!” The young man opened the door and slowly stepped out with hands up. The moon provided enough light on the empty street for her to see his silhouette. He was clearly shaken with fear. A closer look revealed that he was merely a teen, and likely no more than an impulsive opportunist due to the blackout. She holstered her gun and slapped him. He fell down, with her saying to him, “You're cute. Maybe one day you'll grow up to be a real criminal that's worth my handcuffs.” He sat watching as she stepped over him, climbed back into her car and drove off.

    Back en route to Becker Heights, she arrived at Vargas Apartments ten minutes later. A few of Ormella's enforcers standing outside the building recognized her and held eye-contact while remaining silent as she headed to the door. The stairs were illuminated with lavender scented candles as she made her way to the third floor, apartment 324. With her fist raised, she hesitated to knock, still thinking of the possible complications of being there without precinct clearance. A few seconds passed still without her knocking, then the door opened. Ormella stood there in a white silk robe with her long red hair down, with several candles spread across her apartment. They stood without saying a word, a repeat of how the phone call went earlier. She stepped aside and Merkina walked in beside her, inhaling the sweet scent.

    “Wish I had some of these for my place, I had to use my bracelet to see anything. And they're lavender...”

    “Your favorite...”


    Ormella slowly untied her robe and dropped it, having nothing on underneath. Merkina stood admiring her hefty curves, large breasts, and thick veiny dick hanging low over her balls like it was the first time again. She stepped out of her boots and unbuttoned her shirt as they stared at each other. Passion boiled over. They closed in and kissed with aggression. Ormella took Merkina's jeans down and knelt to give oral. “Estelle's just like I remembered” she uttered while taking most of the long thick shaft in her mouth entirely. The warm wet suction felt more intense than usual, being that her earlier orgasm was still brewing after being interrupted when the blackout hit. She felt a pleasurable ache pulsing from deep within her pubic area. Despite countless sexual encounters in her life, none made her feel more alive than this one. Ormella varied her pace and technique as she licked, kissed and sucked with more vigor. Merkina couldn't recall ever seeing the head of her dick so swollen. Ormella arose after several minutes of the most eager oral she'd given anyone. They kissed more while stumbling into her bedroom.

    Merkina took charge and turned her around. She grabbed some lube from bedside and plunged into her lover's tight rectum. The room was filled with the sounds of their rapid breathing, moans and bodies slapping together. Her stamina was far shorter than usual, with long strokes from tip to balls bringing her to the tipping point in two minutes. She slowed down frequently to delay the inevitable. After a few more minutes, she couldn't hold back any longer. Her ass tightened in climax. She continued thrusting while a volatile ejaculation erupted. Ormella felt each contraction in her rectum and moved her ass back and forth against Merkina, making her scream as the orgasm intensified. Her body shook with spasms that sent both women falling on the bed. Merkina laid atop of her and kissed the back of her neck through forceful breathing. She whispered, “Fuck me” to her ear, then rolled onto her back in submission.

    Ormella arose to her knees and lubed her ten inch uncut tool. With cum dripping from her anus, she straddled Merkina in missionary. They stared into each others eyes as she entered. The emotion and sensation of filling the woman she loved more than anyone nearly made her climax on the first thrust before getting into rhythm. With a brief pause, she fought off the urge. Merkina reached up to caress her face. Ormella began driving her hips up and down at a slow pace, without pushing her full length in. After a minute, she felt Merkina opening up and knew she could let loose. From that point, each thrust grew harder and deeper by the second. She gave in to the animalistic need to fuck her lover as hard as possible, slowing down a few times per minute only to rest her thighs and breathe before returning to full exertion. Six minutes in, sweat covered their bodies. Ormella gasped as the moment came and every muscle grew stiff. She stopped for a moment without pulling out. Her thighs weakened as she resumed and slammed her hips down. Together they became overwhelmed by the visceral climax. Moans turned to screams. She pulled out and leaned upright on her knees, expelling several gushes straight ahead onto Merkina's chest. Yells of ecstasy continued from them both as Merkina took hold of it and squeezed with a firm grip, building pressure behind the last few shots before they squirted past her and landed on the headboard.

    Both women laid next to each other. Merkina turned and slid down to give oral. The post-orgasmic sensitivity made Ormella twitch the moment her shaft was touched. She looked down and enjoyed the sight of Merkina staring back at her while sucking the messy remains from her release and then crawling upward. Face to face once more, they shared a sensual kiss until Merkina's bracelet beeped with a notification that all power and communication was due back online in ten minutes. The news sobered them from their intoxicating intimacy. They laid holding and caressing each other for another minute before forcing themselves apart so Merkina could be gone before com tracking pinged her location to the precinct. Ormella laid in bed watching her in the bathroom as she cleaned her chest and began putting her clothes back on. Merkina stood in the bedroom doorway for a moment so they could lock eyes one last time. They understood their encounter as a temporary trip back in time for one night, with no possibility of anything in the future despite how much they desired it. “Wait” said Ormella as she reached into the bedside table. She handed over three spare candles. “Now you have some for the next blackout.” Merkina took them and thanked her, hurrying out before emotions overwhelmed her.

    Back on the road, a tear slid from her left eye as she maneuvered the streets, still dark and congested with stalled vehicles. Five minutes remained before power returned. She managed to make it out of Becker Heights just in time and decided to stop at a local bar she and fellow officers frequented a few times per month. She took a seat and was greeted by Jasmine, the hot young bartender, with her usual flirty charm. After a glass of Jack, she headed home. The air conditioning and lights were back on and her apartment was once again cooled and comfortable. After removing all of her clothes in preparation for bed, she dimmed the lights and lit one of the candles, placing it across from her bed and falling asleep to her favorite scent of lavender.

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  2. #2
    Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 20 - Blackout

    So glad you wrote more you made my day

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Hung N the City - Ch. 20 - Blackout

    Well done

    Glad you’re back sir!!!

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