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  1. #11
    Senior Member Gold Poster holzz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear War: a new era?

    post 1991, it's been essentially which countries have hte power or will to nuke the USA. Only North Korea, really. That's why nukes are not as big in geo-politics as they were during the Cold War.
    This only will change if Russia gets majorly more anti-West, or China does.
    Or some other country emergs with nukes that the USA won't.
    Say if some Islamists unite some Arab countries hostile to America and develop nukes.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Jul 2008

    Default Re: Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear War: a new era?

    To add to the USA's withdrawal from the INF and Open Skies agreemens, last month the USA decided to 'reinterpret' the 1987 Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)-

    The United States plans to reinterpret a decades-old arms control agreement so that US weapons companies can sell more unmanned aerial drones to nations including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, whose air strikes in Yemen have killed thousands of civilians.

    An unnamed US government official and several arms industry executives told Reuters that the Trump administration wants to sidestep the Cold War-era Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), a multilateral export control between 35 nations that seeks to limit the proliferation of missiles and missile technology. One of the pact’s goals is preventing the export of rockets or cruise missiles that can carry nuclear warheads or other weapons of mass destruction.
    MTCR is not a treaty and is not legally binding; it is an informal understanding between signatory nations. However, the agreement has been credited with helping to stop or slow the several ballistic missile programs around the world, including the joint Argentine-Egyptian-Iraqi Condor II program and others in Brazil and South Africa. Some former Warsaw Pact nations, including Poland and the Czech Republic, scrapped their ballistic missiles in order to join the MTCR.

    As if to underscore the issue, a Saudi-led air strike on a vehicle traveling in the Shada area of Saada province, a Houthi rebel stronghold, killed the driver and all 12 passengers, including four children, on Monday, according to the Associated Press. The Houthi-run Health Ministry said it has identified 11 victims, including a woman and four children aged 12-14. Ministry spokesman Youssef al-Hadri said another two bodies were burned beyond recognition.

    Even the Cato Institute, which you would expect to welcome this 'free enterprise' approach to arms dealing, is against it:

    ...instead of market leadership, the U.S. should seek moral leadership, working with other nations to set guidelines for the responsible development and deployment of new technologies. In the short run, the U.S. might benefit from being the world’s leading arms exporter. But in the long run, the failure to curb the sales of emerging weapons technology puts the whole world at risk.

    Other than countries like Saudi Arabia that might benefit from the relaxation of international guidelines on the sales of such arms, who else will benefit?
    Yes, you guessed right first time: Russia.

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