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Thread: Coronavirus

  1. #421
    5 Star Poster sukumvit boy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Boosting interferons with existing drugs may be a key to treatment and prevention.

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    Last edited by sukumvit boy; 07-26-2020 at 10:41 PM.

  2. #422

    Default Re: Coronavirus

    The British Columbia Centre for Disease Control's website has an entire section dedicated to sex education during the virus pandemic. Deep within, government leading health experts suggest "glory holes" could be the safest technique to minimize virus spreading during sex.

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  3. #423
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    How could saliva on your dick, not spread Covid? About the same as kissing. I'll take a pass.

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  4. #424
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    I think we have reached a critical phase in this pandemic, and it appears to present the same dilemma, whether it is the UK, Continental Europe or the USA and the rest of the world. We know that many people, perhaps the majority, can be infected with the virus and not fall ill, just as we know many who are infected and hospitalized survive and return home, some of them with problems they might be dealing with for years to come, some recovering completely.

    But what does not appear to be in doubt, is that because the virus is air-borne and has a wicked ability to transmit from one person to another, relaxing lockdown measures is contributing to an extension of viral infections when, in spite of aggregate numbers declining where they are, in the UK for example, young people not infected by the virus are nevertheless carriers, and thus constitute the most potent threat if not to the rest of society, its elderly and medically vulnerable people.

    A pub in Staffordshire opened to customers but apparently did not exercise strict distancing measures. Packed out for some private event, it later emerged 10 had tested positive for Covid 19

    It seems to me that Governments must decide if physical distancing measures be re-imposed where they have been lifted, and maintained where they continue to exist. In some countries, for example the USA, it is clear that some States have failed their citizens by not imposing severe limits on human congregation. But, and this is the critical point, are we reaching a moment when people even if they care, decide to 'take their chances' on free movement, with Government unable or unwilling to stop them? With economic decline now a reality for so many, are we at 'breaking point'? And does it mean middle-aged and elderly people must in effect, quarantine themselves in fear of open spaces occupied by reckless youngsters?

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  5. #425
    Cynical Idealist 5 Star Poster Fitzcarraldo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    It will be interesting to see how the right spins this:

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    "We can't seem to cure them of the idea that our everyday life is only an illusion, behind which lies the reality of dreams."--Old Missionary, Fitzcarraldo

  6. #426
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzcarraldo View Post
    It will be interesting to see how the right spins this:
    I like to think of it as his body being his editor. He made reckless public statements and his body issued a correction by dying.

    Probably sounds mean, but I wouldn't have any such hard feelings if Herman and others preaching ignorance weren't getting thousands of people killed. All sympathy to those who die while taking reasonable precautions or performing important societal functions. Wearing a red hat at a rally in a covid hot spot to own the libs is not one.

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  7. #427
    Senior Member 5 Star Poster KnightHawk 2.0's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzcarraldo View Post
    It will be interesting to see how the right spins this:
    Completely agree 1000%.

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  8. #428
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    I hope someone reviews her cases.

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  9. #429
    Biatch Platinum Poster Nikka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Chile is doing better

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  10. #430
    5 Star Poster sukumvit boy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    This situation is just so sad and stupid . And I think that in a court of law or if called before a medical licencing board it would easily qualify as unethical and sufficient grounds for medical licence suspension or revocation.
    Unfortunately having completed 4 years of undergraduate STEM studies followed by 4 years or more of post graduate medical education is no guarantee of having learned how to think critically !

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