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  1. #1
    Gold Poster
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    Default Ollie Robinson racist tweets and Dowdenism

    Ollie Robinson the English cricketer was suspended yesterday for historic racist and sexist tweets whilst the English and Wales Cricket Board(ECB) and the Cricket Disciplinary Commission puzzle out which one of them has to take the case on board as it is thought he was between clubs at the time of the offences and may have been out of contract.

    Today Oliver Dowden MP the Culture Secretary proclaims that the ECB overstepped the Mark by suspending Robinson.

    FFS get on with your job Dowden and leave the sport to continue following their process which they’d already instigated. Not interested in the political interference from your office.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Ollie Robinson racist tweets and Dowdenism

    These are the only tweets I can find, there may be more-

    And from Nasser Hussein-
    ""There is no room for racism, there is no room for online hate, there is no room for being a keyboard warrior. It is not acceptable but he was an 18-year-old who has made mistakes and we've all made mistakes; it has ruined his biggest day as a professional cricketer."
    Asked why he thought the tweets had not come to light before, Hussain said: "The bottom line is that they should not have been said and put out there.

    "You can blame the ECB but Ollie has fronted up and taken full responsibility; it's not good enough just to delete tweets because it has still been out there and you've still said it and once you've said it, there is no dragging it back in."

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Ollie Robinson racist tweets and Dowdenism

    Johnson thinks it’s over the top quelle surprise

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Ollie Robinson racist tweets and Dowdenism

    Robinson has apologized, and given his age at the time, and I think his sincerity, I think we can move on from it. Compare his juvenile comments to Julie Burchill, a 61-year old woman who has been sacked as a columnist by the Telegraph for a sarcastic but offensive tweet regarding the latest offspring of Harry and Meghan -two people so constantly vilified in the newspaper this act smacks of hypocrisy. At her age she ought to know, indeed does know where the boundaries lie. But she, like too many others seems to think George Floyd is not so much a man as some sort of political potato that can be fried, mashed, boiled -twisted and abused in whatever way is needed to ridicule BLM or cast doubt on its various forms. The Telegraph hired Burchill to be provocative, so they only have themselves to blame.

    I am I must admit, puzzled by 'taking the knee'. It doesn't appear to be an act of power or defiance. I know nothing about American Football, so I looked it up and don't really understand its true meaning other than as a tactic a Quarterback can use to stop a game, so I assume Kaepernick's protest on the 'legal murder' of Black Americans by Law Enforcement, was supposed to mean 'this stops now'-? Because I am old enough to remember it, the protest at the Mexico City Olympics by Tommie Smith and John Carlos was the most powerful -the clenched fist in a black glove was a stunning image of rage and defiance, and more provocative than taking the knee. But it is up to the people in the sport to make their decisions.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Gold Poster
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    Default Re: Ollie Robinson racist tweets and Dowdenism

    it was a long time ago. fuck cancel culture.

    so the cancellers want to come down on him for shit he did as a teen, when he didn't know he'd be an international cricketer.
    are these cancellers that perfect?
    if he's cancelled from international cricket for good, does that change him? Or make the issue worse?

    fuck sjws.

    Mod’s Note:Social Justice Warriors (SJWS)
    A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on social justice on the Internet, often in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation. (Source:Urban Dictionary)

    Last edited by rodinuk; 06-09-2021 at 02:19 PM. Reason: Merge

  6. #6
    Senior Member Gold Poster
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    Default Re: Ollie Robinson racist tweets and Dowdenism

    Quote Originally Posted by rodinuk View Post
    Ollie Robinson the English cricketer was suspended yesterday for historic racist and sexist tweets whilst the English and Wales Cricket Board(ECB) and the Cricket Disciplinary Commission puzzle out which one of them has to take the case on board as it is thought he was between clubs at the time of the offences and may have been out of contract.

    Today Oliver Dowden MP the Culture Secretary proclaims that the ECB overstepped the Mark by suspending Robinson.

    FFS get on with your job Dowden and leave the sport to continue following their process which they’d already instigated. Not interested in the political interference from your office.
    So he's wrong to call them out for an area of public life under his purview? he's also reflecting a common sentiment. the ECB has gone too far.

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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Ollie Robinson racist tweets and Dowdenism

    The ECB states
    We know that cricket is a force for good and makes an enduring impact on people’s lives. It provides great entertainment. It teaches important skills, both physical and social. It can help inclusion and social cohesion. It’s something for everyone to watch, play or enjoy, across genders, age, disability and diverse communities. Our purpose is to improve lives and connect communities, and our goal is to inspire a new generation to say ‘cricket is a game for me’.

    so presumably a player at Test level would be expected these days to show a clean record of behaviour including their social media presence. It is certainly not the case that he’s the first player to have a skeleton in the cupboard by any means but the accessibility of historic social media means it’s a lot quicker to rummage through the cupboard. Certain standards are expected as they say for example Phil Tufnell recounted another cricketer making him have his hair cut short in order to make him ‘eligible’ for selection to the England team.

    I agree that the views and feelings in the ramblings and rants of a teenager do not necessarily follow on (see what I did there) to their mature adulthood however although ‘cancel culture’ appears to be somewhat aggressive in terms of its scope the fact remains that a Test cricketer is a role model and there has to be room for reasonable scrutiny and a process to manage it. IMHO the ECB is following due diligence yet the Minister of Fun and the Buffoon and yourself don’t seem to like that. Fair play to Robinson for apologising and showing remorse and kudos to members of the team who spoke about that action but his profile as a Test cricketer and after all he plays under the jurisdiction of the ECB means that the ECB has a duty to address it.

    Dowden’s intervention is solely about raising his own political profile - the turnover of Ministers in that department is substantial so it’s a stepping stone to the next level.

    Last edited by rodinuk; 06-09-2021 at 02:57 PM.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Ollie Robinson racist tweets and Dowdenism

    Quote Originally Posted by holzz View Post
    it was a long time ago. fuck cancel culture.

    so the cancellers want to come down on him for shit he did as a teen, when he didn't know he'd be an international cricketer.
    are these cancellers that perfect?
    if he's cancelled from international cricket for good, does that change him? Or make the issue worse?

    fuck sjws.

    Criticism of social media posts is not the same as 'cancel culture'. Robinson rather obviously cannot cancel out his past utterances even if they have been deleted from the place of origin. But it is also the case that 'cancel culture' is a sloppy term that implies a degree of systematic action, when most often it is a knee jerk reaction to something someone or some people don't like, without much thought going into it. If people asked why statues are in public spaces, who put them there, and when, they might understand why they can be considered offensive, or admired, as the case may be with regard to individuals. Most individual reputations are intact regardless of their statues, when maybe they ought at least to be questioned. I was in London last week and a friend and I were walking from Charing X toward St Martin's Lane, and initially I thought the statue/sculpture of Oscar Wilde nearby had been taken down, when it was barely visible because two women had decided to use it as a bench to rest their weary buttocks.

    Of the ten statues of cricketers in the UK on the list below, most are known only to lovers of the game, while there are at least five statues of Lester Piggott in spite of his criminal record....

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Ollie Robinson racist tweets and Dowdenism

    Nobody has been punished (yet) they are just following due process by suspending him following a disciplinary review so he and you are complaining that they are following the process so nobody’s gone ‘too far’.

    Quote Originally Posted by holzz View Post
    So he's wrong to call them out for an area of public life under his purview? he's also reflecting a common sentiment. the ECB has gone too far.

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