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Thread: Coronavirus

  1. #511
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by sukumvit boy View Post
    "Evolving Threat" ,interesting article from the 20 August 2021 issue of "Science" magazine on how and why corona viruses mutate ,the various variants and what we can expect from Sars CoV-2
    Excellent article…great share…Thanks!

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  2. #512
    Senior Member 5 Star Poster KnightHawk 2.0's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by sukumvit boy View Post
    "Evolving Threat" ,interesting article from the 20 August 2021 issue of "Science" magazine on how and why corona viruses mutate ,the various variants and what we can expect from Sars CoV-2
    Great Article.

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  3. #513
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by morim View Post
    Coronavirus: lies, lies and more lies
    Your honesty is commendable. We are still waiting for the evidence from you or other morims that shows it is less deadly then common flu.

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  4. #514
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    To anybody who is able to understand german... here is a video from a data analyst who actually beliefed in the mainstream corona story and tryed to find a simple graph to convince a friend!

    At min 22:35 you see the normalized death in Germany from 2012 till 2020 over different age groups (red highest / green lowest).

    Long story short he couldn't find anything abnormal in 2020.

    He did same analysis with the hospitalisation and infections... always same result.

    For Germany the number tell us... there was nothing special in 2020 beside a new pcr test and media panic!

  5. #515
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    There's no need to understand German because these calculations are available on a number of sites, which show that excess mortality was significant in many countries.

    There is also the obvious point that this is what happened after significant measures in most countries to limit the spread of the virus.

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  6. #516
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by filghy2 View Post
    There's no need to understand German So ecause these calculations are available on a number of sites, which show that excess mortality was significant in many countries.

    There is also the obvious point that this is what happened after significant measures in most countries to limit the spread of the virus.
    In german mainstream media they talking about 60k corona deaths in 2020.
    (in your link its 68k)
    They talking about mortality rate way above average... but there is nothing!
    Even more it was a year with low rates!

    Better check what i send befor... he explained why it's not possible to just compare raw death counts!

    And in Germany the Average life expectancy is higher then ever before... why is that if so many people died on covid??

  7. #517
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by binneu View Post
    In german mainstream media they talking about 60k corona deaths in 2020.
    (in your link its 68k)
    They talking about mortality rate way above average... but there is nothing!
    Even more it was a year with low rates!

    Better check what i send befor... he explained why it's not possible to just compare raw death counts!

    And in Germany the Average life expectancy is higher then ever before... why is that if so many people died on covid??

    In Italy we have a number of above 130K deaths to coronavirus until now... and yes... there are people saying, like you are saying, that the death rate did not increase... well... they are plainly wrong misinterpreting data to force their point (and there are plenty of data to demonstrate it)... and even if we want to believe that the death rate is not so high like they are saying it seems that everyone is forgetting the main reason why the death rate did stop to increase from the summer of 2020: we are following (in Italy and in most of the world) a lot of special measures (lockdowns, face mask, isolation and, from the beginning of 2021, vaccines) that are helping to prevent too many deaths... that's all... if the world would have ignored the increased number of victims of the beginning of the 2020 without adopting all these measures the death rate would have been incredibly higher ...

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  8. #518
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Sorry... its not misinterpreting!
    The main factor is that the population in gemany (also italy) is getting older.
    So more will die (if you have more people who are 70+ you can expect more people will die just by natural)... its not misinterpreting its just a simple fact.
    And again... the average age at death is in 2020 higher than in 2019!
    People got older then ever before! How is this possible in the worst pandemic ever? In a dangerous pandemic the average life expectancy should be decreasing, not increasing!

    And what about sweden? They had non of these "special measures" and same numbers as most other europe counties... better than italy, without any lockdowns and masks.
    You also can compare north dakota and south dakota... same situation.

    And in Isreal (the country with one of the highest vaccinated population) has more death then ever before (due to the JHU data).
    That makes sense to you?

    I know the mainstream media hammering these numbers in your brains every day, its hard to fight against this!

    Im not saying i know the whole truth in any aspect... but you should take into acount what the citics say also! Your "death rate would have been incredibly higher" is not any proof.
    How high they would by and why?
    Do you have any argument why you think so? I have one... its still called sweden.
    Thats a real example and we can see nothing really would happen.

    Dont get me wrong im already lil pissed of talking always same and getting no real arguments.
    But at the other hand its good we discuss this and try to understand each other.

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    Last edited by binneu; 09-04-2021 at 02:31 AM.

  9. #519
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    It's hard to know where to start.
    1. You missed the clear statement in the first link that the figures are adjusted for age structure of the population.
    2. Covid mortality is much higher for older people, so an increase in the average age of death is not proof of your claim.
    3. Nobody is claiming this is the worst pandemic ever; only the worst since the Spanish flu.
    4. Death rates in Sweden have been many times higher than in the neighbouring Scandinavian countries which are the most directly comparable.
    5. New cases in Israel are higher than ever. Deaths are not higher than ever.

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    Last edited by filghy2; 09-04-2021 at 04:16 AM.

  10. #520
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    Default Re: Coronavirus

    Ok lets keep the focus on "how dangerous is this virus"

    1. Age is just ond factor (leap year, grouth of popolation in germany, age structur)
    But i see we have a problem with our data/sources.
    Here is an other one that confirms my statement...

    2. No thats not a argument... coz any disease is more deadly for older people.
    If the average age at death not changing it simple means the people would have died anyway?

    3. I mean in the newer time... in the lifetime of the people who life today! But I thought that was clear...
    Please don't make it even more complicated by having to discuss the Spanish flu!

    4. But its ok to compare Germany to Italy/Bergamo? Alright... then tell me which country I can compare to which? Maybe NorthDakota and SouthDakota?

    5. Yes sorry this was my fault... i watched the graph of "cases" not deaths.
    But it makes no sense to talk about the effectiveness of vaccination coz my point is the
    virus is not even deadly! (see 1 and 2)

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