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  1. #11
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: The Mike Pence Thread

    Well would you Adam and Eve it? $800 Million????

    The video tape, made public just a month before the 2016 election, showed Mr Trump using lewd and sexually aggressive language to brag about groping and trying to have sex with women, saying “when you’re a star, they let you do it”.

    Its release caused dissent among senior Republicans with a number withdrawing their endorsements and calls for Mr Trump to stand down as the party's candidate, fearing it would severely harm their chances of electoral success.

    It was at this point that Mr Pence reportedly plotted a coup against his running mate, going to the Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Reince Priebus and offering to stand in Mr Trump's place as the presidential nominee.
    As a deeply religious man, Mr Pence was said to be "beside himself" over Mr Trump's comments on the tape.
    Mr Pence's wife Karen was even more disgusted and called Mr Trump "reprehensible - just totally vile", the US magazine the Atlantic reported.

    More here-

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  2. #12
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    Default Re: The Mike Pence Thread

    Mike Pence had planned to visit 'the Holy Land' before Christmas, but the President chose to formally recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the hostility this created has forced Pence to postpone the visit until the New Year, if even that goes ahead.

    I have been trying to work out what kind of Christian Mike Pence is, having been born into an Irish Catholic family but in recent years becoming close to 'evangelical' Christians. It is one of those puzzling aspects of Christianity when, particularly in the USA, its believers appear to support conservative policies that surely are not Christian -one would expect a Christian to support community funded health care and education, rather than leave it to market forces, while the mere existence of so many poor and homeless people in the USA makes one wonder if there are any Christians there at all.

    If there is one thing I note, it is the extent to which many of these 'Evangelical Christians' appear to me to have replaced the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels, with an ideology of liberation in which the signal components are recognising Jesus as the Son of God who will return to Earth to cleanse it of its sins, and usher in an eternity of happiness, sending un-believers and sinners into an eternity of damnation. From this discourse one gets the need for personal spiritual change, which is fine, but change that has little to do with the daily problems of poverty and homelessness, and more to do with the 'preparations' for the Second Coming. Conservative policies on abortion, opposition to same-sex relations as well as marriage, and an even stranger attachment to the 'nation' (something Jesus would surely not accept) do not enable these Christians to demonstrate their faith through positive and humble acts, but in opposition to something they see threatening their narrative.

    Thus Pence as a Congressman and then Governor of Idaho constantly attacked LGBTQ rights, constantly fought to have the fetus recognized as a person from the moment of conception, and argued that 'liberal' policies on abortion and marriage were threatening the very foundation of the USA in terms of 'God, Family and Country'.

    But again and again, one comes across this near obsession with the End of Time, the 'tribulations', the identification of Jerusalem or more vaguely 'Israel' as the place where it will all happen, and, crucially, that unhappiness will be replace by happiness, sin with purity, the temporary life with life eternal. it is also most peculiar that Evangelical Christians sometimes call themselves 'Christian Zionists' yet believe the Jews whom they support as Israelis, must convert to Christianity or be damned -one is even tempted to say, be consigned to the fires of hell if they do not, having made the mistake of not recognizing Jesus when they could have 2,000 years ago. Some holocaust that might be. Does it mean Pence is just a Nazi with a smile on his face? A bit harsh, but surely he too must believe it is a mistake to be a Jew?

    I can understand key components of Christianity in the promise of the Resurrection and the Life to Come, but I do wonder if this fixation on the end of time enables some Christians to cross over to the other side of the road when they see a homeless person, because this is just a temporary problem that need not concern them.

    And to me that is not Christianity in action.

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    Last edited by Stavros; 12-23-2017 at 03:03 AM.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: The Mike Pence Thread

    My fuzzy memory ain't what it used to be, But I seem to recall that Pence was a last minute move by Kushner, Trump was leaning towards Chris "fatso" Christie. Trump had been making those ridiculous claims that his #1 Book was the Bible, but his knowledge was #2, as in Two Corinthians. I'm sure the Trump kids thought Pence was a good 180 degrees balancer of Pop's pussygrabbing, and all.
    I think the thing about Evangelicals and Pro-Lifers is it's like the best Insurance Policy on keeping the FAMILY together. Blind Faith. It's got nothing to do with Jesus or God.
    If you ever go to a troubled youth support group and mention that your friends always let you down in the end, your family is all you can really depend on, you'll get a lot of blank stares.
    This site is probably as good an example as any of what scares Evangelicals the most! Know-It-All Liberals, So you see, it's your fault, luring those kids to the big cities for unholy sex and methedrine.
    Pence won't say when he found out about Flynn, and if he goes down with the ship, rank and file Republicans are looking at collusion with the most disgraceful administration maybe ever. Like the Book of Revelations!!! Maybe that explains some of the odd turnabout behavior that seems to be going on with the Republicans. Circle the Wagons! I think there are signs this could be big. With that crew they had in the White House and during the Campaign, I'm going to go out on a limb and predict the worse that could happen did happen. Pence will have to take his damning oath on the Bible, that's what you get for mixing politics with religion. Like Game of Thrones. Repent!

    World Class Asshole

  4. #14
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    Default Re: The Mike Pence Thread

    Aha! America you were fooled -his name is Pounce, not Pence!
    If I were you, I would take out a liable action and sue his ars. God Bless Eureka!

  5. #15
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    Default Re: The Mike Pence Thread

    I have been very rude toward Pence, but yesterday he did the right thing, risking much from the ranks of Trump supporters, so on this occasion I have nothing bad to say about him.

    It was a point of interest that he was not seen at the White House when the 45th President left for Andrews Air Base, and wasn't there either for the 'farewell' (or 'See ya later!) speech.

    But he and his wife did have the elementary courtesy to attend the Inauguration -Pence having dealt with Kamala Harris with the decency the transition deserves- was welcomed because of it, and part of the ritual which sees the senior members of the Senate and the House and the incoming couple stand on the steps of the Capital while the VP exits to a waiting limousine.

    The question now is whether Pence thinks he can rescue the Republican Party from the kind of people who wanted to hang him -or so they said- or look at the wreckage and decide a quiet life in Idaho is more tempting. I assume he will write a book, though I am not sure what he has to say.

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  6. #16
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    Default Re: The Mike Pence Thread

    Nurse! Come quickly!

    "Former President Donald Trump issued a rambling, incoherent statement on Tuesday that was filled with nonsense about the 2020 election, the January 6 committee, and a demand for the panel to investigate Mike Pence, his vice president of four years."

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  7. #17
    Silver Poster yodajazz's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Mike Pence Thread

    Sounds like he is losing his mind. He only seems to believe his own 'logic', and none other.  That is the negative effect of surrounding yourself with yes people. But he said in 2016, that the only way he could lose was by fraud. Positive thinking, yes, but underneath it all, it is irrational.

  8. #18
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: The Mike Pence Thread

    The problem is not Trump believing this nonsense. The problem is 60% of Republican voters also believing it, and Republican politicians who probably don't believe it choosing to pander to them.

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  9. #19
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    Default Re: The Mike Pence Thread

    So, yesterday was Mike Pence day, Team Normal, the Hero who Saved America....only the man wasn't there. Why not? Is Pence a coward?

    Two links, Pence as coward, and the preposterous idea there was a Team Trump and a Team Normal...

    Pence the ‘hero’ who foiled Trump’s plot – could it lead to a 2024 run? | Mike Pence | The Guardian

    The January 6 hearings aren’t acknowledging the elephant in the room | Thomas Zimmer | The Guardian

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  10. #20
    Senior Member 5 Star Poster KnightHawk 2.0's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Mike Pence Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    So, yesterday was Mike Pence day, Team Normal, the Hero who Saved America....only the man wasn't there. Why not? Is Pence a coward?

    Two links, Pence as coward, and the preposterous idea there was a Team Trump and a Team Normal...

    Pence the ‘hero’ who foiled Trump’s plot – could it lead to a 2024 run? | Mike Pence | The Guardian

    The January 6 hearings aren’t acknowledging the elephant in the room | Thomas Zimmer | The Guardian
    Even though he stood up too Donald-D.A.M.N-Trump on Wednesday January 6th 2021,and did his job by certifying the results of the 2020 Presidental Election,Mike Pence is a still a coward because he should've said something months earlier.

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