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  1. #41
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is anybody travelling whilst being unvaccinated??

    Quote Originally Posted by benbutton1 View Post
    Did grooby delete posts of someone owning him again? Typical.
    It was a spill over from an argument on another forum, on a different topic. So yeah, he's banned for a month. You can go the same way if you want?

    "Yeah, assuredly. The guy who sets the tone for clownery on his own forum is "sensible and logical". No one perceives you that way. You're unprofessional and an intellectual lightweight."
    "And not sour, just putting you in your place again."

    Don't like how this site runs, then either skip those topics or go elsewhere.
    I'll argue, and rarely delete/ban people but this ass has a history, and you can join him.

    So 'owning me again'. LOL. Dream on.

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  2. #42
    Senior Member Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: Is anybody travelling whilst being unvaccinated??

    I'm sure there are many other right-wing websites you can post your questions/comments... maybe a website run by Nigel Farage or Novak Djokovic?

    Its so, so sad to see you go.

    2 out of 3 members liked this post.
    Look Marge, I'm reading The Economist, did you know Indonesia is at a crossroads?

  3. #43
    Gold Poster
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    Default Re: Is anybody travelling whilst being unvaccinated??

    Anti-vaxxers always seem surprised that people think their choice to refuse safe, effective vaccines during a pandemic damages their credibility.

    It would be like someone who routinely takes a dump in the street acting indignant that people think it says something about them. "You think taking a shit in the street means I don't care about public sanitation?" It's like yes fella we do. And ignoring the medical consensus about vaccines during a pandemic probably means most of what you say is nonsense.

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  4. #44
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Is anybody travelling whilst being unvaccinated??

    Quote Originally Posted by TSaddicted View Post
    Lol "this guy"

    Well this guy is required to test himself everyday for work. Never had covid and wear a mask everyday.

    I love the generalisation of assuming all unvaccinated pretty don't give an f about others. What a clown LMAO
    If you are a vaccine resister who accepts that Covid is a serious risk then you must be in a small minority, judging by the people attending anti-mandate protests.

    You declared yourself as holding a controversial viewpoint without any explanation. Seriously, what did you expect? Perhaps you should have anticipated the likely reaction and been more careful about how you presented yourself.

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  5. #45
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Is anybody travelling whilst being unvaccinated??

    Quote Originally Posted by TSaddicted View Post
    I'm done
    Evidently you are not, as you just downvoted my three posts in this thread. What do you hope to gain from this display of petulance?

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  6. #46
    Member Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: Is anybody travelling whilst being unvaccinated??

    I just want to pose a question to the anti-vaxxers out there.

    As you all feel you are pseudo-scientists and don't trust the mRNA technology used to create the covid vaccine, if for example, scientists came up with a way to vaccinate against HIV or Ebola, would you refuse that? Would all of you suck the dick of an unvaccinated escort knowing she could have protected herself and you against HIV?

    Furthermore, are all of you anti-vaxxers going to turn on school boards across the country and state that the MMR and DTaP are no longer necessary or are those ok because they are old technology that were never politicized?

    The inescapable problem here is not really the efficacy of the vaccine but the fact that politics have invaded medicine in a way that even surpasses how politics has invaded abortion rights or any other issue before and most people, both pro-vaxxers and anti-vaxxers are not able to dissociate the two.

    I am fortunate to know many doctors and nearly all fall into the 1% category in the US (income over $420k). Some are republican and some are democrats. None that I know are anti-vaxxers. I just don't understand how someone lets a talking head or politician get involved in their medical relationship with their doctor that further endangers themselves and people around them.

    Finally, I am not going to cite studies because the problem is, whatever study i cite that is pro-vaccine, an anti-vaxxer will produce something contrary and we would have to go tit-for-tat for days. All the evidence I need is as follows....

    My wife, daughter (age 5) and myself are all vaxxed. My son is too young but once approved, he will get the shot. I am an organ recipient who is on immunosuppressants as I received a kidney in 2017. I never stopped going to work nor did my wife at any time during the pandemic. We both have very public facing jobs which require us to interact with pro-vaxxers and anti-vaxxers every day. My job requires me to be around the sick, underserved and socio-economically disadvantaged daily. My daughter's school has shut down 11 times since June 2020 for a covid outbreak in her classroom be it another student or a teacher. We changed next to nothing about our lives and as soon as life started to re-open, we were back to traveling, eating out, going to amusement parks, etc.....My wife, my daughter and myself have never gotten covid. I am sure there are plenty of anti-vaxxers who have never gotten covid either and to them I say, you are lucky, because in Moderna (and Pfizer for my daughter) I trust.

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  7. #47
    Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Is anybody travelling whilst being unvaccinated??

    Quote Originally Posted by TSaddicted View Post
    Wow. I honestly haven't heard anything so nasty in years! I don't even want to associate myself with such a disgusting comment. I'm trying to find where I can delete this thread.

    I'm done
    It is possible to be both nasty and true at the same time you know.

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    Tgirl lover

  8. #48
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Is anybody travelling whilst being unvaccinated??

    Quote Originally Posted by iHeart_PONG View Post
    I am fortunate to know many doctors and nearly all fall into the 1% category in the US (income over $420k). Some are republican and some are democrats. None that I know are anti-vaxxers. I just don't understand how someone lets a talking head or politician get involved in their medical relationship with their doctor that further endangers themselves and people around them.
    This is the key point. Anyone who is a vaccine resistor is saying effectively that virtually the whole medical profession around the world is engaged in some conspiracy to mislead the public - yet the same people take umbrage at being labelled cranks. Would any of you care to explain why this is not the case?

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  9. #49
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Is anybody travelling whilst being unvaccinated??

    Quote Originally Posted by iHeart_PONG View Post
    The inescapable problem here is not really the efficacy of the vaccine but the fact that politics have invaded medicine in a way that even surpasses how politics has invaded abortion rights or any other issue before and most people, both pro-vaxxers and anti-vaxxers are not able to dissociate the two.
    The degree of politicisation seen in the US isn't a universal thing. In many countries there has been bipartisan support for vaccination and consequently vaccination rates are much higher. Where I'm from in Australia around 95% of adults are now vaccinated. That suggests that much of the scepticism about these vaccines is not natural, but has been manufactured.

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  10. #50
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Is anybody travelling whilst being unvaccinated??

    It's interesting that not a single vaccine sceptic has been prepared to explain or defend their position, even though they usually complain that their views are misrepresented. There must be a few of you around, judging by the like/dislike numbers.

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