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  1. #1
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Jul 2008

    Default Hey, Hey! McConaughey!

    Is Texas going to get a new Governor next year? And it will it be Hollywood hearthrob Matthew McConaughey? He seems to be thinking seriously about it, just as others wonder if he will attach himself to a party or run as an Independent. He lives in Austin, so maybe he can start The Weird Party?

    Coz this is kinda weird-
    "“I’ve said this analogy a few times before, but someone told me: ‘There ain’t nothing in the middle but dead armadillos and yellow lines.’ I said, ‘Well, I’m walking right down the yellow lines, right in the middle of the highway right now. And the armadillos are free having a great time, because right now, both sides are so far to the right or the left, there aren’t even tires on the pavement.’”

    Some amusing typos in this link ('a statewide electron'?)

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Hey, Hey! McConaughey!

    Will he run or will he not?

    "The 52-year-old actor said at The New York Times DealBook summit on Tuesday (9 November) he’s not against vaccinations but “couldn’t mandate having to vaccinate the younger kids” without more information.
    The Interstellar actor added that both he and his wife are fully vaccinated against the novel coronavirus and that they “chose” to receive the shots instead of being told to get them.
    “Do I think that there’s any kind of scam or conspiracy theory? Hell no,” McConaughey said. “We all got to get off that narrative. There’s not a conspiracy theory on the vaccines,” he added.
    Despite that, he said he will wait to find out more about the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines for young children before signing up his own kids.
    “Right now, I’m not vaccinating mine, I’ll tell you that,” the Academy Award winner said."

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Hey, Hey! McConaughey!

    Respect to the man referred to by Fox News as 'Someone from Hollywood', rather than 'Someone from Uvalde'.

    You can tell he feels it, he gets it, he wants change. But if he now regrets not running against a worthless hypocrite like Abbott, and supposing he won, would he have the support to implement the changes he says most Americans want, when the votes where it matters are with the Guns rather than the People?

    And would publishing the photos of mutilated children sway the Opinions of the Gun Nuts? I regret to say I don't think so. A pact has been formed, with 'the Devil', signed in the blood of Evangelical Christians.

    Matthew McConaughey pounds White House lectern in anger over gun deaths | The Independent

    Fox News host calls Matthew McConaughey ‘someone from Hollywood’ in response to emotive gun control speech | The Independent

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