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  1. #21
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Apr 2010

    Default Re: The Mike Pence Thread

    Pence's conduct reminds me of Churchill's famous comment about Americans: he did the right thing in the end, but only after exhausting all the other possibilities.

    One of the many disheartening aspects of this whole thing is that so many of the Republicans who have been willing to call out Trump's behaviour still say they would vote for him if he was the nominee in 2024. Even though they have been subject to personal abuse from Trump, threats to end their careers and harassment from his supporters.

    You really have to wonder at the cognitive dissonance involved in this. These people obviously recognise that Trump has egregiously violated ethical and constitutional standards, yet are willing to give him free rein to do the same again.

    Last edited by filghy2; 06-23-2022 at 04:12 AM.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Jul 2008

    Default Re: The Mike Pence Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by filghy2 View Post
    Pence's conduct reminds me of Churchill's famous comment about Americans: he did the right thing in the end, but only after exhausting all the other possibilities.

    One of the many disheartening aspects of this whole thing is that so many of the Republicans who have been willing to call out Trump's behaviour still say they would vote for him if he was the nominee in 2024. Even though they have been subject to personal abuse from Trump, threats to end their careers and harassment from his supporters.

    You really have to wonder at the cognitive dissonance involved in this. These people obviously recognise that Trump has egregiously violated ethical and constitutional standards, yet are willing to give him free rein to do the same again.
    I agree, and can only assume that there is no cognitive dissonance, but cowardice on the part of men like Pence who don't think Black people are fit for public office, who think Mexicans are great if they are legal, and gardeners; and that women have had it all since 1970 but now its time to remind them they only exist to cook, clean and breed. The American obsession with God and Prayer remains something that endures because it allows White so-called Christians to identify with the Pioneers they tell you built their country. I assume their message to the Taliban dealing with an earthquake would be 'Pray to God, for God answers your prayers'.

    On the other hand, the hearings and the other incidences you mention expose how detached these people are from the values that are embedded in the Constitution, given that their loyalty to one man as their ruler, a 'Monarch' if you please, undoes the purpose of the American Revolution. But again, some of the more extreme people reject 1776 and think the time has come for a new Revolution that will create the America they want, not what the majority want. It also reflects the breakdown of policy making, as the emphasis now is not on the Debt, or Housing, or the management of the USA's water resources and soil -critical though these are in the South-West- but the replacement of policy making with slogans about Guns, Family and Race, in the form of an hostility to CRT based on the view that it promotes 'hatred', a bit rich coming from people who have lived their lives on it.

    I am still perplexed at a country where the 2nd Amendment can refer to 'a well organized militia' and think this means every individual has the right to walk around with battlefield weapons. The Democrats seem unable to present an articulate vision for their country based on positive views of what the future holds, just on guns they are terrified of doing the right thing. The country is in the grip of a megalomaniac who spends all his time looking backwards at something bad that happened to him, and the men and women you refer to seem to be just as obsessed, just as hopeless, which is the one word that sums up the country right now.

    Track back and you may agree on the basis of Tucker Carlson, Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell, that the Watergate burglary would be presented as an 'inside job' of the 'Deep State', the attacks on Nixon a 'witch-hunt' 'the like of which has never been seen in history', and Vietnam a glorious victory. Even Churchill's bombast never sank into a swamp of lies like this crowd.

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  3. #23
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: The Mike Pence Thread

    "Of the meeting in November 2020, the former vice-president writes: “In the end, that day the president made the fateful decision to put Giuliani and [attorney] Sidney Powell in charge of the legal strategy … The seeds were being sown for a tragic day in January.”
    "By openly blaming Trump for events leading to the January 6 insurrection, when a pro-Trump mob attacked the US Capitol in an attempt to overturn Joe Biden’s election victory, Pence risks angering Republicans he must court as he considers the next nomination for president."
    Pence blames Trump for events leading to January 6 in new memoir | Politics books | The Guardian

    No surprises at the title of his book: So Help Me God. He's going to need more than that.

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