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  1. #1
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Will Ron Run Do or is Da Ron Doo Doo?

    I admit I don't know much about DeSantis, other than the reports I read in the press.

    Is he the going to run, or is he just Doo Doo? To stand against Trump must be a risk of being showered in the abuse only New York's most famous Rent Collector can deliver.

    There is always the song to fall back on, if you want some real fun.

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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Will Ron Run Do or is Da Ron Doo Doo?

    I know Americans 'have God', but to some this may suggest there is no God at all...

    "Florida’s GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis released his latest campaign ad Friday, and it’s out of this world.
    After creating light, the sun, the moon, stars, Earth, plants, animals and normal humans, God made “fighter” DeSantis, according to the eye-popping campaign pitch.
    “On the eighth day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, ‘I need a protector,’” intoned a God-like voice on the black-and-white video."
    Holy Hell: On 8th Day 'God Made' Ron DeSantis, Says New Campaign Ad (

    He's gonna need a whole lot of love....

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  3. #3
    Cynical Idealist 5 Star Poster Fitzcarraldo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Will Ron Run Do or is Da Ron Doo Doo?

    And Trump (or his team, at least) nicknamed him "Ron DeSanctimonious."

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    "We can't seem to cure them of the idea that our everyday life is only an illusion, behind which lies the reality of dreams."--Old Missionary, Fitzcarraldo

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Will Ron Run Do or is Da Ron Doo Doo?

    DeSantis does not have Trump’s charisma, not even close. He will not be able to capture the media attention that Trump did, which was a huge factor in Trump’s favor. DeSantis is bland and stiff (but with good hair - that’s about it). He also lacks political skill, in my estimation. He’s shown questionable judgement (having the state of Florida pay for refugees in Texas to be bussed to “blue” states for example). Besides Trump, serious presidential candidates don’t usually engage in stunts.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Will Ron Run Do or is Da Ron Doo Doo?

    Quote Originally Posted by Luke Warm View Post
    DeSantis does not have Trump’s charisma, not even close. He will not be able to capture the media attention that Trump did, which was a huge factor in Trump’s favor. DeSantis is bland and stiff (but with good hair - that’s about it). He also lacks political skill, in my estimation. He’s shown questionable judgement (having the state of Florida pay for refugees in Texas to be bussed to “blue” states for example). Besides Trump, serious presidential candidates don’t usually engage in stunts.
    Thank you for your thoughts. All I can say right now, is that if De Santis does want to run, and I have read some think he would prefer a title fight in 2038, his problem is that with his views and policies he is not going to appeal to non-Republican voters, or disaffected Democrats or even 'swing' voters. Thereagain, if he has seen the writing on the wall with regard to Abortion, he might change his views to broaden his appeal. Or are the Republicans locked into a political culture that makes liberal change impossible?

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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Will Ron Run Do or is Da Ron Doo Doo?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    Thank you for your thoughts. All I can say right now, is that if De Santis does want to run, and I have read some think he would prefer a title fight in 2038, his problem is that with his views and policies he is not going to appeal to non-Republican voters, or disaffected Democrats or even 'swing' voters. Thereagain, if he has seen the writing on the wall with regard to Abortion, he might change his views to broaden his appeal. Or are the Republicans locked into a political culture that makes liberal change impossible?
    Absolutely zero chance that DeSantis - a Christian Conservative - will modify his abortion position. One of DeSantis’ selling points is that he is a hard liner, someone who doesn’t waver on his positions. He is not going to reach out in an attempt to find compromises with people he disagrees with.

    The battle playing out within the GOP is not about changing policies versus not changing policies. Those policies are already set in stone. The battle is about tactics (arguing over Trump’s style and delivery) and whether the party should stick with Trump (and Trumpism) who they believe delivered results (but lost) or should they look to fresher faces, because those people can push the exact same policies without the drama that Trump brings.

    Since you’re not American it’s likely that you miss some of the nuances of our politics. When you read our media and see conservative opinion writers like Jennifer Rubin (Washington Post) or David Brooks (NY Times) arguing against Trumpism or the hard tilt towards authoritarianism that Republicans have taken, you must realize that they have no constituencies, they represent almost no actual Republican voters

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Will Ron Run Do or is Da Ron Doo Doo?

    I agree with your post Luke Warm, but wonder if the policies 'set in stone' can ever crumble. The Florida court for example, has said of the 'Freedom Act' and the ' Stop WOKE' act (and this appears at least to be an acronym for 'Wongs to Our Kids and Employees Act') that its interpretation of Freedom is contrary to the Constitution, and 'positively dystopianl'-

    "“Defendants argue that, under this act, professors enjoy ‘academic freedom’ so long as they express only those viewpoints of which the State approves. This is positively dystopian.”‘".
    Positively dystopian’: judge blocks key parts of Florida’s ‘Stop-Woke’ law (

    As your post indicates, the consolidation of sectarian politics appears to be immune to change, and while many of Trump's candidates in the mid-terms lost, more than 170 won, and in the House it is said priority will be given not to policies that benefit Districts -tackling homelessness, crime, deficienies in education, transport, etc- but attacking Joe Biden and is family.

    And yet there is some evidence across the US that a lot of voters have wearied of this 'attack politics' and want policies that relate to their everyday lives to take priority.

    I wonder if this makes a Republican victory in 2024 less likely, if they are so resistant to change? De Santis might win the votes in Florida and Texas, but I doubt he can win over California or the North Eastern States. And I guess this consolidates the idea that Republican States that no longer believe in the Constitution will just carry on doing their own thing. America is a divided country, and I don't see any way that the divisions can be healed. And in some cases, it appears politicians don't want to heal them, but deepen them.

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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Will Ron Run Do or is Da Ron Doo Doo?

    I think Rupert maybe finally turning on Donald Trump:

    New York Post Takes Aim at Trump, and Hits a Nerve

    I think this one is my favorite:

    Then, on Wednesday, the paper relegated Mr. Trump’s announcement about his latest run for president to a small headline at the bottom of the page: “Florida Man Makes Announcement.”

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  9. #9
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    Default Re: Will Ron Run Do or is Da Ron Doo Doo?

    Quote Originally Posted by Luke Warm View Post
    When you read our media and see conservative opinion writers like Jennifer Rubin (Washington Post) or David Brooks (NY Times) arguing against Trumpism or the hard tilt towards authoritarianism that Republicans have taken, you must realize that they have no constituencies, they represent almost no actual Republican voters
    Quoting myself here (roll eyes) to add that even though there is scant “anti Trump” sentiment among Republican voters, the hope is that there’s enough of a schism that keeps a few anti-Trump Republicans staying at home on Election Day, enough to keep Republicans out of the White House. Or if Trump isn’t the nominee, then some Republicans stay home because Trump is the only candidate they really want. Because it’s a cult of personality.

  10. #10
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Will Ron Run Do or is Da Ron Doo Doo?

    The Trump-De Santis contest (assuming it occurs) will be a test of one key question: do Republican supporters want a leader to implement a policy agenda or do they just want a performance artist to nurture their grievances and attack their enemies? What we know about Trump is that he has no idea about policy and is mainly interested in getting revenge for losing the Presidency.

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