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  1. #1
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Jul 2008

    Default Republican Socialism: Dictatorship in Drag

    I spent some time watching the House Rules Committee debate a non-binding resolution condemning Socialism, albeit as ill-defined as only Americans can make it.

    Maxine Waters takes on a Republican Congressman over his demand she denounce Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, Kim Jong-un, and others, while she retorts he should denounce Donald Trump given his love for dictators. So far, so much fun, if useless banter that merely reveals the stupefying ignorance of the 'Gentleman' from Pennsylvania.

    If you watch more you will come to a Kentucky Representative who at least tries to define Socialism in America in terms of the percentage of Federal spending in the economy, to indicate where the State is doing what a free market ought to do, though one also notes the real issue here is whether or not Republicans will seek cuts to Medicare and Social Security.

    The oddity here, is that if you then take a trip to Florida you might ask if it is Freedom, or Socialism when the State takes over Colleges, determining who can work there, and what they can teach -banning courses on Critical Race Theory, Gender issues and pretty much anything else Ron De Santis doesn't like.

    Isn't this closer to how the USSR was run? Is Ron De Santis Stalin in Drag? Maybe he needs to grow a moustache?

    Or is Florida the Islamic Republic of Iran in Drag?

    Socialism in America has no meaning, because Americans don't know what it is. The links below I hope will help.

    And for the record, Socialism is the natural condition of humanity.

    Maxine Waters and the Rules Committee-
    Maxine Waters Hilariously Shuts Down GOP Rep. By Focusing On Trump’s Love Of Dictators (

    Florida -White Capitalist America dresses up as Central Command: dictatorship in drag
    Ron DeSantis and the New Campus Free Speech Crisis (

    And give everyone guns
    Maxine Waters takes GOP lawmaker to school over bogus 'socialism' claims (

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Republican Socialism: Dictatorship in Drag

    Here is a telling quote from Stalin De Santis-

    "Addressing a news conference in the Gulf coast city of Bradenton, the governor declared that all students graduating from public universities in his state would henceforth be required to take general education courses that will include “actual history and actual philosophy that have shaped western civilization”. "
    DeSantis ramps up ‘war on woke’ with new attacks on Florida higher education | Ron DeSantis | The Guardian

    In the 1930s in the USSR wasn't this students being required to take a course in Marxism-Leninism?

    Democracy in action -when the Democratically Governor decides who will be hired, and what students learn. But when the Governor is not a Democrat, what does this mean over the long term for the quality of education in Florida? The decisions are his decisions, not yours as US Citizens or Citizens of Florida, nor the employees of Schools, Universities or Colleges, and the parents of the students either don't get to say anything, or are only recruited to do so if they publicly endorse the policies of
    The Great Patriotic Warrior.

    Florida today, Ohio tomorrow (see that video by JD Vance)....then where?

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Republican Socialism: Dictatorship in Drag

    Stalin DeSantis will instruct you in what you can read, what you can think, and emulate the Taliban in Afghanistan and their Pakistan cousins with their intrusive list of 'things to do if you are female' to OBEY the GOVERNOR

    "As for the activities that are still permitted in schools, DeSantis seems determined to make them as invasive, dangerous, and unpleasant as possible. His administration is weighing whether to require all girls on school athletic teams to answer detailed questions about their menstrual periods in order to participate in sports. The interrogations could come as DeSantis fights to keep trans girls out of sports, and as his Florida Republican party moves to tighten Florida’s abortion ban from an already-strict 15 weeks, to six. The questions would likely discourage sports participation for teenage girls, who would be made to face invasive, intimate, and embarrassing inquiries from prurient adults as a precondition of their athletic lives."
    Schools and universities are ground zero for America’s culture war (

    And if a girl doesn't menstruate because she is anorexic, will she be sentenced to a week in Prison or sent to the Gulag? Why not?

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