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  1. #21
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    Default Re: 2024 Election: Wishin' and Hopin'

    Quote Originally Posted by filghy2 View Post
    It looks like the courageous MrF has gone back to blocking us. I'm not sure what the point of joining discussions is if a person refuses to explain or defend what they've posted.
    I don't see the point of blocking someone. It is possible to read posts without logging in, so all of them will be listed and if Mr Fanti or anyone else doesn't want to read someone else's post, they won't. As Mr Fanti rarely goes into any discussion about his views, I guess we must just accept he doesn't want to, disappointing though it is.

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  2. #22
    Senior Member Silver Poster MrFanti's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2024 Election: Wishin' and Hopin'

    Quote Originally Posted by Luke Warm View Post
    100% yes. That was a winning formula in 2020 so why change it? I think the general consensus among Democrats is that Biden is doing much better than people expected, and overall this administration has had some success. Switching to another VP candidate would be like admitting there was a big problem with Kamala when a big problem doesn’t really exist.

    If you see polls saying that Kamala has unfavorable polling, just ignore it, it’s meaningless. Nobody votes for who the VP candidate is. Some people dislike her because she’s not liberal enough, some people dislike her because she’s too liberal, some people dislike her because they don’t understand the job of VP is mainly backup. The reasons that some people dislike her are all over the board, there is no single reason all those people can agree on. At the end of the day, she will be running with Biden in 2024 again, and all those democrats who told pollsters that they don’t like Kamala (or Biden) will still vote Democratic. Again. Because the alternative is considered much worse.
    Kamala Harris Trashed In White House Leak: 2 Former Officials Say Joe Biden 'Irked' By VEEP For Not 'Rising to Occasion' Or Taking 'Anything Off His Plate'

    "I am, a SIGMA Male...

  3. #23
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    Default Re: 2024 Election: Wishin' and Hopin'

    Has any Vice-President been the target of such hostile press coverage in the way that Kamala Harris has been and continues to be? Given that Vice-Presidents tend to be in the shadow of the President, and I guess it is up to him to give the VP tasks, I wonder if the fact that the current Vice-President is a Woman, and a Woman of Colour is the motivation. The Murdoch Press hates her. The Barclay owned Telegraph is relentless in its attacks on her.

    Even some people on HungAngels detest her, without saying why.

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  4. #24
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: 2024 Election: Wishin' and Hopin'

    Quote Originally Posted by MrFanti View Post
    Let's also not forget that Black America support for Harris was so abysmal - she dropped out of contention without even making it to the primaries.

    Kamala Harris flames out: Black people didn't trust her, and they were wise not to
    Did MrF actually read this article he posted? It claims that black people did not support her because she was too tough on crime and didn't push police reform when she was AG. Isn't that what he said he wanted?

    Quote Originally Posted by MrFanti View Post
    Agreed 100%
    What the Democrats are AFRAID of is stopping all this violence in THEIR cities!
    Quote Originally Posted by MrFanti View Post
    Here's an interesting data point:
    81 Percent of Black Americans Want the Same Level, or More, of Police Presence: Gallup

    Last edited by filghy2; 03-26-2023 at 08:11 AM.

  5. #25
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    Default Re: 2024 Election: Wishin' and Hopin'

    Two more names for the hat-

    Asa Hutchinson, as in...who?

    Joe Manchin, perhaps...but why? Hasn't he had enough publicity for one lifetime?

    And so far this all looks like a list of losers.

    Asa Hutchinson announces candidacy for Republican presidential nomination | US elections 2024 | The Guardian

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  6. #26
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: 2024 Election: Wishin' and Hopin'

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    Asa Hutchinson, as in...who?
    He's the only one not echoing Trump's line on the indictment. How hard would it be for these people to just say something like "I have concerns, but let's wait to see how the process works out"? How do they expect to beat Trump if they are afraid to criticise him?

  7. #27
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    Default Re: 2024 Election: Wishin' and Hopin'

    Another one lights the rust-

    "Robert F Kennedy Jr, an anti-vaccine activist and scion of one of the most famous American political families, is running for president."

    -Running for the Democrat Party nomination because as yet the Party of Cranks and Weirdos has not been registered. Scary.

    "A photo posted on Instagram showed Kennedy backstage at a July 2021 Reawaken America event with the Trump ally Roger Stone, former national security adviser Michael Flynn and anti-vaccine profiteer Charlene Bollinger. All three have promoted the lie about the 2020 election being stolen.

    Bollinger has appeared with Kennedy at multiple events. She and her husband sponsored an anti-vaccine, pro-Trump rally near the Capitol on January 6. Bollinger celebrated the attack and her husband tried to enter the Capitol. Kennedy later appeared in a video for their Super Pac."
    Anti-vaccine activist Robert Kennedy Jr announces run for president | US politics | The Guardian

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  8. #28
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    Default Re: 2024 Election: Wishin' and Hopin'

    'From cotton to Congress' -I think this is going to need some more spin...and credibility?

    Tim Scott Launches 2024 Presidential Exploratory Committee (

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  9. #29
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    Default Re: 2024 Election: Wishin' and Hopin'

    Lmaoooo at framing any issue with CRT as "anti black racism"

    I guess intellectuals like fucking JOHN MCWORTER are racist. Absolute fucking clowns on this board!

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  10. #30
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    Default Re: 2024 Election: Wishin' and Hopin'

    Quote Originally Posted by dirkmcgee View Post
    Lmaoooo at framing any issue with CRT as "anti black racism"

    I guess intellectuals like fucking JOHN MCWORTER are racist. Absolute fucking clowns on this board!
    It is a pity you don't offer a more detailed complaint. I understand the frustration some people have with so-called 'Third Wave' this and that, be it Feminism or Race, but it comes from decades of disappointment bordering on rage, that the gains that were made in the 1960s have been successfully targeted by the political Right in the US, crucially on the right to vote.

    I have been reading the sequence of articles in The Guardian on Slavery, Cotton and Manchester (where The Guardian was first published) but have found the argument on Reparations hard to take for reasons I might elaborate in another thread. I understand that Reparations means more than financial compensation, and that it seeks an overhaul of the mind-set or mentality that supports a Race-based interpretation of history, and the contemporary practices that some argue disadvantage Black people in a systemic manner.

    CRT to my mind offers a powerful critique of the way in which the law has been used since the end of the Civil War, to either limit or even deny the Freedom that was guaranteed in the 14th Amendment, and in numerous laws passed since then. For while McWorter can attack 'Third Wave' of 'Woke AntiRacism' he understands how in the aftermath of the Civil War, Black Americans rather than go berserk across the South murdering their former 'owners', used education and opportunity to succeed across a variety of ways of life, in particular being elected to public office. But of the 700 or so Black Elected Officials c1880, by 1905 there were none. The age of Black advancement was matched by the emergence of the KKK, for the simple reason that some White folks refused to accept that any Black person be regarded as their equal. McWorter is aware of the 'Jim Crow' era and condemns it.

    Now consider how, 100 years after the end of the Civil War, the Johnson Administration and Congress combined to reverse the reversals, end segregation and create a more level playing field for Black Americans -and how, when the ink was barely dry on the Voting Rights Act of 1965 the 'political Right' began to organize against everything that the 1960s tried to do, including rights for Women and what we now call LGBTQ+ communities and individuals. And also bear in mind that this movement against Freedom has been successful, that Voter Suppression is a reality, that it is not accidental or coincidental, that the Districts which Trump claims 'rigged' or 'stole' his election success in Michigan and Georgia, are in demographic terms, mostly Black.

    The Republicans and their front organizations -the Cato Institute, the Christian Evangelicals, think tanks funded by the Koch Bros and other Billionaires have been on the attack since the 1960s and are not letting go, and have discovered in Trans people a fresh new target, but are also meeting a robust response. Yes, it is ugly, and sometimes over the top, but when people start using words like 'Fascism' or 'Totalitarian' they are disguising the nature of the confrontation, which remains a fundamental problem that some White people have, that they cannot and will not accept that Black people are their equals, and must have equal rights, and this must mean an Equality of Opportunity, and an Equality of Outcome.

    There may be other ways to debate these issues in public, and attempting to make White people feel Guilty for Slavery these days is pointless, but works to get the same people upset, so that nobody wins the argument, and all you get is the ignorant drivel of Donald Trump and Ron De Santis, a diet of grievance, accusation and threats, when they are the people who have moved heaven and earth to turn the clock back to 1860 or for that matter 1660.

    And what are the real issues that the candidates in 2024 should be talking about? Who benefits from this tempest of noise that avoids the hard stuff?

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