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  1. #51
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzcarraldo View Post
    What kind of gun ban?
    This is what he said previously, though as I noted he has expressed numerous positions at different times.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrFanti View Post
    I'm okay with a ban on assault weapons but not a complete gun ban.

  2. #52
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzcarraldo View Post
    Pretty much everything you said there is the opposite of reality.
    How so then?

  3. #53
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    I am not an American so I observe from afar. I think the problem with your post, is that a) it does not distinguish policy-making in the Senate from the House, and b) it does not account for the differences in policy in States run by Democrats or Republicans.

    Further, it seems to me that the Republican Party claims to be 'Conservative' but is a party of Change, ie not Conservation, and that it does not share the values of the Revolution of 1776. The extent to which the Party opposed the freedom of the people to choose their President did not climax on January 6th, but in the outrageous denial that followed that what happened that day was an Insurrection against the United States of America, as defined by the Constitution.

    It is a pity the Democrat Party has been so tame in the last few decades, but has had to confront a divided Congress where bi-partisan compromise is now seen as either surrender or betrayal. Until you Americans address the vicious sectarian nature of your politics and the corruption of Secular Values by States you will not be able to heal yourselves, you will be in a situation today, where regardless of the slaughter of children in Uvalde, Texas, or Nashville, Tennessee, Republicans will make it easier than it was before to purchase battlefield weapons and kiddy-shredder ammo, whose sole purpose is to murder Americans.

    The Republican party speaks about being for freedom, Liberty, the constitution, the Bill of Rights and anything and everything in between. They act like there the freedom fighters but at the end fall flat on their face. There are so many Rino's in the Republican party like Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, lisa murkowski, Brian Fitzpatrick and many others. Who win elections as Republicans but don't really support conservatism or the Republican party.

    Secondly, the reason that we have issues in Washington DC (US CAPITAL) is because the Republican party and the Democratic party. Have two ways of governing this country. The Republicans want one way and the Democrats won another. Yet when the Republicans passed something that the Democrats can't go against. They scream and yell about how heinous and terrible it is. Then when the Democrats passed something the Republicans can't go against. They screaming yell about how heinous and terrible it is. Nobody in Washington as a whole party wants to work together to make United States better.

    Finally, the guns are not the problem with this country's violence. Mental illness, dividing this country, soft on crime and no security are the problems! As I've said before, there are people in power who have been promoting and applauding violent activities. There are people in power like district attorneys who do not prosecute criminals and or support cops to go after criminals. If you look at big cities like Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Portland, Washington, DC and many other big cities. Cities. Every single day there is violent crimes and people dying without a blink or a care by the mayors or DA's of that city. And these major cities are heavily ran by Democrats.

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  4. #54
    Cynical Idealist 5 Star Poster Fitzcarraldo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting

    Spoken like a true bot.

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    "We can't seem to cure them of the idea that our everyday life is only an illusion, behind which lies the reality of dreams."--Old Missionary, Fitzcarraldo

  5. #55
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting

    In countries where it is almost impossible to get access to a gun, or other weapons, like for instance Japan, the crime rate is so much lower than countries like U.S.A.
    It seems so obvious that it is so. Remove the possibility to get access to guns and other weapons and you remove the option to react in a violent, and deadly, way. If dialogue is not an option in some cases, then the option of leaving the "conversation" in peace should be the next.

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  6. #56
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting


    The Republican party speaks about being for freedom, Liberty, the constitution, the Bill of Rights and anything and everything in between. They act like there the freedom fighters but at the end fall flat on their face. There are so many Rino's in the Republican party like Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, lisa murkowski, Brian Fitzpatrick and many others. Who win elections as Republicans but don't really support conservatism or the Republican party.

    - The American Revolution of 1776 was a Liberal Revolution, and thus poses problems for those who call themselves Conservatives.

    In 1776 this meant supporting the retention of British America as a Colony of the British Empire, but clearly the definition has changed since then.
    I suggest that what defines a Conservative in terms of 1776 is a belief that Govt should be limited, taxes and regulations either low or even non-existent. Now look at what happens when the Conservatives are in office, because they might cut taxes (Reagan, GW Bush, Trump) and lift regulations (Trump), but it is not clear that most Americans benefit from these measures. In some cases, eg East Palestine, they suffer.
    Politicians love power, so when they have it they are reluctant to let it go -thus Ron De Santis in Florida imposes bans on textbooks in schools, even the use of words, as in 'Don't Say Gay' because of their sexual content -is the Holy Bible also a banned text? Plenty of sex and violence there!
    Far from Conserving individual liberties, he is interfering with them in pursuit of another agenda. For Conservatives want to conserve policies that Liberal America has dumped -if not Slavery, then Segregation, conserving the Confederacy in all but name and a few details. The Religious element to Conservatism seeks to conserve the censorship of the Hays Code, and the laws that made Homosexuality illegal. They are seeking to roll back every Liberal policy adopted since 1954, but in doing so, cannot thereby defend the aims of the Constitution as a Liberal Document.

    Secondly, the reason that we have issues in Washington DC (US CAPITAL) is because the Republican party and the Democratic party. Have two ways of governing this country. The Republicans want one way and the Democrats won another. Yet when the Republicans passed something that the Democrats can't go against. They scream and yell about how heinous and terrible it is. Then when the Democrats passed something the Republicans can't go against. They screaming yell about how heinous and terrible it is. Nobody in Washington as a whole party wants to work together to make United States better.

    -You have a two party system which may create sectarian divisions, between and within the parties. But bi-partisan legislation is possible, such as the Violence Against Women Act of 1994, and the Disability Integration Act of 2019 sponsored by Democrats and Republicans. Newton Gingrich was a pioneer of sectarian politics which damns everything the opposition wants as 'Anti-American' so that Compromise, essential in an adversarial system like the US, becomes Surrender, or even Betrayal. If you then create a Personality Cult that would embarrass even Stalin, you have the Trump phenomenon, where L'état, c'est moi makes any disagreement a form of treason. Give it some thought, I mean, Trump?

    Finally, the guns are not the problem with this country's violence. Mental illness, dividing this country, soft on crime and no security are the problems! As I've said before, there are people in power who have been promoting and applauding violent activities. There are people in power like district attorneys who do not prosecute criminals and or support cops to go after criminals. If you look at big cities like Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Portland, Washington, DC and many other big cities. Cities. Every single day there is violent crimes and people dying without a blink or a care by the mayors or DA's of that city. And these major cities are heavily ran by Democrats.

    -Guns kill people, that is what they are designed for, or to intimate and wound, just as the bullets guns use these days explode inside the body -shoot a six-year old and the walls and the floor will be splattered with their remains. And if it is the case that mental illness is the primary cause of mass murders, then why give lunatics the weapons they need to kill?

    Here, is the miserable truth, that Republicans literally don't care who gets the guns, or what the consequences are, lifting all restrictions that might at least on some occasions prevent the crime taking place. I regret to say it but only in a deeply sick society is this volume of weapons of human destruction welcomed, not opposed.
    America’s gun lobby counts major legislative victories after Nashville. Republicans shrug off reform (

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  7. #57
    Senior Member Silver Poster MrFanti's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by Mirgofino View Post
    In countries where it is almost impossible to get access to a gun, or other weapons, like for instance Japan, the crime rate is so much lower than countries like U.S.A.
    It seems so obvious that it is so. Remove the possibility to get access to guns and other weapons and you remove the option to react in a violent, and deadly, way. If dialogue is not an option in some cases, then the option of leaving the "conversation" in peace should be the next.
    And the weapons (drugs) are hard to get as well for a number of reasons.
    1) No huge border "leaks" like the USA
    2) Japanese parents educate their kids at an early age that drugs/guns are not the way....thereby reducing the 'demand'...

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    "I am, a SIGMA Male...

  8. #58
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting

    Well Canada has a long border with a country awash with guns. It has long had much stronger gun controls that the US (which were further tightened last year) and it has a much lower rate of gun deaths. That suggests that geography is no barrier to addressing the problem - it's just a question of political will.

  9. #59
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by anonymous123 View Post
    If Democrats actually did their job. These would be less of an issue
    Quote Originally Posted by anonymous123 View Post
    Secondly, the reason that we have issues in Washington DC (US CAPITAL) is because the Republican party and the Democratic party. Have two ways of governing this country.
    Why do you? Keep breaking once sentence into two?

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  10. #60
    Cynical Idealist 5 Star Poster Fitzcarraldo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nashville School Shooting

    Quote Originally Posted by filghy2 View Post
    Well Canada has a long border with a country awash with guns. It has long had much stronger gun controls that the US (which were further tightened last year) and it has a much lower rate of gun deaths. That suggests that geography is no barrier to addressing the problem - it's just a question of political will.
    It also has a tiny, dispersed population, though. Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver are big. That's pretty much it.

    "We can't seem to cure them of the idea that our everyday life is only an illusion, behind which lies the reality of dreams."--Old Missionary, Fitzcarraldo

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