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  1. #161
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: The Murdoch Empire's Greatest Test

    It's interesting that Carlson has gone so quietly. Maybe the Murdochs have some really damaging information on him. A lawsuit over sexism and a hostile work environment doesn't sound enough to cause them to dump their most popular presenter.

  2. #162
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    Default Re: The Murdoch Empire's Greatest Test

    Edit: I'm gonna wait to offer an opinion. I'm actually at a loss over the Tucker situation. Glad he's gone though.

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  3. #163
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: The Murdoch Empire's Greatest Test

  4. #164
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    Default Re: The Murdoch Empire's Greatest Test

    Quote Originally Posted by filghy2 View Post
    It's interesting that Carlson has gone so quietly. Maybe the Murdochs have some really damaging information on him. A lawsuit over sexism and a hostile work environment doesn't sound enough to cause them to dump their most popular presenter.
    Call me old fashioned, but I cling to the belief that in a robust, open, liberal democracy, accountability for those in the public sphere maintains the system. What Murdoch has is lots of money, and uses that money to shut down any exposure of his business practices and ethos, the irony being that a man who believes Markets are more important and effective than Governments, doesn't want to spook the Markets when the truth of his shabby practices is revealed.

    Thus the Carlson sacking allied to the Dominion lawsuit has attempted to squash any open exposure of election lies; just as it is claimed Murdoch paid off the Royals to avoid any detailed scrutiny of his company breaking the law on a daily basis to report the private lives of people who do, in spite of their titles, have a right to privacy.

    Markets =Money=? Reputation? Murdoch, in the end, is a coward who uses all and any ruthless measures to get what he wants for his own benefit, but then attempts to Buck the Market, thus exposing his own creed as a fraud.

    What do 'The People' prefer: Markets in Command; or Democratically Elected Government?

    Murdoch firm ‘paid secret phone-hacking settlement to Prince William’ | Prince William | The Guardian

  5. #165
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    Default Re: The Murdoch Empire's Greatest Test

    Quote Originally Posted by filghy2 View Post
    It's interesting that Carlson has gone so quietly. Maybe the Murdochs have some really damaging information on him. A lawsuit over sexism and a hostile work environment doesn't sound enough to cause them to dump their most popular presenter.
    It was enough to get rid of Bill O' Reilly.

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    Last edited by blackchubby38; 04-25-2023 at 02:26 PM.

  6. #166
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    Default Re: The Murdoch Empire's Greatest Test

    I think it's a combination of many of the above. Fox got rid of Glenn Beck because he was a crackpot and while Murdoch doesn't mind making money off of crackpots Beck spooked people with his unhinged racist conspiracy theories. Fox got rid of Bill O'Reilly after multiple sexual harassment suits and claims. The first one was in 2004 by Andrea Mackris where those embarrassing transcripts were released. Fox News paid something like 9 million dollars to her yet O'Reilly didn't leave until after 2017 after multiple claims I think.

    There's also the new lawsuits about the election lies which are costly and damaging. I think Murdoch knows that while Tucker is popular, he's a liability to them. He will pick up any lie, rumor, or conspiracy theory and it can get them sued. There's the sexual harassment suit. He is also the most active in promoting great replacement theory at Fox and while Murdoch will do what's popular, I think maybe he sees a chance to reset a tick away from such obvious and overt racism. I'm not trying to be cynical but there is a feeling among some Republicans (and frankly anyone who wants to maintain the appearance of condemning racism while engaging in it) that racism in some forms is okay but they want to be able to deny it and the people Tucker defended and whose views he parroted made it obvious enough that it wouldn't surprise me if this were a factor. How obvious is obvious you might ask? Well, they can dogwhistle racism but they can't defend people whose entire lives are committed to using the N word, threatening black people, trying to rehabilitate Hitler (Nick Fuentes etc.). It's not a matter of morals but a matter of optics for Murdoch. But by itself that might not have been enough for them to fire Tucker. He's also getting them sued.

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    Last edited by broncofan; 04-25-2023 at 08:16 PM.

  7. #167
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    Default Re: The Murdoch Empire's Greatest Test

    Quote Originally Posted by filghy2 View Post
    It's interesting that Carlson has gone so quietly. Maybe the Murdochs have some really damaging information on him. A lawsuit over sexism and a hostile work environment doesn't sound enough to cause them to dump their most popular presenter.
    Actually, you maybe on to something:

    Fox Has a Secret ‘Oppo File’ to Keep Tucker Carlson in Check, Sources Say


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  8. #168
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: The Murdoch Empire's Greatest Test

    There has also been speculation about the redacted portions of his emails in the Dominion case.

    Broncofan is probably right that it's the combination of various things. Another factor putting him offside with the Murdochs may be that he was getting too big for his boots in thinking that he was bigger than Fox rather than a cog in the machine.

  9. #169
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: The Murdoch Empire's Greatest Test

    He's now posted a short video complaining about powerful people on both sides of politics colluding to suppress the truth, which I guess includes the Murdochs.

    Perhaps he sees himself as the leader of some kind of third force political movement.

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    Last edited by filghy2; 04-27-2023 at 04:23 AM.

  10. #170
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: The Murdoch Empire's Greatest Test

    If he thinks AOC and MTG, Rand Paul and Elizabeth Warren are members of the same party, he is even less intelligent than he wants you to think. This is cynicism taken to a new low, shaped only by his personal resentment at the way he has been treated, given that he has inherited wealth from a frozen fish company. I believe this is the third time he has been fired. And yet I guess someone will give him a platform. But as with the post I am about to write on Twitter, all these people do is SHOUT! If he was seriously interested in debating political issues, the issues would be dealt with analytically, calmly, and be informative of different positions, rather than his shouty ridicule and demeaning, often hysterical distortions of fact. This is not debate, it is just noise.

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