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  1. #111
    Senior Member Gold Poster
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    Default Re: So real men don't drink Bud Light?

    what fucking NONSENSE.

    If a trans person advertised butter/margarine, oh no, cis people don't eat spreads! HOW DARE YOU!!
    what if it were sports shoes? or tennis rackets? or cars? or umbrellas? Or package holidays? or five star hotels??

    Oh no, it will stop the masses being trainers, rackets, cars, umbrellas, package holidays and expensive hotels cos a TRANS PERSON ADVERTISED THEM.

    People will go to any length to promote bigotry!

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  2. #112
    Senior Member Professional Poster Paladin's Avatar
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    Default Re: So real men don't drink Bud Light?

    AB has dramatically succeeded in selling significantly LESS beer as a result of their ad payments to Dylan.
    As for me it didn't alter my buying habits at all, I haven't bought an AB beer (or wannabee light beer) in many many years.

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  3. #113
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    Default Re: So real men don't drink Bud Light?

    Quote Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
    AB has dramatically succeeded in selling significantly LESS beer as a result of their ad payments to Dylan.
    As for me it didn't alter my buying habits at all, I haven't bought an AB beer (or wannabee light beer) in many many years.
    then this proves the issue is bigotry. these customers opposed WHO was promoting their beer.

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  4. #114
    Senior Member Veteran Poster diddyboponTOP's Avatar
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    Default Re: So real men don't drink Bud Light?

    I don't drink anyway I'm Italian Give Me a Percocet and Xanax both which I have scripts for and I'm fine

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  5. #115
    Senior Member Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: So real men don't drink Bud Light?

    Its just something that the right can latch on to to scare their base seeing as how they don't have any policies to offer

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  6. #116
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    Default Re: So real men don't drink Bud Light?

    Quote Originally Posted by luvzbig1s View Post
    Its just something that the right can latch on to to scare their base seeing as how they don't have any policies to offer
    They can’t campaign on a record of legislative accomplishments, because they are terrible at governing. Remember “repeal and replace Obamacare” it’s been over 10 years now, and nobody knows what the right wants to do about health care. Ask 10 different Republicans and you’ll get 10 different answers. So they have to resort to scaring people into voting for them. Gay Marriage was a bust, it turned out civilization was not actually destroyed, so they are taking the next logical step and targeting trans people because of their recent increased visibility. Based on the last midterm elections that will probably be a bust again in 2024, but as PT Barnum once said, nobody ever went broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American public. If they voted for Trump then anything is possible. More than half of Americans believe in angels, so we are not the smartest people in the world.

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  7. #117
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    Default Re: So real men don't drink Bud Light?

    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post
    What is the Transgender Agenda, and how should Christians respond?

    What is the Transgender Agenda, and how should Christians respond?
    By Sharon James

    No-one can ignore the current demands for ‘transsexual rights’.

    Both the UK and Scottish Governments are expected to consult in the coming months on making ‘changing sex’ as easy as buying a TV licence.
    I could have stopped reading this garbage article after this introduction. And this article is supposed to inform Christians about transgender issues, well that might explain some of the confusion and panic we see.

    Our instinctive reaction may be to assume that rights’ is mainly about protecting a tiny minority of troubled people from unfair discrimination. But, in reality, the underlying ideology of ‘gender identity’ is toxic. Ultimately, it aims to legally eliminate male and female sex distinctions.
    Utter bullshit.

    This ideology is now promoted in primary schools. The Gender Fairy, a story written for four-year-olds, says: ‘Only you know whether you are a boy or a girl. No-one can tell you’.[3] The author hopes that this book will mean that ‘Some children will realise their true identity is not the gender they were assigned at birth, and will choose to make a social transition to live as their true gender.’[4]
    Ah, so that’s one book, that certainly proves something! However, four year olds are not old enough for primary school, so the story already unravels. I wonder how many primary schools actually carry this book? Any?

    The umbrella term ‘transgender’ has come to be preferred as a way of including all the different ways people experience or live out their ‘gender identity’ when there is any felt incongruence with their biological sex.
    Wrong. This whole article is filled with incorrect and outdated terminology and information (discussing “sex change operations” and including crossdressing in the discussion, for example). That it’s intended to teach Christians about transgender issues is a fucking joke.

    Please don’t quote articles that make people dumber.

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  8. #118
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: So real men don't drink Bud Light?

    Quote Originally Posted by mildcigar_2001 View Post
    The reason you got Naziism was that things got too out of control in the Weimar republic. When they start adding a bunch of zeros to the currency, then authoritarian regimes start to look attractive to your average Joe.
    Germans turned to fascism after losing WWI, massive hyperinflation and the Great Depression, so at least they had the 'excuse' of real hardships.

    You and most Republicans seem to be willing to condone authoritarianism after what are, in comparison, relatively minor inconveniences. I'm willing to bet that your comfortable existence has been affected only marginally by the things you complain about. Your fears seem to be mostly based on imaginary scares stoked by right-wing media - eg the out of control crime that isn't supported by the data.

    If you object to my saying you condone authoritarianism, how else would you characterise being willing to vote for a man who tried to overturn the election result, treats the law with contempt and threatens retribution if he is reelected?

    Excuse the belated response, but I've been away from the site for a few weeks.

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    Last edited by filghy2; 06-11-2023 at 12:24 PM.

  9. #119
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: So real men don't drink Bud Light?

    When this thread began, it concerned a Trans American being used as part of an advertising campaign for one of Budweiser's drinks. It has morphed in the US into a 'weapon' in the war that is being waged against all things Trans, from Trans Children, to Drag Acts, to medical and cultural issues which politicians often don't, and don't want to understand. In the UK this media exposure has meant that a general public which I doubt is very well informed on the subject has mixed but often negative views of aspects of Trans life-

    "The Ipsos LGBT+ Pride 2023 survey finds that, despite a majority thinking transgender people face discrimination, support for gender-affirming measures is mixed, with support for such measures in Britain among the lowest of all countries surveyed."
    Two in three Britons think transgender people face discrimination, but support for gender-affirming measures is mixed | Ipsos

    There are people fighting back, in Florida, for example, but I wonder if we are living in an era when the exposure to Trans Issues has never been greater, but is also characterised by ignorance and hysteria. For example, the attacks by De Santis on 'Diversity' begs the question for someone in a country shaped by it -how does he define the term?
    How Trans Organizers Are Fighting Back Against Ron DeSantis (

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  10. #120
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: So real men don't drink Bud Light?

    This article looks at the revival of homophobia in right-wing circles. For instance, Ted Cruz has copped criticism recently for condemning Uganda's anti-LGBT laws.

    The article argues that until recently the right seemed to be settling on a position of general acceptance of LGBT rights as long as they retained the right to discriminate on religious grounds. In other words, something like "you can do your thing as long as you leave us our own space where we can do our thing".

    More recently, much of the right has shifted toward a position of aggressive push-back against LGBT acceptance, motivated by claims that it's not a natural social evolution but, rather, something that has been foisted on the population by 'woke' institutions. In other words, the slippery slope is alive and well, and LGBT acceptance threatens the 'real America' of the heterosexual family.

    A good barometer for this is Trump. In the run-up to the 2016 election he made play of posing as LGBT-friendly. Now he has dropped this completely in favour of appealing the above mindset.

    Now let's see if mildcigar will pop up to tell this is the fault of LGBT people for provoking a backlash and maybe they would be better off if they went back into the closet.

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    Last edited by filghy2; 06-12-2023 at 04:59 AM.

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