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  1. #51
    5 Star Poster TJ347's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanabata
    I definately don't want to see Buck in a porno film.

    "We are irritated by rascals, intolerant of fools, and prepared to love the rest. But where are they?"- Mignon McLaughlin

  2. #52
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    This thread is a really good example of somebody who is desperately trying to reconcile with their own thoughts on homosexuality.
    I read an interview by buck where he posed the question: "Would you rather fuck a woman with a cock or a boy with a vagina"?
    I'm not sure what about Buck would freak you out. I mean, he is a guy and identifys as one, so if you aren't into men I don't see what the trouble is, unless you are desperately trying to convince yourself otherwise due to come other discomfort. Personally, I find it childish.

    "gotcha. it's cool. was kind of confusing. i'm not gay, but that is a good pic of you" yngtxmale24: "straight" male to another "straight" male

  3. #53
    5 Star Poster TJ347's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crayons
    This thread is a really good example of somebody who is desperately trying to reconcile with their own thoughts on homosexuality. I'm not sure what about Buck would freak you out. I mean, he is a guy and identifys as one, so if you aren't into men I don't see what the trouble is, unless you are desperately trying to convince yourself otherwise due to come other discomfort.
    Yeah... once again then. As you've said, there is some reconciliation with thoughts on homosexuality in play here, as most guys here don't think of themselves as gay for being attracted to passable tgirls, and have no problem calling the girls, well... girls. Buck Angel stands at the opposite end of this thinking, so he becomes a source of discomfort. That he has a vagina is another issue of difficulty. Other than some of the TGs on this board, none of us who have a penis are interested in losing it, so the visual of a man with a vagina is surely a bit unsettling to many, if not most men who visit this board. On an unrelated note Crayons, I highlighted part of your post, so that I could point out what I was talking about with regard to this question... Why do you always feel the need to call guys who visit this board gay? I mean, it's obvious in numerous posts that this is your only point, but what do you gain from it? Are you hoping to bring people to an acceptance of being gay? Or are you trying to shame them somehow? Just wondering...

    "We are irritated by rascals, intolerant of fools, and prepared to love the rest. But where are they?"- Mignon McLaughlin

  4. #54
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    TJ347: thanks for your response and let me try and clarify my reasons clearly.
    I've been on this board for a while and have noticed a lot of the same types of questions appear all the time (I mentioned this somewhere else with the questions being "I'm I gay because I like tgirls" or "Where can I find tgirls to date"). I find it curious that men who look at tgirls as girls selectively come here in search of "girls". Basically what I'm saying is, if tgirls and gg's are all in the same in your eyes, then why is it that you would come here (a board for girls with phallus's) in search of a girl?

    A while back a couple of girls revealed that they aren't just members of this board but also members of other websites where they have their profiles listed as female. The main subject in that thread was whether this was wrong or right not to reveal they were actually transgendered women. If one or two are doing it here, am sure there are other girls doing it- being that it may not be uncommon. So my question usually is (for those that are straight), why is it that you go out specifically looking for a girl with a cock if you supposedly don't see any difference between gg and tg?

    Another thing that I began thinking about were the guys that expressed some concern with the girls that didn't top or want their dicks played with. I find this curious in the fact that, if to them a tgirl is a girl, then why the fascinating with the cock?

    I personally don't have a problem with guys that have said they are bi or pansexual (whatever that means). I ask this question- or as you look at it, call out those indivduals that continually refuse to accept the order and hide under the clout of meaningless words.

    The post about Buck "freaking" someout out didn't make any sense to me. This individual is on a transsexual website, expressing uncomfortable feelings about a transsexual individual yet he himself persuing transsexual media.

    "gotcha. it's cool. was kind of confusing. i'm not gay, but that is a good pic of you" yngtxmale24: "straight" male to another "straight" male

  5. #55
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    I'm only new to the site but am fast becoming an avid "listener". I don't know if I have any valid contribution to make but just wanted to express a view anyway:

    I am fasincated by TS Girls. I've no experience of being (or meeting ... that I know) with a TSGirl. Hopefully I will build up the courage to fulfill this fantasy. .... apologies for being a voyeur, but I'm building my confidence .

    I have seen pics of Buck .... was unaware of him until these posts. I do find Buck bizarre, not being offensive here ... it's just something new I have to get my head around.

    On the other side, I am not excited by Buck's pics. I think this means that I am heterosexual. I am not interested in being with another man .... fair enought, right? But I do find TS Girls beautiful and arousing and attractive.

    My point is I'm attracted to WOMEN .... whatever they have down below .... and I'm not attracted to MEN ... whatever they have down below.

    In the context of the opening post on this thread, I think that makes me open-minded .... just not bisexual.

    Is that what the original post was supposed to portray ... or am I being too generous to the poster?

  6. #56
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    whether the original poster is right or wrong... he/she is entitled to their opinion. no?

    allanah... never mind.

    Monsieur Valentine

    "He makes love to the Duke. He swordfights the Queen. And you think the score's set but you can't truly see. Til you know the two sides of Monsieur Valentine."

  7. #57
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    I don't think the attack on Alannah was at all justified or fair.

    Keep debating guys and girls, but let's all be open-minded.

  8. #58
    5 Star Poster TJ347's Avatar
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    I think many guys here make no distinction between how they approach or interact with a TG versus a GG, but are sexually more into TGs... which is rather obvious if they're going on about wanting to be topped or sucking a tgirl off. While I understand where you're coming from completely on this Crayons, if a guy feels he is or isn't gay, do you really think you're going to convince him otherwise? If it hasn't worked in all the time you've been a member (and again, I've read your posts), do you think it'll work one of the next dozen times you try it? The next hundred times? I think it's clear that on these types of issues, people come to this board with their minds already made up. If that wasn't true, and if they were that shaky about identifying themselves sexually, after posting an "Am I Gay?" thread, they'd be gone without a trace. I think you'd do well to leave people to their fantasies...
    As far as Buck Angel... I've already covered that. Guys here like the ladies. Buck is not a lady. Thus, though he is a transsexual, he's not the type of transsexual guys come here to see, and it's as simple as that. I don't see where the confusion over Buck Angel lies... He's a guy. Guys here like ladies. That's all there is to it. Simple as 1+1=2.

    "We are irritated by rascals, intolerant of fools, and prepared to love the rest. But where are they?"- Mignon McLaughlin

  9. #59
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    TJ347: I understand what you are saying, but I think you missed my point. My point is, if there is a fascination with androgony and cock, then chances of you still falling under the hetrosexual spectrum are small to nil. It's fair to say this is not always the case, but it's cautionary to warn that this is most likely the case. We all know some tgirls seek hetrosexual men, and it's wise for a male to convince himself he is hetrosexual but request to be nailed like a virgin prom date.

    I know it's annoying when one seems to go against the pecking order, but it's only because I've never recieved a satisfactory answer.

    "gotcha. it's cool. was kind of confusing. i'm not gay, but that is a good pic of you" yngtxmale24: "straight" male to another "straight" male

  10. #60
    5 Star Poster TJ347's Avatar
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    Crayons, if a guy considers himself straight, but wants to be topped and suck off a transsexual woman, I'm just saying let him be. By definition, you can't be a heterosexual male and be getting topped or sucking a TG off. But if we aren't going to knock tgirls for considering themselves girls, then let's not knock guys who consider themselves straight even as they post about their dreams of getting topped by Queen Dingaling or whomever. That's all I'm saying... I agree with you.

    "We are irritated by rascals, intolerant of fools, and prepared to love the rest. But where are they?"- Mignon McLaughlin

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