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Thread: My Story 2

  1. #1
    Junior Poster
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    Aug 2007
    BC, Canada

    Default My Story 2

    So after that fiasco that night, I didn't see deanna for a few nights. Deanna was transient as most of the girls were. But a few nights later, I saw her standing around with a few of her fellow streetwalkers, I smiled at her, and asked how she was. She said she was fine, and I asked if she was okay after that last night, telling her what happened. Deanna got a smile on her face and asked me if that guy seen holding her was me. I nodded and told her what had happened that night. She thanked me aplogized for clipping my chin with her head, and said that was more than any of those bitches around here did for her, she said It probably had kept her out of the drunk tank that night, So I got a hug and a thankyou from her. We chatted for a little bit and then I went back home.
    I kept up my walks over there for awhile. I talked to Deanna almost every night. She introduced me to her street friends and they befriended me too. I started bringing some sandwiches with me and gave them to Deanna or her friends and spared what little cash I could. Finally the doctors pronounced me fit to return to work and back I went driving a delivery truck. Unfortunatly things at work weren't turning out for me, because I had been gone for so long my favorite route had been given to another driver, and I had gotten stuck with the one route all other drivers hated. I wasn't to thrilled with it because It meant a longer bus ride to work for me and longer hours. after putting up with it for a month, They had finally hired a new driver to replace one who had quit, and I thought I would be getting his route and the new guy could take over mine. So when he got the old driver's route and I was still stuck with the shit route< Well I got a little upset. I asked my boss why I hadn't been given the new route he told me I wasn't seen as being dependable enough, because I'd had a few relapses from my injury and missed a few days of work. I was so pissed I just got up and left his office without saying another word.
    After I left Work I went home and stewed angrily infront of the computer for hours. Finally I said fuck this. I just needed to blow off some steam. go do something instead of going over and over the conversation I'd had. So I went for a walk, and bumped into Deanna.
    I Hadn't seen her since I went back to work because the new route was pretty much a 12 hour day 6 day a week slog. I had just enough time to go home shower, eat and hit the sack before getting up and doing it all over again. Fortunatly she smiled as she saw me approach gave me a quick hug. I just talked to her about what had happened and just got all my anger off my chest. she listened to me, and comiserated with me about how much of an asshole my boss was. and after awhile I felt a little better, well I felt like I wasn't going to strangle my boss anymore at any
    I went home and mulled over what I was going to do about work. and in the end I just decided to give my notice and find a new job.
    After a week of not finding anything I thought I would head home to BC and see if I could find any work there. Alberta is nice but nothing compares to BC. All my bills and rent were caught up till the end of the month. So I went and hopped on a plane and went home to my mothers. Before I left, I stopped by where Deanna usually hung around and saw her and told her that I was going to leave for a bit and thanked her for listening to me that day. She wished me luck and gave me hug and I went back home to BC.

    End Part Two

    God save me from stupid people...

  2. #2
    Professional Poster
    Join Date
    May 2007


    I'm not feeling these no-sex stories.

  3. #3
    Junior Poster
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    BC, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by 62des
    I'm not feeling these no-sex stories.
    I can understand that. Truth be told I'm doing this more for myself than anyone else's amusement. please keep in mind that this is a true story, and since these stories concern two people I felt it was best not to go with the more salacious details, because a gentleman never kisses and tells. plus I'm sort of keeping things roughly generalized to protect my friends identities. for example "deanna" is not her real name. (or even the street one she uses for that matter.) The simple fact is that I just recently moved away from my friends and am feeling a little lonely so I am reminiscing about our times together. Plus keep in mind no one says you HAVE to read them. lol

    God save me from stupid people...

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