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Thread: My Story 3

  1. #1
    Junior Poster
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    Aug 2007
    BC, Canada

    Default My Story 3

    So I'm back in BC staying at my mothers place, trying to find a local driving position, but all I kept finding was long haul or flat deck work which I hated with a passion. Plus The town I come from is very Homophobic, so needless to say there are no gay bars around, so what I would normally do for fun and relaxation back in Alberta I can't do here. Frustrated? A little.

    Finally three weeks go by and my job search is turning up Nada, so I decided to go back to Alberta. The one good thing to come of this was that my mother was kind enough to let me have her old car since she didn't drive it anymore. So at least I had a ride back.

    I get back into town, and manage to land another driving position, and with that I went in search of Deanna, now I had no way of keeping in touch with her, since she had no phone, and so she didn't know I was back in town.

    I drove by where she normally hung out and sure enough there she was. I slowly pulled up next to her and powered down the drivers side window. Deanna leaned in and asked me if I was looking for a date when she finally recognized me and broke into a big smile. I got out of the car and got a big hug from her, I told her about my time out in BC and how my job search had turned into a big bust, but how I at least managed to get the car out of it. She congratulated me on getting the car, and I asked her if she would like to to go out Friday after next since I would be getting me first paycheck from my new job and help me celebrate , my treat. She readily agreed and told me to pick her up around 11 that night.

    Now my new place of employ, was turning out to be a big mistake to work for. As trucks were run overloaded in town and the dispatcher always acted like the entire world was out to get him and so took out his foul mood on all of the drivers. But I gritted my teeth and worked through it as I needed that check to cover my rent and bills and of course to have fun with Deanna!

    I pushed through the next two weeks all the while waiting eagerly for that, special Friday. Which finally arrived. I picked up my check, told them this was my last day with them and went home. So there I was unemployed again, but for all that in a good mood despite of it all.

    I went home showered and got ready to go out with Deanna, 11 o'clock arrived soon enough and I headed out to pick her up. I arrived at her usual spot and there she was waiting for me. I pulled up next to her, and she leaned into the open passenger side window and asked me if I was looking for a date with a mischievous grin on her face. I laughed and told her yes. she laughed at that and hopped into the car and off we drove to the gay bar.

    We got to the bar about five minutes later, and got into line where I bumped into a friend of mine. He was into cross dressing, and and likes the T-girls as much I do, so I introduced him to Deanna and we chatted while we made out way to the coat check counter.

    Now this establishment would only let you in if you were either a paying member a guest of a paying member or had ID that they held onto while they checked your coat and you went and partied inside. When you left you would present your coat check, and they would give you your coat and ID back then.

    My friend offered to pay our way in, But I told Him that I would be the one to treat this lovely lady tonight. So i offered them my ID and asked Deanna to pass me hers and her coat as well. Well unfortunately she didn't have any ID, and so the girl behind the counter refused her entry.

    Well my friend tried to come to the rescue since he WAS a paid member he told the girl to just put Deanna on his guest list and let her in. But she still refused because Deanna Didn't have ID. Now my friend is getting upset and starts asking for the manager, who he knows but the girl behind the counter, refused to get him, so My friend tried to get him on his cell since he had the managers number but couldn't get through. Finally we decide to go somewhere else and since we hadn't gone inside, we asked for our door entry fees back, but again she simply said that door fees were non refundable and to either go inside or leave. Well everybody is pissed off now and we leave to go to the other bar in town. I was actually surprised that a few of the patrons behind us actually joined us in leaving, one of them commented to us how the girl was new, and being a lesbian had something against Transsexuals. Well upon hearing that Deanna wanted to go back inside and GIVE her a reason to not like Transsexuals But i grabbed ahold of her hand and said to forget it well go elsewhere, there are other bars in town.

    So we go to the other gay bar in town and make it inside without any hassles there. My friend assures me that he would talk with his friend the manager about that girl and she wouldn't pull this again. Deanna told him not to bother as far as she was concerned she wouldn't got back to that shithole if they paid her, and personally I was in complete agreement!

    We found an empty table in the back, and I offered to grab the first round, Everyone told me their order and I went and got everyone's drinks and sat down and proceeded to talk to my friends. Now like I said my friend likes TS's as much as I do, and he was hitting on her pretty heavily, and I admit I got a little jealous, but Deanna settled the matter rather succinctly, by telling him she was flattered by his attention, but that she was with me tonight. And proceeded to snuggle up against me. I was touched by that and smiled a little since to me we were just friends at that point.

    My smile quickly faded though when she got up and proceeded to drag me to the dance floor. Now normally wild elephants AND a Semi truck could drag me onto a dance floor, well at least not in one piece anyway, lol, but she guided me up there as if I was nothing more than a feather. We got onto the dance floor, and she's dancing up a storm gyrating and whatnot to the music, while I'm pretty much doing the side to side shuffle with obligatory arm swing, Guys you know the one I'm talking about.

    Other guys are dancing and pressing up against her on the dance floor, but she just ignored them and continued to dance with me. Well, she danced, I pretty much just looked like I was having some sort of epileptic fit or seizure. After the song ended, she just sort of looked at me and said I wasn't having much fun was I? I grimaced a smile and told her Naw i could do this all night, all the while my face was probably saying something along the lines of “yes please can we go sit down as I'm terrified”. She just smiled and took me by the hand and we went back to the table, I tried not to let my relief show. I sat down first and she just hopped into my lap and stayed there for the rest of the night. We talked and laughed and the night seemed to go by in a daze for me as I'm trying not to get an erection all the while just feeling her soft body press against mine. And somewhere along the line I actually found myself just relaxing and enjoying myself. God I don't know how long it had been since I just enjoyed myself.

    After awhile she got up and said she had to go out and have a cigarette. So She got up and me and my friend started to talk about her, he asked me where we met and I kept thing vague, and said we met while I was recuperating from my injury. He looked wistful for a moment and then told me that she must really like me. I asked why he thought so, and he told me how earlier when I had gone to the washroom, a bunch of guys jumped at the moment and proceeded to ask her to dance with them. She politely turned them all down and told them she was with someone. He then told me how this Gansta Boi as he put it came over and started to tear into me and my dancing ability and proceeded to tell her to Drop the Zero and get with the Hero. To which she replied that she was and that he had his reference to himself backwards, I'm paraphrasing here as what she said to him was a little more um, colorful.

    I turned away at this, and thought i felt a tear start to well up, nahhh, I don't get misty eyed. still I must have had something in my eye though, as I had to wipe it away. He pointed the kid out to me and as we were looking at him, he noticed us and proceeded to give us the finger. We both laughed at that. Thats when the doorman came over to our table.

    He asked us if the tranny outside was with us. I bristled at this, and ask so what if she was? He told us that one of us should go talk to her before management called the cops. My friend looked at me with a raised eyebrow and so I got up and went outside to see what was going on.

    As I got outside I saw Deanna standing there. Smoking her crack pipe.

    Now I've known that Deanna did crack for awhile. I would talk with her about it from time to time, and the unspoken agreement between us was that she wouldn't do it around me. I didn't approve of it in any way, but in the end, at that point in our friendship I figured it wasn't my business to begin with anyway.

    I walked up to her and asked her why the hell she was doing this, and she huffily replied that she didn't know why I was upset as she wasn't doing it around me. I told her what the bouncer said, and she told me that he was just upset because he knew she was a prostitute and she had turned him down for a quickie because she was with me tonight. I was getting a little more upset now and told her she could at least do it around the corner out of sight. Deanna said fine and proceeded to stomp around the corner and walk away. So now my wonderful evening is beginning to become not so wonderful. I just shook my head, sighed and went after her.

    I told her I was sorry for getting upset, and would she please just stop walking away from me. But she just continued on. I finally just grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around to face me, and thats when I saw that she was crying.

    She began sobbing, so I pulled her to me and just held while she cried. She told me that she tried not to do it tonight but that it was just so hard for her. I rubbed her back while I held her and told her that I was sorry for getting upset at her, and had just assumed that our agreement would have extended to tonight. And you know what they say about assumptions...

    She slowly began to calm down and I tilted her head up with my hand under her chin and said that maybe we should just call it a night. She agreed and went to the car while I went back in to get my friend. He asked what the matter was since I had been gone so long. I told him that there had been a misunderstanding and that Deanna was rather tired and wanted to call it a night. Since I don't drink I became the designated driver and took my friend home.

    After i dropped him off I pulled out of his driveway and Deanna asked if she could do a hit in my car as she was starting to feel “jangly” as she put it. Well you know how love makes you do stupid things? Well I was starting to fall for her in a big way, so I agreed and pulled over to the side of the road in a dark part. I never watched her all that closely the few time she had done it in front of me but this time I watched a little fascinated with how she went about it. She took a small amount from some cigarette foil, and put it into her pipe and lit up. I watched her as she inhaled and she seemed to almost visibly relax as the drug took hold in her system. The acrid metallic tang of crack smoke filled the car even though we had the windows all down, and i prayed that cop wouldn't come along right now. I asked her why she did crack and she told me that there was no other feeling like it in the world. Thats when she leaned over and started to kiss me.

    I was surprised by this and pulled back a little but she just pulled me back to her and I quickly responded to her and began kissing her back in earnest. But unfortunately I soon could smell the cocaine on her breath and taste it in her mouth, and I pulled away. Deanna looked at me confused and asked me what was wrong.

    Now you guys know there are certain question that guys hate getting asked like “do these jeans make me look fat?' Cuz you know there is absolutely no right answer to it, well I found myself staring right down the barrel of one of those. So I answered as truthfully as I could.

    I told her how I didn't want my first time with her to be like this. In a car on the side of the road with her high as a kite. I just wanted it to be special, not like this. Well she got upset at that Just like I knew she would. So she turned back facing forward and told me thats if thats how I felt then I should take her back to the stroll since I already kept her from have a date that night. I started getting upset too and simply said fine and I drove her back off where I had picked her up from. She got out of the car without another word and slammed the card door as hard as she could. I peeled out away from her and didn't even look back.

    I got back home, and just simply sat in the dark of my apartment and tried to figure out how such a wonderful night could so quickly turn to shit the way it had. I finally gave up around 4 in the morning and headed off to bed.

    I had conflicting dreams the rest of that night.

    End Part Three.

    God save me from stupid people...

  2. #2
    Junior Poster
    Join Date
    May 2007


    You mentioned your story in chat so I thought I'd check it out. Wow. I like your plain writing style. Interesting story nicely told.

    <^ . .^>
    ( ©v© )

  3. #3
    Junior Poster
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    Aug 2007
    BC, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by whatislove
    You mentioned your story in chat so I thought I'd check it out. Wow. I like your plain writing style. Interesting story nicely told.
    thankyou, it's nice to hear from a fan I'm trying to keep it plain and straightforward. I'm not too sure when I'll being posting part 4 as I'm trying to figure out how to tell it as part four is the part where we finally have um, "relations" and I'm trying to figure how to tell it without really going into detail but it was a very important turning point in our relationship in more ways than one...

    God save me from stupid people...

  4. #4
    Silver Poster yodajazz's Avatar
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    Cleveland, Ohio


    Good story so far. I thought it was over in the previous part, when you moved out of town. lol!

  5. #5
    Junior Poster
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    Aug 2007
    BC, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by yodajazz
    Good story so far. I thought it was over in the previous part, when you moved out of town. lol!
    Nope, I'll be posting chapters as the mood strikes me, and when I've reached the end I'll say "THE END"

    Mind you as far as I'm concerned that this is a bit of a neverending story for myself, as I may some day, either go back, or bring the girls out here to BC with me. In the hope that perhaps a change of scenery will help them overcome their various problems.

    Hope springs eternal after all...

    God save me from stupid people...

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