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Thread: My Story 5

  1. #1
    Junior Poster
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    Aug 2007
    BC, Canada

    Default My Story 5

    So there I was on the road. I was heading into Saskatoon with a load of groceries, and keeping my eyes open as best I could on the long trip out there.

    I remember thinking all the way out there whether or not I could trust Deanna. I didn't really know her all that well. Basically I had just left my apartment in the defacto control of a literal “tranny crack whore”. I just hoped that at least most of my possessions would be there when I got back.

    I got my final load off in Saskatoon around 2am that morning, as I had to deliver to three stores that night. And so I headed to the local truck stop where I turned in for my obligatory mandated rest period. I woke up around 10 AM the next morning, and headed inside the truck stop for a quick breakfast before heading back out on the road.

    The day was clear and calm, and I encountered no problems on the road back home. I got in and parked the trailer and then headed off with the tractor to my home terminal. I parked and post tripped my paperwork and headed inside the dispatch office where I was told that my next load wouldn't be until the following day after tomorrow. So with that bit of news I headed back to my apartment.

    I got home, parked the car and as I walked down the hallway to my apartment, I hoped quietly to myself that I hadn't made a big mistake the previous night. So I put my key in the lock and unlocking the door entered the apartment and got quite a big shock.

    Now I'm no slob, but I'm not the most tidiest person in the world either. I live by myself as I don't like roommates, and very rarely have anyone over as I usually prefer to go out to my friends places. So I'm not too fastidious a person. I'll leave socks and cloths scattered around. ( i claim that it's makes it easier to find stuff when I have to do laundry). And the kitchen can be a bit messy, but usually I'm just messy not Dirty. (which can be a very big distinction believe me.) so I was shocked at the sight before me believe me.

    The place was spotless! The carpet was vacuumed, the clothes I'd left scattered about were folded neatly on the living room table ( and upon closer inspection they were washed too!) the kitchen was clean and the dishes were washed and put away! My computer desk which at the best of times could be called organized chaos was now simply organized.

    “Deanna?” i called out as i set my work stuff by the door. “In here” I heard from the bathroom.

    Now guys women can be forgiving of a lot of things but if you ever bring a girl over make damn sure the bathroom is spotless! Unless you want to guarantee you don't want her to come back again.

    The reason I bring this up is that i usually make sure the bathroom is clean when I have company over, but things had moved a little too fast yesterday for me and so I knew the condition it was in. I went over and opened the bathroom door to see Deanna scrubbing the toilet and the rest of the bathroom like the rest of the apartment was spotless. Hell I'd even go so far as to say Immaculate.

    “You didn't have to do all this Deanna” I told her. She told me that she didn't mind doing it considering all I had done for her. Which to me was something that I would do for anyone.

    I remembered thinking to myself about the times on my way to Saskatoon I thought of her as a “tranny crack whore” and was instantly ashamed of myself. To cover up my embarrassment, I asked her if she had had anything to eat yet, and she said no.

    So I told her I was taking her out on the town to any place she wanted to go to, my treat. At that she got embarrassed and said she would be happy to make dinner for me and that I should have called to let her know when I was going to be back so she could have gotten supper ready for me when I got home.

    Again I felt ashamed of myself. So I told her that if she wanted to I would order whatever she wanted in and we would have takeout at home. She was much more agreeable to this, and suggested Pizza Hut. I asked he what she wanted and she said a medium with everything. So I called the order in with my own (ground beef, ham and bacon, I'm a simple man...) and with that I sat down on the couch and Deanna joined me. I asked her if she had any problems with the laundry room and she simply said only one. I didn't leave her the key! I mentally slapped my forehead. We keep our laundry room locked at all times to cut down on the coin theft. But i was in such a rush to get to work I had completely forgotten about it.

    I asked her how she had gotten into the laundry room and she told me that someone else had arrived at the same time as her and let her in. I asked her if she had been able to wash her clothes as well. And she said she had done her top, socks and underwear but not her pants as none of mine would fit! I laughed at that and said if she wanted to i would take her pants up and wash them myself. She smiled and said she would do them later.

    We talked about inconsequential stuff till the pizza arrived. And when it did we both went back to the couch and ate and watched television. As we sat there she cuddled up next to me and so i put my arm around her and we quietly spent the rest of the evening that way.

    I started to feel tired around nine and told her that I was gonna go to bed and asked her if she wanted to sleep in my bed again and that I would take the couch. She told me to go sleep in my own bed as I was tired and that she had no problem sleep on the couch. She usually slept on a sidewalk so the couch was a big improvement over that!

    I smiled at that but asked her if she was sure. She just make a shooing motion with her hand and told me to go to bed. I got up and went to the bed where of course the sheets and bedding had been washed and the bed neatly remade. I got undressed and crawled into bed.

    Now I was exhausted, but for some reason I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned for about an hour. So I just listened to the tv in the living room and laid there. After awhile I heard the television turn off. I thought that maybe now I would be able to go to sleep.

    Then I heard a knock at the door, and I told Deanna that it was open. She came inside the bedroom and asked if she could sleep with me tonight. I told her that she didn't have to do that, if she didn't want too. She didn't owe me anything.

    She just said that she was cold in the living room and wanted to snuggle up next to me for warmth. And hell it wasn't like I didn't want her to be with me so I finally said yes. With that she got undressed while I closed my eyes, trying to be as gentlemanly as possible. She crawled beneath the sheets and I turned around putting my back to her. She spooned up next to me. She put her arm around me, and I gently put her arm underneath mine and held her hand.

    After awhile she asked me to turn around so she could talk to me. So I turned around and faced her. She asked me why I had done everything I had done for her. I told her I just help people thats all. She said “bullshit. Most people would have left me there on the sidewalk” she told me. Or at most someone would have called the police to have her removed because she was blocking the doorway. But no one would have done what I had done for her.

    I gently reached up and caressed her face with my hand and said thats it's quite possible that I cared about her. Deeply. She was quiet for a moment and then I felt her come forward and kiss me.

    Now this wasn't that same kiss that i had experienced with her in the car. That one had been of animal lust, this one was as tender and gentle as that one hadn't been. We kissed like that for awhile. And I soon pulled her closer to me. I Caressed her body gently and lovingly. Her hands ran over my body as well, and soon found their way to my rapidly hardening member. The moment she touched me there I reached down and felt hers as well. We both rubbed each other, out passion rapidly increasing for each other. I finally pulled away from her. She was panting as heavily as I was. Again I told her she didn't have to do this. She was under no obligation to me. My help came freely and she owed me nothing.

    “oh will you shut up already.” she told me and continued on kissing me. And with that I completely surrendered to the moment.

    I woke up the next morning to the gentle sound of snoring. I looked over to the other side of the bed and saw her still deep asleep, her back to me. I turned around behind her and snuggled up behind her. I held her like that and let her continue on sleeping. She moaned quietly and gently pressed up against me. I just laid there holding her and smelling her hair and remembering back fondly to last night. It had been awhile since I had been with anybody, due to work, or looking for work and I hadn't realized how much I had needed last night. But even more for me had been the emotional component. I've had plenty of sex, but most of it was straightforward sex with out the feelings involved and I usually found myself sexually satisfied but not emotionally afterward.

    But last night had been so much more! Sexually and emotionally satisfying. And I stopped myself right there for a moment. How DID I feel about Deanna? I knew I was sexually attracted to her, but what about emotionally? I thought about it and discovered that I had fallen for her. Hard.

    I loved her.

    Now I knew I had until she woke up to decide how I was going to handle this. Her life and lifestyle were anathema to me. I didn't approve of her heavy drug and alchol use or what she had to do to support her habits. I wasn't upset about her hooking insofar that it was just the most dangerous way of doing it. And she told me that she occasionally dealed as well. And that I did NOT approve of in any way shape or form. So how was I going to handle this?

    I simply decided that I would try my best to get her into some sort of treatment plan for addiction, since everything else stemmed from that. And that no matter what, I would be there for her through thick and thin.

    Boy if I only knew how thick it was going to get for her and for me...

    End Part Five

    God save me from stupid people...

  2. #2
    Rookie Poster
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Washington, DC


    well written!

  3. #3
    Junior Poster
    Join Date
    May 2006


    A very good story. Thanks.

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