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Thread: My Story 10

  1. #1
    Junior Poster
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    Aug 2007
    BC, Canada

    Default My Story 10

    So I decided to let all three girls stay with me. Deanna Rose and Lana. I laid down the basic ground rules, no drugs in the house and no one over without my permission. Again they readily agreed. And for awhile it was good. It was like having a family together. Deanna took the bedroom, rose slept with me on the futon in the living room, and Lana slept on the floor in front of the TV in the living room. I always told Lana That I would be happy to get her an air mattress like I did for Deanna but she always told me she preferred sleeping on the floor.

    Anyways, Lana cooked for all of us while Deanna and Rose kept the place clean. And they all went and got accounts at a local shelter and brought home whatever food they could. I would come home many a day and find Deanna on the computer, Lana watching tv and Rose reading. And it was good.

    I remember one time I came home and found a very sick older woman asleep in the bedroom. (I later learned that this was the head of a major street gang, lol.) So I let her stay until she got better. Many the time I came home I would find some person I didn't know in my apartment. But they were usually well behaved, so I never put up much of a fuss.

    But then many men started showing up. And I quickly twigged to the notion that the girls were “doing business” in my home! That I put a stop to quickly.

    But after about two months or so things were rapidly getting out of hand. The landlord had caught Lana many times smoking crack in the stairwells of the apartment. Rose had come back late one night when everyone was out of the apartment and had practically ripped the front doors off of their hinges by shaking it so hard and yelling at the top of her lungs to “LET HER IN!!! And Deanna would buzz everyone in the building to let her in. And so it finally came down. They could no longer stay with me.

    I had tried my best to help them, but frustratingly they seemed only interested in the immediate “now” of whatever situation they were in, and no matter how hard I tried I could not get them to think about “later”. Many times I had offered the girls to help them get into some sort of treatment program. But they were never interested.

    And so I had to make a choice, give up my apartment or let the girls go, and since I never have much money on me I knew I would have to make the girls leave.

    Now I understand the landlords reason. But I later learned that one of the reasons they had kicked the girls out was that the husband of the landlord had put the moves on Lana and Rose who told him their rates, but he wanted it for free, since he was kind enough to let they stay in the building. And I think he tried do a transaction with Lana who then proceeded to rip him off like she usually does
    because out of all the girls he absolutely HATED Lana. Idiot.

    Anyways I think I'm coming to the end of this tale, I'll post a little bit of an overview of what happened to each girl and then that will be it. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I've done telling the tale.

    God save me from stupid people...

  2. #2
    Silver Poster yodajazz's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    Cleveland, Ohio


    I have been meaning to write. I have read and enjoyed all of your episodes. Thanks for everything. I would still like to hear of what happened to them. Just curious, did sleeping with Rose on the futon include sex? Thanks again.

  3. #3
    Junior Poster
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    BC, Canada


    Yodajazz, sometimes it did, but there were usually people around, so most of the time it was a quick grope under the sheets,

    plus I was working insane hours at the time so I usually just went home had whatever lana made for dinner and crashed only to rinse lather repeat the next day.

    God save me from stupid people...

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