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  1. #21
    Party Goddess Platinum Poster AllanahStarrNYC's Avatar
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    by the way

    as far as collagen is concerned, it is really not a great product.
    you have to have 2 allergy test to first get it because some people have really bad allergic reactions to it...

    and it dissapeas very fast, and it is very expensive, $300 for 1cc
    you can not do hips or asses with it

    there are new product such as perlene which is much better

    there is a nre product called artecoll which the fda is about to approve and it is like silicone but supposedly better to use

  2. #22
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    Just to add my two-cents to this thread - My only concern would be the long (and short) term medical risks associated with pumping silicone into the bootie and/or face. I've seen a few older 40's/50's girls who have silicone travel to their ankles and some guys have told me stories about some girls needing special undies to hold up their asses... That combined with the fact that it is clinically unsafe despite what those actually performing the pumping will tell people. Girls are lead to believe that the pros at this can do no wrong, but that is complete BS as well. I know some LA girls who have had nightmare experiences from this stuff... cheeks shifting after a fight, requiring extremely painful scraping to remove it... Just really bad stuff.

    I think traditional soft tissue cosmetic surgery as well as the more "extreme", but sanctioned methods offered of restructuring the bony portions of the face are right on. They are safe and proven. I would rather see the girls condone the safe stuff (which can be done somewhat reasonably in third world countries). Instead, the immediate positive results of pumping or whatever are passed on and the long term affect can be really really dangerous. You can find cases of this stuff all over the web, but it's more real when girls tell you about friends who aren't with us anymore because of it... Yet there are those who condone it.

    "Saleha, now 33, received her first silicone injection in 1995 from a fellow transsexual who owned a beauty parlor in Surabaya. Tall, slender and dressed in a tight, white top and matching miniskirt, Saleha would be attractive if not for her ruined nose and chin. After her first cosmetic injection, she wound up with a nose "like Bozo the clown's," she says. So she visited another beautician who pinched and tweaked her nose into shape, then treated her with more injections than Saleha can now count. "I was totally broke after a while," says Saleha, who at the time sold noodles and moonlighted as a prostitute. Gradually, as the silicone shifted, her whole face began to sag and her chin withered. When she speaks, her large hands flutter constantly to her face to perform a furtive, futile massage. " - Time Magazine

  3. #23
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    "Silicone itself is not dangerous and will not cause auto immnue disorders or death."

    Sorry I have to disagree. In my opinion, it is unfortunate to see someone who is a role model to many younger TS, and with the wide expanse of knowledge at your disposal that the Internet offers (which many younger disadvantaged TS might not) being so misinformed. For some reason you usually take my disagreeing with you as me having something against you personally or as a personal attack. That is not the case at all. In this area we just disagree and I happen to have a world of fact to back me up.

    "There is a demonstrated association between silicone from breast implants and connective tissue disease. The silicone stimulates the immune system, causing the body to attack itself.
    These diseases include lupus (persistent ulcerous lesions that spread over the skin); scleroderma (an autoimmune disease causing hardening of blood vessels and connective tissue); Sjogren's disease (dryness in the eyes, mouth, nose, vagina); neurological problems such as numbness or tingling in the joints; problems with vision and hearing; silicone poisoning can also cause a fibrotic condition in the lungs which can lead to suffocation. "

  4. #24
    Party Goddess Platinum Poster AllanahStarrNYC's Avatar
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    vicki there is NO proven data that silicone causes lupus or auto immune disorders

    silicone implants are legal in every other country in the world and the fda is
    going eventually lift the ban on silicone implants in the usa-this information comes from the TOP breast surgeon in NYC DR. Brad Jacobs- who did my implants. why the silicone scare in the usa? greedy lawyers and greedy women who wanted to get a piece of the pie from dow corning

    i have silicone implants-anyone in the us can get silicone implants in the doctor is part of the becker study and you sighn the conssents forms

    i know several older transsexuals who have had no problems with silicone
    example- janet valentino, pumped since the 1970s no problems- my girlfriend leanna silicone since the 60s- no problem

    everyones body is different- LIQUID INJECTABLE SILICONE IS NOT LEGAL IN THE UNITED STATES FOR TWO REASONS ONLY 1. BECAUSE IT IS PERMANENT 2. IT CAN HARDEN AND SHIFT- this from the mouth of my dermatologist one of the top in the country Dr. Karen Grossman, who also does the skin care line for prescriptives IT IS LEGAL IN EVERY OTHER COUNTRY INCLUDING EUROPE.

  5. #25
    Party Goddess Platinum Poster AllanahStarrNYC's Avatar
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    i am not advocating anyone do anything- i am stating facts and my own personal experiences...i have had over 30 cosmetic surgeries and i have been injected with silcione well over 25 times

    my expetiences have been positvie because i have made smart decisions, i dont get surgery in thailand or third world countries- i go to surgeons like
    dr. douglas ousterhout and dr. brad jacobs

    i am a cosmetic surgery junkie so i know what i am talking about- i do my reasearch... furthermore i could care less if a girl gets silicone or not
    that is her choice

    i am a role model for the person i look in the mirror every morning, myself-i dont need anyone looking up to me because i am not perfect- i am doing the best that i can do and that is it

    when someone ask me bout my body work i am not qucik to send them to anyone- if a girl ask me about it i tell he my experiences

    if i wanted to sell plastic surgety, i would work at a plastic surgeons office

  6. #26
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    I have silicone gel implants as well... They are encased in a bag that can get run over by a semi without leaking. Silicone gel implants (where the silicone never touches your body in any way) and pumping raw silicone into your ass are two entirely different things. They are also substantially different from the original silicone implants which can be dangerous (note 4000+ web hits on Silcone Poisoning on Yahoo search) and are very similar to silicone injections. Maybe I should pull out some "Doctor Ousterhout " on you. He is vehemently opposed to silicone injections. I would quote him, but I have already made my point many times over.

  7. #27


    hmm imm not a plastic surgeon , but i did sleep at a holiday inn last night, lol. ahh allanah 4get all these haters. u know as much as i that most of these guys are married fathers runnin around behind their wives backs, and jerking off while they are typing, lol. just adding my 2 cents, everyone should do what makes them happy.well u know i luv ya allanah , so dont be a stranger and give brigitte my love :0)


  8. #28
    Party Goddess Platinum Poster AllanahStarrNYC's Avatar
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    OF COURSE NO USA PLASTIC SURGEON will tell you to get silcone injections- they would be breaking the law

    when i first went to my consulation with oustehout he toldme his opinion on silicone, but i already have it. AND DEARY he operated on my face regardless that I have silicone in it or not-he just needs to know where it is. SO THERE IS SOME OUSTEHOUT FOR YOU. i am a patient of his i know.

    Silicone can be removed in the face by certain plastic surgeons. I know 2 who are very good, but in the body it can not.

    The reason why 99 percent of transsexuals get silicone injections in the body is simple- do you want to have a man's shape or a woman's shape


  9. #29
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    1 - I never said ass pumping didn't look good. I said it was dangerous and provided backup data.

    2 - Who cares if girls can get their cheeks scraped. It's painful, expensive, and many TS cannot afford corrective surgery once it's in. It can also lead to a very un-real appearance.

    3 - I'm a huge advocate for plastic surgery. A TS without plastic surgery probably isn't very functional in society. However, I am not an advocate for activities which are unsafe that have undereducated (on the topic) people proclaiming the opposite.

    Anyway this is turning into an immature cat fight that I won't partake in. Everyone has the facts. Your ranting about things that have no bearing on the discussion just makes me more right.


  10. #30
    Party Goddess Platinum Poster AllanahStarrNYC's Avatar
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    CAT FIGHT? I don't see any hair pulling, scratch marks, or hitting. DOES ANYONE?

    Girl is THIS is your interpretation of a fight, I suggest you leave the drama for day time tv.

    This is a DISCUSSION BOARD. Which is what we have been doing, discussing our different points of views and describing personal experiences.

    The topic never was the dangers of silicone, that was your intervention.
    It was a thread on the criticism of girls who have surgery and why I feel that is uncessary to do.

    Furthermore, if you feel this is a "debate" and you that are "right"- then go right ahead. I am simply discussing my research and experiences
    and thruths about the silicone I have in my body for many years.
    Anyone who knows me knows I am not a competitive person, or is who someone who argues or reads queens, or has any type of jealousy issues. Evertyhing I do in in life is not based on if I can be prettier than any queen or if my website or business ventures are better than anyones. I SIMPLY TRY TO DO THE BEST THAT I CAN FOR ME AND MY PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENT.

    Oh and by the way, the correct way or removing silicone from the cheeks is not a scraping because that can damage nerves. Is is a liposuction based technique used with a cortizone solution that dissolves the scar tissue around the silicone as it is sucked out.

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