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  1. #1
    Junior Poster joyboy123's Avatar
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    Default Silicone injections

    Important article to read about how dangerous it can be if you are looking for a quick and cheap way to get it done.

  2. #2
    Still Here 5 Star Poster
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    Not all silicone injections are bad. Do a search I think that poster by the name of "Allanah Starr" might have commented on this.

  3. #3
    5 Star Poster
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    They are all bad. Silicone migrates NYCe. It doesn't matter what kind it is, eventually it will end up in places you don't want it to be. There is a reason that girls end up with 44" hips and I don't care what they say, it isn't because they started out wanting them like that. How many girls do you see in Playboy with 40+" hips? Maybe in a BBW magazine, but it's far from the ideal.

    I have friends who have it, and they comment on needing more because it shifts after time. There was some 50 year old tranny at QM who had to wear special panties to hold her ass up because her skin, becoming more elastic with age, could no longer support the weight. Guess what the procedure is to remove it... It's called scraping. It's nasty and painful and even then they can't promise to get all of it.

    This woman who just got busted... well it wasn't the first time she'd been injecting girls. Please don't buy into Dr. Allanah's advice on this topic. We'll see her at 50 with her perfectly round 60" hips/ass and 20" ankles and 30" thighs.

    ps - conversely I'll probably have a 32" totally busted flat ass at that point so I guess there are pro's and cons to both right?

  4. #4
    5 Star Poster Felicia Katt's Avatar
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    Since I respect both Vicki and Alanah, without taking a position on it, here is a good article with a lot of information about this issue.

    I have some friends who have done it and look awesome, but then I have seen some kinda scary outcomes too.


  5. #5
    Party Goddess Platinum Poster AllanahStarrNYC's Avatar
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    First of all, I am not a doctor & I do not think I have advocated
    anyone using silicone injections. It is simply the only alternative for many people to get a female shape. I had no shape before silicone injections.
    My body shape was that of an upside down triangle. Thanks to the injections, I have been able to attain the shape I wanted it.

    The only reason silcione injections are not allowed in the US is because
    silcone can migrate, it can harden, it is permanent, and it is very, very difficult to remove-virtually impossible. I have had injections for over 10 years now and it is still in place. I have met many transexuals who have had silicone for 30 plus years and their bodies are soft and still look good. NYce knows some of this girls cause they frequent the party sometimes. In France, the use of injectible silicone is common in the face, as in many other parts of the world.

    First, we must realize that everyone´s body is different. Second, we must compare the results to the kind of silcione injected and the technitian.
    I speak froma first person point of view-knowing and seeing in person the bodies of transsexuals for many years, and discussing our experiences I have seen horrors as well as wonderful work.

    I have silcione injections in my face and body-alot of it. I have never had a problem or a reaction. Now let me tell you this, FROM ALL THE TIMES I HAVE BEEN PUMPED, the one time I had a reaction was when I decided to have Restyline, a FDA approved, injectible-which is supposed to have NO allergies-and of course I had a horrible reaction to it. It infact still sweels up from time to time and I am waiting for it to go away. NOW, after that experience I will never use anythign but silicone as a filler. Restyline they have now found, can have adverse reactions on some people-vistually every filler on the market can cause allergies except silicone. The reason medical grade silicone causes no reaction, it is because it is an inert substance. Your body does not recognize it, but it does not reject it nor
    nor abosorb it so it forms a layer of scar tissue around it. This comes from the mouths of plastic surgeons I have inquired with.

    It is my belief, from my own personal accounts, that silicone, true medical grade and used correctly and applied in conservative sized amounts, can have yield very, very good results. OF COURSE things can go wrong. If it is injected to close the skin it can cause a the look of an orange peel. If the product is not medical grade it can cause deformations, permanent darkening of the skin, infections, severe hardening, and granulomas, just to name a few. As I said before, I have seen some really bad jobs-people who were hacked up by quacks.


    Of course people who end up with 44 inch hips want them that way. My hips are 42 inches, and I designed them that way. Is that not what cosmetic alterations are about? Who is thinking about Playboy? Since when is Playboy the ideal for everyone? It certainly is not mine. Though those women are truly beautiful and their airbrushing work is fantastic. But I am much more interested in looking like shapely, then have no hips and a flat ass as what is considered "ideal" today by hollywood, tv, and the press. Hunny I wil gladly take Jayne Mansfield, Sophia Loren, Raquel Welch, Jane Russell, or any of those exceptional beauties over the twigs with implants running around today.

    Secondly, your comment about scraping is incorrect. They can remove some amounts but silicone can not be lipoed out or removed completely.
    If you have problems with it, no surgeon in the USA wilk touch you because they can not get rid of it. I have seen surgeons in other countries try to take it out, and the patient usually ends up disfigured with massive scars because silcone, or what have you, adheres to the muscle, tissues, and bonds with it.

    Thirdly, all you do is bitch about silicone-something you have no experience with personally or care to have. Why dont you make suggestions of alternatives instead of talking so much nonesens all the time. The reason is , because unfortunately there are no alternatives.

    Hip implants do not exist. Buttocks implants never make much of a change
    or shift, or end up looking like lumps. No excercise will give you hips. You can do squats, lunges, and weights to maybe lift your butt and tone it-
    but for a genetic male you will usually end up with a mans looking ass
    then a female shape.

    Some people have good genes and have nice body shapes already. That of course is the case with very, very few transsexuals. The fact is there are no options, surgically or medically, for a transsexual to obtain a female shape besides silcone injections.

    This is what lures a lot of girls to make very unwise decisions about their bodies. This is what lures alot of quacks to take advantage of so many girls. Because there are no options for the body else where.

    Places silcione should never be injected are the breasts and below the knee. That is why you see girls with elapahnt ankles sometimes or in the chest a syndrome called breadloafing- which can also occur with implants- in which the breast join and it looks like one boob.

    People ask me all the time about injections and where they can get it done. I can only tell them about my experiences with silicone , which all have been very positive. I think any transsexual who is considering doing this, should look at all of her options, and make the right decision for her, and do as much research as I did. I do not advocate it, it is not right for everyone, but I know many girls who are extrmely happy with their artificial bodies.

    So instead of preaching from your pulpit, REV. RICHTER- you are unqualified to give anyone first hand accounts about injected silicone as you have none. You choose to pound all the negative stories and bad results with your anti silicone rhetoric, and choose to ignore all those who have had positive results.

    And furthermore, your assment about what I will look at at 50 you are absolutely incorrect. I have no silcione in my lower legs for it to travel to my ankles.
    Yes my ass will droop, its called gravity. All body parts will droop. Then I will have a body lift if need be done and look 30 again.

    PS. The gym really helps keeopng the ass muscles firm and that silicone in place.

    2008 AVN Transsexual Performer Of The Year

  6. #6
    5 Star Poster
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    Look... all I am saying is it would be much more beneficial for someone like you to weigh in on more of the negative aspects of it. Now lets see about agreeing on the facts:

    Silicone can be removed by scraping, if at all. Most surgeons want nothing to do with it and removing it once in there can leave girls disfigured.

    Silicone migrates. If you do it, it "could" end up in your ankles, and more than likely will. Seanchai has affirmed this in the past. Just because they use better grade silicone here, it has nothing to do with the gravitational effects. The brazillian girls obviously know what they are doing with their initial silicone placement. The fact that they end up with "elephant feet" as it was described suggests that this is inevitable.

    Silicone kills people. I would guess that perhaps dozens to hundreds of girls have died from these injections.

    You continually evangelize the safe use of it or NYCe wouldn't have suggested his misinformation that it's not all bad. Silicone can have awesome short term benefits, but nobody should be suggesting it is safe or a good long term cosmetic alternative.

  7. #7
    Junior Poster
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    It also depends on the person you go to.....

    I can't believe half these girls let other trannies or fags pump them.

    These people are not licensed or trained on any MEDICAL aspect.

    But alot of trannies are NOT patient and these people will give them the body and face they want FAST.

    There is only good person I know of and she is know as The FACEMAKER

    No names needed.

  8. #8
    Party Goddess Platinum Poster AllanahStarrNYC's Avatar
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    silicone kills people? where did u read that.

    darling, much like people during surgery die from anesthesia not the surgery-people do not die from the silcone. they die how it is administered.

    when someone sticks a needle into the body, and pumps away, without first retracting and see if any blood comes goes into the syringe (the sign that u have hit an artery or vain) then yes there is chance u might die because it can directly into the blood system leading it to the lungs and the heart.

    if that happened to everyone then i should be dead by now because i have been pumped int he body 25 times. and so shoudl the thousands of transsexuals who around the world who are walking around with this.

    i have seen girls with those ankles in person, i have seen alot of bad stuff.

    again, doing this is the only choice i had to make my body look the way i wanted it. i know the risks, i assesed the gains and made my decisions-thus i am happy with them.

    that is what everyone should do who is consedering this.

    2008 AVN Transsexual Performer Of The Year

  9. #9
    Rookie Poster
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    I think Everything was very clearly stated by Alanah she is speaking based on experience, and if she has had a good experince then she should have the right to talk about it . She is not telling anyone to do it she is stating things as they are. Vicki stop being a fire starter as usual talking out of your ass.

  10. #10
    5 Star Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by spectator
    I think Everything was very clearly stated by Alanah she is speaking based on experience, and if she has had a good experince then she should have the right to talk about it . She is not telling anyone to do it she is stating things as they are. Vicki stop being a fire starter as usual talking out of your ass.
    You are such a kiss ass. OMG. Spec you remind me of the kid in school who keeps running to the teacher and saying, "Sally is picking on Susan again!" Even when's she's wrong she's right. Right?

    She is stating things IN OPINION not as they are. I am stating things IN OPINION perhaps not as they are. If I go around saying, "hey crack isn't bad, I've done it 1000 times and I am not dead yet", I am condoning it's use... there are people who might be influenced to try it because someone they respected said, "It's OK". Dr. Allanah also says HIV doesn't cause AIDS and a whole variety of other misinformation. Of course there are a gazillion qualified people who disagree with her. For all we know, those girls that died came on Hung Angels and read what Allanah said.

    What part about elephant feet did you not understand Mr. "She is stating things as they are"?

    In summary, Doctor Vicki says, "crack don't smoke itself".

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