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  1. #71
    Professional Poster
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    Point blank, some don't deserve to have the door opened for them. Some women don't even fuckin say "thank you", as if its the man's obligation to go out of his way for her. I remember opening the door for numerous girls and no "thanks" or nothing. I even walked behind them once when they were ahead of me and the stupid bitches opened the door for themselves, KNOWING I was behind them and let it hit me. I could've knocked them the fuck out! Some just take it for granted. So don't think that its mandatory for men to be nice because it ain't.

  2. #72
    Junior Poster jamesb121's Avatar
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    It's in all walks of life, its all consistent with the upbrining that you've had.

    Good manners cost nothing was what my grandad used to say, rudeness, frankly, is my biggest bugbear in the whole world.

    And dont even get me started about people being rude driving cars......

  3. #73
    Veteran Poster
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    Emma Clark, the woman who until recently did the voice-over for the London underground, posted some spoof announcements on her website a while back. I remember one of them being (paraphrasing):

    'Customer Announcement: Someone smiling at you is not a sign of weakness, but is actually a form of greeting and goodwill'.

    This is essentially what this thread topic boils down to I think. Both sexes today are afraid to show weakness of any sort, and so try to appear hard by refusing to be polite.

  4. #74
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    I'm 26 and so far every woman I dated or gone out with rather it be coffee or dinner I have always picked up the tab (98%) and it shocks them if I do that or open the door or help them with their jackets etc.

    I think its a dying trait

  5. #75
    Professional Poster wombat33's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why are there SO FEW Getlemen Left?

    Quote Originally Posted by TrueBeauty TS
    Quote Originally Posted by wombat33


    Really? REALLY????

    I've never, ever, ever, ever encountered someone being angry at someone for holding the door open for them. Never seen it, never heard of it. EVER.

    I don't know where you live, but I live in Los Angeles. Everyone is self centered here and I still see people say thank you when the door is opened for them.

    AND.... if I am going through the door first, I will hold it open for the next person, female OR male.

    I guess that makes me a gentleman.



    Well, I live in New York City. I have been with girls on dates who actually got annoyed at me for opening the car door for them. Mocked me even.
    The whole "women's movement".

    While there needs to be one for many reasons.........slandering guys for opening a door is not one of them. I told you.............vibrators are rendering us useless. LOL. Thank god I weeded through all of those fake bitches and got a good one.


  6. #76
    Junior Poster
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    budd lake nj


    I am always a gentleman no matter how courteous or rude a girl is. I also agree that it all boils down to upbringing. I was taught manners and to respect all people no matter what their gender or race or religion might be. Courtesy should be a part of everyones daily life.

    "Those who know do not speak,those who speak do not know."

  7. #77
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    Burninating the country side.


    I can answer this one easily.

    Bad Boyz, it's that simple.

    I'm 28, and all my life I've been a gentleman and the girls did not give me the time of day, all I got was smeggin, ~Assumes Monty Python in drag falsetto voice~ "I like you alot, and you're cute and all, but can't we just be friends? I'd hate risking the beautiful thing we have now."

    And then they go run off to their hoodlem boyfriend.
    And it's always the same sorta fellow: A guy who drinks alot of beer, has snake and skull tattoos on their arms, part of a no name rock band that's never gonna go anywhere ( and if he's a drummer, then his chances of getting chicks doubles for some reason. ) , works only enough to get their smokes and booze, got arrested in the past, and if they do some sorta drug, then up his sucess points more. That's how it is in my neck of the woods. In Detroit, just replace the above mentioned person with a gangsta rapper wannabe.

    When someone, especially a frustrated younger guy, is a gentleman and does not get the girls....and then sees how the guys I mentioned in the previous paragraph are getting the girls....and easily too ( sometimes the girls throw themselves to these jerks ), then they will very likely go down that road as well. Cause if they see these hoodlems getting the chicks, why be a gentleman and get less than nothing when you can be a jerk and get the good stuff.

    There's an old saying I heard once, "There's not much gold to be earned from being good."

    Burninating the country side, burninating the peasants. Burninating all the people in their thatched roof cottages....THATCHED ROOF COTTAGES!!!!!

  8. #78
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    While I still try and open doors and pay for dinners/coffee a lot of guys dont see the point anymore.

    IMO, Chivalry developed form women being the weaker sex and now that women have equal rights with men the ways of the past are slowly dieing out. My current girlfriend is an engineer she makes just as much as I do so why should we split the bill or sometimes she should pay for it. Granted I still do nice things for her like hold the door and get her coat when we leave, etc... but it just doesn't have as much meaning as it used to.

  9. #79

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    Default Re: Why are there SO FEW Getlemen Left?

    Quote Originally Posted by AllanahStarrNYC
    It seems like plain and simple manners amongst most men are gone these days...

    Whatever happened to opening doors for a lady- pulling her chair out to sit- or standing when a lady leaves the table????

    I'm lucky that my BF is one-

    But I find bad manners amongst men rampant these days-

    Especially YOUNG men.
    I've been a lurker here for quite some time. Some of the conversation here takes a rougher tone than I care for, but I always learn something here and I've enjoyed sitting on the sidewalk watching the parade pass by. And I mean that sincerely; I say it without any sarcasm.

    My mom's family was from the South and she raised her boy to be a gentleman. I haven't been a boy in many years but her lessons have always stayed with me and they've never let me down. I don't think I've forgotten any of them; in addition to helping her with her coat and opening doors for her, here are other things a gentleman does when he's around a lady:

    1. When a gentleman is out with a lady the only thing he has the right to expect is the pleasure of her company.

    2. In a restaurant, the gentleman offers to seat the lady with her back to the wall. In this arrangement the lady can see everyone in the room and everyone in the room can see (and appreciate) the lady. This arrangement also helps the gentleman avoid distractions and it allows him to give his full attention to the lady.

    3. A gentleman stands when a lady enters the room and he stands both when she leaves and returns to the dining table.

    4. When a lady enters a room and there is not sufficient seating, a gentleman leaves the room to find her a new chair so she won't have to sit on a warm chair seat.

    5. The gentleman's scent should not compete with the lady's perfume. A gentleman should smell clean and, if at all possible, should avoid wearing cologne or after shave.

    6. During social introductions the gentleman is always introduced to the lady ("Mary, I'd like you to meet John."), not the other way around. This is not necessary during professional introductions.

    7. During introductions a gentleman always offers his hand to another gentleman but he never shakes hands with a lady unless she first offers her hand to him.

    8. A gentleman always finds a way to compliment the lady.

    9. A gentleman doesn't use profanity around a lady.

    10. A gentleman always removes his hat and sunglasses when conversing with a lady.

    11. Good manners and acts of kindness are always appropriate.

    12. The appropriate response to a compliment is "Thank you".

    Then, too, I remember this. When I was about ten I was at a large family gathering: aunts, uncles, cousins. It was early autumn and one of the first chilly evenings of the season. My cousin had forgotten her jacket, she was shivering, and my mom told me to give her mine. At first I said no, but my mom insisted. "Give your jacket to your cousin." I said "But then I'll be cold." And my mom said "That's right, you'll be cold. But as a gentleman you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that the lady you're with is comfortable." And I gave her my jacket.

    Allanah, your post hit home with me and I decided to make it my first on these boards. I hope no one minds.

    But you're so right. Good manners are frequently lacking these days. And society is the poorer for that.

  10. #80
    Rookie Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shrist
    Oh be quiet you cunts!!

    Guess what, humanity was as bad if not worse years ago- it is just these superficial behaviors you miss, then go back in time.

    Allanah is a cunt!
    but YOU don't have many friends!!!! PLEB!!

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