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  1. #131
    Silver Poster blckhaze's Avatar
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    ummmmm what? sorry. Shes keeping me occupied.


    Quote Originally Posted by CORVETTEDUDE
    Yeah...This subject is Really Getting Old!!!

    blckhaze- A quickie in the back of a carriage going around Central park south

    RubyTS- been there done that :P

  2. #132
    Professional Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hara_Juku Tgirl
    Quote Originally Posted by TomSelis

    For the record, black guy with an asian girlfriend.
    There you go! PREACH father Tom! lol

    This is really a "case to case basis".

    Um, so how about this girl?

    She is black but don't want black men..your thoughts?


    She's cute, but I could find someone better. And yes, she's a racist too. But I have the ability to say "So what?" and keep it moving. Racists are stupid, doesn't matter how they try to rationalize it, racism is an irrational thing.

    I've told this story before, but my family was kicked out of Uganda for being mixed (African/South Asian/White) in the early 70's. As in "Get out or DIE." So, I'm fully aware that blacks can be racist too. They didn't roll over and say "It's not fair, this is racism!" They went to the UK and then America and made a better life.

    By the same token, if I see someone that I want to talk to and they decide not to chose me because I'm not the right color. I say fuck 'em, say a little prayer for them, then move on with my life and lose no sleep over it, no matter what color they are.

    The thing is sometimes women will turn down this:

    for this:

    And that is a little offensive. When I was younger I'd be deeply offended by that. But now, it's more like

    Shush girl, shut your lips
    Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips

  3. #133
    Silver Poster slinky's Avatar
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    What's the opposite of "admirer"?


    Quote Originally Posted by MacShreach
    Quote Originally Posted by Danny partridge
    Quote Originally Posted by trish
    Moreover, the waiter works for the manager and manager works for the chain.
    Sorry, I forgot some people's only experience with "fine dining" is MacDonalds.
    That was a really cheap shot, Danny. It was out of character for you, and you should apologise to Trish for it. There is not a kinder or more tolerant person on this board, so keep it sweet.

    As you well know this argument has been thrashed to death many times here and it always comes to the same thing-- a polarisation between "It's wrong for a woman to refuse sex with a man on the ground of his race," and "A woman has a right to choose."

    The problem is that both of these are true, but as Trish said, the woman's right not to have sex trumps all.

    The men who are being prejudiced against are correct. There is no justifiable reason to assume that just because a man is black, hispanic or whatever--even Scottish-- he should be in any way more violent, thuggish, drunken or more likely to behave in an unacceptable way than anyone else.

    But irrespective of what her reasons are, a woman has the absolute right to choose whom she has sex with. Men do NOT have the right to have sex with anyone they want, and it doesn't matter whether the woman they want is a whore or not. A woman's body is NOT a convenience store, and a woman does not lose her fundamental human rights just because she is a whore. She doesn't have to explain why. "No," is all she has to say.

    You are far too intelligent a person not to realise this, Danny. Fight the racist argument in areas where you can win and I'm right behind you, but this particular argument is simply not winnable.

    I'm not getting in to this any further, because this horse is so dead it hums. But you still owe Trish an apology.
    I would listen more if there was any hint that you'd actually read everything I wrote and not put words in my mouth. Let me ask you this: what have I said about whether or not "the woman's right not to have sex trumps all."???????????

    Just because you don't know about it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist:

  4. #134
    Silver Poster slinky's Avatar
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    What's the opposite of "admirer"?


    One of the problems I have with the argument being made is that when it comes to sex work, sex workers want to say "it's not sex" when it comes to the morality of doing it, but "it is sex" when it comes to their ability to refuse service. I say "pick one".

    To a large extent the "I have the right to say who invades my body" is a smokescreen, because for the vast majority of sex workers the vast majority of their clients "gross them out" to some extent TO BEGIN with. So, they aren't making so "holy" decision about the invasion of their bodies when it comes to race because they have already abdicated that by doing sex work to begin with. This is different with a VERY small minority of sex workers who really do pick and choose every customer to basically be a guy who they would have sex with for free anyway, but that really is a VERY small minority, and isn't true for almost all of the sex workers trying to use the "body invasion" defense.

    Just because you don't know about it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist:

  5. #135
    Platinum Poster MacShreach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danny partridge
    One of the problems I have with the argument being made is that when it comes to sex work, sex workers want to say "it's not sex" when it comes to the morality of doing it, but "it is sex" when it comes to their ability to refuse service. I say "pick one".

    To a large extent the "I have the right to say who invades my body" is a smokescreen, because for the vast majority of sex workers the vast majority of their clients "gross them out" to some extent TO BEGIN with. So, they aren't making so "holy" decision about the invasion of their bodies when it comes to race because they have already abdicated that by doing sex work to begin with. This is different with a VERY small minority of sex workers who really do pick and choose every customer to basically be a guy who they would have sex with for free anyway, but that really is a VERY small minority, and isn't true for almost all of the sex workers trying to use the "body invasion" defense.
    Doesn't matter a damn. The right to say no is the right to say no without having to justify it, and it is the right of all women whether or not they're on the game or not. The argument is therefore unwinnable.

    Danny, you're one of the smart and decent guys here, I like you and we get on, so I'm not arguing whether or not the reasons are right with you. Discrimination is always wrong, but this is not the battleground to fight that on. That's all I'm saying.

    Whether or not you agree is neither here nor there, because that's it, I said all I had to say the last time this horse was flogged to death, and quite possibly the time before that too. You and I will, I'm sure, continue to get on, but, um, I think you still owe Trish an apology. She didn't deserve that swipe.

  6. #136
    Junior Poster El_hefe's Avatar
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    You know, I think the brothers are right that they are the constant victims of racism in our bigoted society, and as many have alluded to here, we need to end this prejudice asap so we can unify ourselves as a nation and turn against the uppity Asians & especially those damned Mexicans.

  7. #137
    Platinum Poster TsVanessa69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El_hefe
    You know, I think the brothers are right that they are the constant victims of racism in our bigoted society, and as many have alluded to here, we need to end this prejudice asap so we can unify ourselves as a nation and turn against the uppity Asians & especially those damned Mexicans.
    Hey now, Mexican men treat me right and do thangs that "brothers" won't do with ME. I.e, hold my hand and kiss me in public, call just to say hi, take me out to eat, the love of my life is Mexican and my very first boyfriend, who i was with for 5 years was Mexican too. Thast just from MY expierences so don't go flyin off the handle

  8. #138
    Veteran Poster the_corner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El_hefe
    You know, I think the brothers are right that they are the constant victims of racism in our bigoted society, and as many have alluded to here, we need to end this prejudice asap so we can unify ourselves as a nation and turn against the uppity Asians & especially those damned Mexicans.
    Isn't "El Hefe" a dude from Mexican descent?

  9. #139
    Rookie Poster
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    I hate to bring back a topic but I just wanted to say a few words. What people are complaining about is not racism. Racism is not getting a job or notbeing able to move some where bicause of race or percieved race.If one is talking about where they spend their money it is just a choice. Now if transexual providers were regulated by the state then there may be more of an argument. If some one is not interested in you or your money just look elsewhere. The racism subject is one that is sensitive for a lot of people but I dont think it is healthy to assume that a preference is made on racism. For the record I am black and I have asain, white ,black, hispanic TS and GG girls. I hang at a mostly hispanic venue and I wont say I am always succesful but I never feel its because of discrimination. There are a lot of issues in the TS community and so if people dont know you they might have some strange rules. Maybee thats how they are able to deal with things. I have had several asian TS say they were afraid for my size and girth. But for every four like that there will be an adventurous one. So lets think positive and say if you got the game there is no ass you can't tame.

  10. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay Jay
    I hate to bring back a topic but I just wanted to say a few words. What people are complaining about is not racism. Racism is not getting a job or notbeing able to move some where bicause of race or percieved race.If one is talking about where they spend their money it is just a choice. Now if transexual providers were regulated by the state then there may be more of an argument. If some one is not interested in you or your money just look elsewhere. The racism subject is one that is sensitive for a lot of people but I dont think it is healthy to assume that a preference is made on racism. For the record I am black and I have asain, white ,black, hispanic TS and GG girls. I hang at a mostly hispanic venue and I wont say I am always succesful but I never feel its because of discrimination. There are a lot of issues in the TS community and so if people dont know you they might have some strange rules. Maybee thats how they are able to deal with things. I have had several asian TS say they were afraid for my size and girth. But for every four like that there will be an adventurous one. So lets think positive and say if you got the game there is no ass you can't tame.
    __________________________________________________ __________________

    I think you are missing the point though.

    The point is, rather, the sentiment is, at least from my standpoint, is don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. The real "choice" is, most of these "I don't want to deal with black men" choices are because said girl is afraid of black men and thus, you are committing RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.

    The reason It bends me a bit, has more to do with how, in 2010, people still treat black men in general. THE SENTIMENT, not the actual hooker here, cause I haven't felt the need experiment with and out of town EROS hooker, or any hooker for that matter in almost 2 years (Bay Area and all ), the sentiment is what ticks me off on these type posts.

    At any rate, I'm done cause I don't have all night to type if I'm fixin to hit the club tonight.

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