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  1. #31
    Doctor Screw is my bitch Silver Poster lisaparadise's Avatar
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    Jul 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by SarahG
    Quote Originally Posted by lisaparadise
    Quote Originally Posted by SarahG
    Quote Originally Posted by lisaparadise
    bullshit it was jfk who wanted them out not nixon dunno what your smokin but would ya share? lol
    1) JFK used military aid to support the south vietnam anti-Communist factions

    2) JFK ok'd and aided the overthrow and then assassination of Diem

    3) JFK more than doubled our military presence in 'nam (again this all before Tonkins)

    4) JFK supported a new leader for South Vietnam who was blatantly bad in terms of human rights violations, worse than Diem ever was- prompting monks to burn themselves to death on the streets.

    These actions:
    1- Destabilized Vietnam
    2- Committed the United States to the region
    3- Caused chaos that showed it was all going out of control

    With JFK's re-election coming up, these IMMEDIATE direct ramifications were important, and only then under the context of re-election concerns, did JFK consider his course of action were incorrect.

    By then it was too little, too late.

    It shows JFK was a hawk until it threatened his political career- and is no more or less different from what the United States foreign policy had been like since Wilson. still wanna share what your smokin lol
    There are books that claim we never went to the moon, and that JFK was murdered by shape shifting lizard aliens... that doesn't mean its true.

    Even if this book is factually correct, it still doesn't change that JFK was escalating vietnam until he realized it risked his re-election potential.

    To put it using even fewer words: JFK was for escalation before he was against it.

    I'm not saying he never changed his mind.
    we can go back and forth on this all night but we will never change each others mind,i respect your opinion but well agree to dissagree and leave it at that. KITTYPRIDE IS MY BITCH

  2. #32
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by lisaparadise
    Quote Originally Posted by DX4LIFE
    wow talk about a bunch of people who are hypocrits

    you claim that most people have hatred and discrimitive against but yet you act like children

    BTW Palin is not Bush

    Obumma is running a campaighn on Pure Hatred for Bush with no grounds for policies its Hatred on Bush/Women and using his race as a black man for a crutch

    how dare any one of you try to claim Palin is something you "think" she is when you dont

    isnt that the same thing u ask of anyone to think about yourselves?
    oh my god you must be a typical american white boy from alabama ,lol what exactly do you know about palan that the rest of us dont?not much seeing as her own party doesnt want her ansering any questions that about says it all now doesnt it?im thinkin you need to stick to the truth and watch and listen alittle more carefully to the issues at hand,do you know any american making under 300 thousand a year who doesnt like bush?i didnt think so....your voting for an idiot who thinks telling people lies is just fine aka his smear campain against barack telling americans obama want to teach sex ed to kindergarden kids what a fuckin piece of work,,,so what if macain is a so called war hero guess what he was in a war his fellow american republicans put him in.and i took jfk his life getting his sorry ass outta there.kinda funny macain has 10 lobbyist on his pay roll and you cant se the warning signs? gimmie a break and wake up.
    None of yoru claims are facts and maybe when you learn to spell you can sense to form a valid arguement

    Barack Obumma will lose u will come hear and bitch about it about how bad america is cause another liberal lost

    but yet you;re still living here

    I will be pleased to here your complaints November 5th

  3. #33
    Gold Poster SarahG's Avatar
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    Everywhere & Nowhere


    Quote Originally Posted by DX4LIFE
    Quote Originally Posted by lisaparadise
    Quote Originally Posted by DX4LIFE
    wow talk about a bunch of people who are hypocrits

    you claim that most people have hatred and discrimitive against but yet you act like children

    BTW Palin is not Bush

    Obumma is running a campaighn on Pure Hatred for Bush with no grounds for policies its Hatred on Bush/Women and using his race as a black man for a crutch

    how dare any one of you try to claim Palin is something you "think" she is when you dont

    isnt that the same thing u ask of anyone to think about yourselves?
    oh my god you must be a typical american white boy from alabama ,lol what exactly do you know about palan that the rest of us dont?not much seeing as her own party doesnt want her ansering any questions that about says it all now doesnt it?im thinkin you need to stick to the truth and watch and listen alittle more carefully to the issues at hand,do you know any american making under 300 thousand a year who doesnt like bush?i didnt think so....your voting for an idiot who thinks telling people lies is just fine aka his smear campain against barack telling americans obama want to teach sex ed to kindergarden kids what a fuckin piece of work,,,so what if macain is a so called war hero guess what he was in a war his fellow american republicans put him in.and i took jfk his life getting his sorry ass outta there.kinda funny macain has 10 lobbyist on his pay roll and you cant se the warning signs? gimmie a break and wake up.
    None of yoru claims are facts and maybe when you learn to spell you can sense to form a valid arguement

    Barack Obumma will lose u will come hear and bitch about it about how bad america is cause another liberal lost

    but yet you;re still living here

    I will be pleased to here your complaints November 5th
    I know Texas isn't known for its public schools, but you realize how many English and grammar errors you made in that response to hers? :P

    And maybe its easier to withdraw from life
    With all of its misery and wretched lies
    If we're dead when tomorrow's gone
    The Big Machine will just move on
    Still we cling afraid we'll fall
    Clinging like the memory which haunts us all

  4. #34
    Banned again for being a jizzmop, oh well! Gold Poster
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by SarahG
    Quote Originally Posted by DX4LIFE
    Quote Originally Posted by lisaparadise
    Quote Originally Posted by DX4LIFE
    wow talk about a bunch of people who are hypocrits

    you claim that most people have hatred and discrimitive against but yet you act like children

    BTW Palin is not Bush

    Obumma is running a campaighn on Pure Hatred for Bush with no grounds for policies its Hatred on Bush/Women and using his race as a black man for a crutch

    how dare any one of you try to claim Palin is something you "think" she is when you dont

    isnt that the same thing u ask of anyone to think about yourselves?
    oh my god you must be a typical american white boy from alabama ,lol what exactly do you know about palan that the rest of us dont?not much seeing as her own party doesnt want her ansering any questions that about says it all now doesnt it?im thinkin you need to stick to the truth and watch and listen alittle more carefully to the issues at hand,do you know any american making under 300 thousand a year who doesnt like bush?i didnt think so....your voting for an idiot who thinks telling people lies is just fine aka his smear campain against barack telling americans obama want to teach sex ed to kindergarden kids what a fuckin piece of work,,,so what if macain is a so called war hero guess what he was in a war his fellow american republicans put him in.and i took jfk his life getting his sorry ass outta there.kinda funny macain has 10 lobbyist on his pay roll and you cant se the warning signs? gimmie a break and wake up.
    None of yoru claims are facts and maybe when you learn to spell you can sense to form a valid arguement

    Barack Obumma will lose u will come hear and bitch about it about how bad america is cause another liberal lost

    but yet you;re still living here

    I will be pleased to here your complaints November 5th
    I know Texas isn't known for its public schools, but you realize how many English and grammar errors you made in that response to hers? :P
    You didn't even have to mention "here your complaints", SarahG. Heh. I love freedom of speech, it gives those loud mouth conservatives all the rope they need to hang themselves.

  5. #35
    Gold Poster SarahG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hondarobot
    Quote Originally Posted by SarahG
    Quote Originally Posted by DX4LIFE
    Quote Originally Posted by lisaparadise
    Quote Originally Posted by DX4LIFE
    wow talk about a bunch of people who are hypocrits

    you claim that most people have hatred and discrimitive against but yet you act like children

    BTW Palin is not Bush

    Obumma is running a campaighn on Pure Hatred for Bush with no grounds for policies its Hatred on Bush/Women and using his race as a black man for a crutch

    how dare any one of you try to claim Palin is something you "think" she is when you dont

    isnt that the same thing u ask of anyone to think about yourselves?
    oh my god you must be a typical american white boy from alabama ,lol what exactly do you know about palan that the rest of us dont?not much seeing as her own party doesnt want her ansering any questions that about says it all now doesnt it?im thinkin you need to stick to the truth and watch and listen alittle more carefully to the issues at hand,do you know any american making under 300 thousand a year who doesnt like bush?i didnt think so....your voting for an idiot who thinks telling people lies is just fine aka his smear campain against barack telling americans obama want to teach sex ed to kindergarden kids what a fuckin piece of work,,,so what if macain is a so called war hero guess what he was in a war his fellow american republicans put him in.and i took jfk his life getting his sorry ass outta there.kinda funny macain has 10 lobbyist on his pay roll and you cant se the warning signs? gimmie a break and wake up.
    None of yoru claims are facts and maybe when you learn to spell you can sense to form a valid arguement

    Barack Obumma will lose u will come hear and bitch about it about how bad america is cause another liberal lost

    but yet you;re still living here

    I will be pleased to here your complaints November 5th
    I know Texas isn't known for its public schools, but you realize how many English and grammar errors you made in that response to hers? :P
    You didn't even have to mention "here your complaints", SarahG. Heh. I love freedom of speech, it gives those loud mouth conservatives all the rope they need to hang themselves.

    I missed more than that if you're paying attention

    And maybe its easier to withdraw from life
    With all of its misery and wretched lies
    If we're dead when tomorrow's gone
    The Big Machine will just move on
    Still we cling afraid we'll fall
    Clinging like the memory which haunts us all

  6. #36
    Senior Member Professional Poster Paladin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimjongil
    Quote Originally Posted by Paladin
    What I want to know is where the hell are all of the beauty pagent pictures of her. She supposedly won some minor pagent some years back.
    I don't believe this is a pageant shot, but this is Palin from back in the day:
    Thanks kimjong(mentally)il - hey i guess he really is mentally il now :P

  7. #37
    Junior Poster msbhaven's Avatar
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    I know a lot of people here vote Democrat because of transgendered rights issues, but do you really think Obama is going to support those issues any more than a Republican candidate? I seriously doubt that Obama loves us or want's to be associated with us anymore than McCain does. If I'm right then what other reasons do transgendered, and transgendered supporters have to vote for Obama? Just because they say they like you and support you to your face doesn't mean they do the same when your back is turned.

  8. #38
    Gold Poster SarahG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by msbhaven
    I know a lot of people here vote Democrat because of transgendered rights issues, but do you really think Obama is going to support those issues any more than a Republican candidate? I seriously doubt that Obama loves us or want's to be associated with us anymore than McCain does. If I'm right then what other reasons do transgendered, and transgendered supporters have to vote for Obama? Just because they say they like you and support you to your face doesn't mean they do the same when your back is turned.
    Obama clearly doesn't care about the issue- like (imho) most of America. For most people, unless you're lgbt or are close to someone who is, it really isn't something that is thought about in day to day American life, especially when there are issues almost everyone can relate to (like the economy).

    The difference is that, while one side doesn't seem to give a shit- the other side absolutely cares. Running against lgbt rights has been a cornerstone of the Republican party for years. It was the biggest issue in 2004, it was how Bush got re-elected, and it probably had a role of some kind in choosing Palin for VP.

    THANKFULLY, so far, it has been mostly a footnote in this election.

    But why Obama? Well, I am not a big fan of the guy, he doesn't get me excited, I don't think he's particularly talented BUT if the choice is voting for someone who I know is inclined to try to reverse lgbt rights, and someone who is going to be more inclined to keep things as they are- the 2nd choice is the superior choice.

    McCain is a concern for me not because of his personal views on lgbt issues so much as my fears regarding his VP pick. My prediction is that if McCain wins, Palin will run in 2012, she'll win, and she'll serve two terms (meaning 12 more years of this bullshit). Why else would McCain be allowing so much of this election to be Palin-mania? Why else would he be going around the country having HER do most the talking? He's parading her around knowing that she will be his successor, and that is what he wants.

    She'll prolly run as #1 in the next election no matter what happens, but if McCain loses that's more time for her credibility to falter.

    Basically voting for Obama is damage control.

    The saving grace could be if the economy tanks, maybe, just maybe, that would make America reluctant to have these guys in office for another 12 years. But I kinda doubt it, this "popularity contest" has had nill to do with the real issues, no one is talking with substance, and no body seems to give two shits if any of the candidates know what they're talking about.

    And maybe its easier to withdraw from life
    With all of its misery and wretched lies
    If we're dead when tomorrow's gone
    The Big Machine will just move on
    Still we cling afraid we'll fall
    Clinging like the memory which haunts us all

  9. #39
    Junior Poster msbhaven's Avatar
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    I totally get what you are saying and I can totally respect it. Your concerns are almost a mirror image of how I feel. While I don't like that the Repubs are antigay, antitrans, antidrug, antiporn, etc. I like it even less that the dems are for socialized medicine, tighter gun control, more taxes, more government controls on the people. What's more the islamic radical movements in the world frighten me a great deal, and I don't believe Obama is as capable of handling that problem as McCain. Also I know that many Dems are also antigay, antiporn, antitrans, antidrug, etc. Maybe they don't make an issue out of it like the Repubs do but I don't believe Dems are any more of a friend to us then Repubs are.

    So....if Dems aren't going to make it easier for me to be a trans or trans lover, or pot smoker, or porn watcher, then why the F would I vote for them? Because I sure don't like their stance on all of the other important issues like defense, medical care, taxes, and limited government.

  10. #40
    Doctor Screw is my bitch Silver Poster lisaparadise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by msbhaven

    I totally get what you are saying and I can totally respect it. Your concerns are almost a mirror image of how I feel. While I don't like that the Repubs are antigay, antitrans, antidrug, antiporn, etc. I like it even less that the dems are for socialized medicine, tighter gun control, more taxes, more government controls on the people. What's more the islamic radical movements in the world frighten me a great deal, and I don't believe Obama is as capable of handling that problem as McCain. Also I know that many Dems are also antigay, antiporn, antitrans, antidrug, etc. Maybe they don't make an issue out of it like the Repubs do but I don't believe Dems are any more of a friend to us then Repubs are.

    So....if Dems aren't going to make it easier for me to be a trans or trans lover, or pot smoker, or porn watcher, then why the F would I vote for them? Because I sure don't like their stance on all of the other important issues like defense, medical care, taxes, and limited government.
    its not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country,,,,,you want 4 more years of the same go for it but all americans know this can not happen now can it,nobody gives a rats ass about your being a translover or a trans or your porn this is about a nation that lost all respect from other countries about an economy that cant find its way outta the black hole and john has the nerve to say in a speech last night that theres nothing fundamentally wrong with the economy lol get fucking real,this coming from an idiot who doesnt even know how many houses he owns wtf? so let me put it this way either 50per cent of americans are completely stupid or more like 50 per cent are likely racist fucks cause theres no freakion way this political race should be even close plain and simple..... KITTYPRIDE IS MY BITCH

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