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  1. #61
    Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: White folks who try it(another rant of mine)

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkThanos

    for starters:


    just because YOU haven't heard of it doesn't mean NO ONE has heard of it...epic phail.......
    An epic phail is quoting a poll done by a company no one has ever heard of that doesn't state any variables. If this was a viable poll you would fid it more places than some obscure web site. I can go around my neighborhood and create my own poll and cite that but that doesn't make it very accurate.

  2. #62
    Silver Poster yodajazz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yodajazz
    I'm sick of you people, saying that Blacks are only voting for Obama because he is Black. Black voted way over 90% in 2004 for John Kerry, who is White. What is it about that that you cannot understand. Republicans have not done much for Black in a very long time. Reagan had his "trickle down theory" of economics. You know what trickles down? Piss. In addition Blacks make up a higher percentage of the Armed Forces, and are dying in these wars that Republicans think of. Black females make up over half of the females in our Armed Services.

    It may be none of the above for you, but one of the above will become president. One of the above's political party got us into war under a false pretext, saying it was for self defense and it was not. None of the above, people like you, say that it is ok to let them get away with murder, not just American lives, but innocent people in a country we claiming to be helping. But meanwhile we are trying to secure the rights their oil fields.

    The other thing about the Republican party is that their philosophy has been to let big business do what ever they want to make profits. Meanwhile the those business sent our jobs overseas, and are constantly thinking of new ways to add penalties to their services which exploit those least able to pay their bills, the poor. A large percenatge of the money in my community is going out for penalties, not accumulating any goods, just going straight to the company coffers.

    So you think that Black people are voting for Obama becuase he is Black? The real reason is: WE ARE TIRED OF SMELLING LIKE PISS![/quote

    Christ....where to begin....It was the Dumocrats that forced ACORN into law....and are 90% responsible for the entire sub-prime melt down....and the eeeevvviiillll Republicans that actually tried to reign in Fannie and Freddie.....but Dodd and Barney-Frank-fag blocked every move....sooooooooo now "we", meaning all of us are getting ass-raped by the Bernanke/Paulson bailout.

    Most of the time there's not a farts bit of difference between the Dumocrats and the effin Pubs.... but in this case you could at least try to get your facts straight...ok?

    and another thing....if ya don't want to get your ass blown off then don't join the fucking Army...ok? Is there a fucking draft going on now?


    Oh yea.... another thing....what political party freed the slaves?
    The real-estate market was just a nudge to the house of cards financial market. One of the main causes of the economic is lack of regulation. For example there has been a large amount of lending and leveraging between financial houses. The 60 minute segment called it a “60 trillion dollar shadow market”. But if those parties were subject to regulation, then they would have been forced to have sounder business practices. An example used was that they were providing insurance to cover losses, but not subject to insurance regulations, which would have required them to have a percentage of reserves to cover losses.

    Lax regulation allowed banks to get into riskier practices, as well as other financial organizations. Unsound practices, like being able to buy stock by borrowing money and then selling for a profit without having to put up any of your own money, over inflated the value of stocks. An article I read, put the cause of the rise gas prices more on commodities speculation. I believe it. Let me ask you, have China and India stopped using gas in the last 2-3 weeks, so that the price could come down? No, the answer is that there is less money out there to drive up the price through commodities speculation.

    The Republican/Conservative philosophy since Reagan has been for less government oversight. This crisis is the result of unsound business practices by financial managers looking for quick profits without looking at the bigger long term picture. The whole US manufacturing base has been eroded as Corporations were allowed to ship jobs overseas to industries which are often subsidized by the host nation. Now we don’t have enough people making money to buy cars, etc. Each company has a better profit margin through lower labor costs, but the bigger picture is a nation unable to produce it’s own goods sending money out other nations economies.

    The same government that people are complaining about has the task to establish and regulate sound financial practice. After years of lobbying for less government intervention, the same people turn around and ask them for a bailout, shifting some of the financial burden to those people whose jobs they wanted outsourced.

    I’ll admit that I am just learning, but your reasoning doesn’t take into account the much bigger financial market, like the 60 Minutes story.

    I do appreciate the Republican Party for fighting for, and passing the 13th Amendment in 1865, 107 years ago. But my honest opinion is that the average American, these days in an indentured servant to the credit industry. Larger and larger amounts of our productivity are going for paying credit costs and penalties. As Jesus Christ might say, we were 'led into temptation'.

    P.S. I agree with everything said by Sarah G, in her post above. Great post Sarah.

  3. #63
    Professional Poster NYBURBS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yodajazz
    The real-estate market was just a nudge to the house of cards financial market. One of the main causes of the economic is lack of regulation. For example there has been a large amount of lending and leveraging between financial houses. The 60 minute segment called it a “60 trillion dollar shadow market”. But if those parties were subject to regulation, then they would have been forced to have sounder business practices. An example used was that they were providing insurance to cover losses, but not subject to insurance regulations, which would have required them to have a percentage of reserves to cover losses.

    Lax regulation allowed banks to get into riskier practices, as well as other financial organizations. Unsound practices, like being able to buy stock by borrowing money and then selling for a profit without having to put up any of your own money, over inflated the value of stocks. An article I read, put the cause of the rise gas prices more on commodities speculation. I believe it. Let me ask you, have China and India stopped using gas in the last 2-3 weeks, so that the price could come down? No, the answer is that there is less money out there to drive up the price through commodities speculation.

    The Republican/Conservative philosophy since Reagan has been for less government oversight. This crisis is the result of unsound business practices by financial managers looking for quick profits without looking at the bigger long term picture. The whole US manufacturing base has been eroded as Corporations were allowed to ship jobs overseas to industries which are often subsidized by the host nation. Now we don’t have enough people making money to buy cars, etc. Each company has a better profit margin through lower labor costs, but the bigger picture is a nation unable to produce it’s own goods sending money out other nations economies.

    The same government that people are complaining about has the task to establish and regulate sound financial practice. After years of lobbying for less government intervention, the same people turn around and ask them for a bailout, shifting some of the financial burden to those people whose jobs they wanted outsourced.

    I’ll admit that I am just learning, but your reasoning doesn’t take into account the much bigger financial market, like the 60 Minutes story.

    I do appreciate the Republican Party for fighting for, and passing the 13th Amendment in 1865, 107 years ago. But my honest opinion is that the average American, these days in an indentured servant to the credit industry. Larger and larger amounts of our productivity are going for paying credit costs and penalties. As Jesus Christ might say, we were 'led into temptation'.

    P.S. I agree with everything said by Sarah G, in her post above. Great post Sarah.
    Most of what you said was accurate imo, with the exception of the regulation. The fact is we have not had a free market in any recent memory. There has been tons of government interference, mainly by Congress through twisting the commerce clause. In my opinion the democrats push socialism as the cure, while the bulk (not entirety) of the republican party has been pushing a fascist agenda (even if some of them haven't realized it).

    Too many people are quick to jump on the anti-free market bandwagon, when in truth that provides the greatest amount of individual freedom and better living conditions overall. People can call our economic structure over the past 100 years many things, free market shouldn't be one of them.

    This mixed bag economic policy, combined with run-away government spending/borrowing, and intervention to save companies/individuals that have made poor choices is coming back to fuck us.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by braveman
    Quote Originally Posted by boondocksaint
    does anyone know the origins of the clan?
    i know a little, it was started just as a club for the South's veterans of the civil war. however, they started getting involved in the racial stuff later on, which caused some members to leave. one of the guys that left is the guy Forest Gump was named after, he left and started supporting the rights for minorities. Now they are full blow retard inbreds. it sucks though that that is one thing the south is know for. hopefully we dont get the new tag 'The Part of America that Killed the First Non-White President'

    You have got to be kidding right? How old are you? Do you know how to use your computer for basic research?

    Quote Originally Posted by boondocksaint
    Also I'm voting for McCain because I find it weird to vote for a candidate that Al-Jasir (the terrorist group) publicly supports. Well thats my opinion, doesn't mean I'm right but I just wanted to throw it out there.
    im kinda retarded when it comes to the innernet dillio, i dont really think about wut i say or type, i just go with the flow, and as for basic research on the computer, i really just use it for porn, and the occasional music download

    Insert Witty One Liner Here

  5. #65
    Veteran Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by boondocksaint
    Quote Originally Posted by braveman
    Quote Originally Posted by boondocksaint
    does anyone know the origins of the clan?
    i know a little, it was started just as a club for the South's veterans of the civil war. however, they started getting involved in the racial stuff later on, which caused some members to leave. one of the guys that left is the guy Forest Gump was named after, he left and started supporting the rights for minorities. Now they are full blow retard inbreds. it sucks though that that is one thing the south is know for. hopefully we dont get the new tag 'The Part of America that Killed the First Non-White President'

    You have got to be kidding right? How old are you? Do you know how to use your computer for basic research?

    Quote Originally Posted by boondocksaint
    Also I'm voting for McCain because I find it weird to vote for a candidate that Al-Jasir (the terrorist group) publicly supports. Well thats my opinion, doesn't mean I'm right but I just wanted to throw it out there.
    im kinda retarded when it comes to the innernet dillio, i dont really think about wut i say or type, i just go with the flow, and as for basic research on the computer, i really just use it for porn, and the occasional music download
    Don't worry about the internet so to speak. It would be nice if you would know who you are supposed to be fighting against. If Im not mistaken you are a soldier, therefore it should be of the utmost importance to you to know who you are supposed to be fighting against. As a veteran I find it shocking that you don't nor do you seem to care too much. This is a great example of why the world hates the US. We have lumped prety much all groups of Muslims together as terrorists instead of knowing the differences between them. Or own president still doesn't know the difference between a Shiite and a Sunni. If he did know he would have known this war in Iraq was not going end well.

    Don't be a George.

  6. #66
    5 Star Poster ezed's Avatar
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    Default Re: White folks who try it(another rant of mine)

    Quote Originally Posted by goldensamba
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkThanos

    for starters:


    just because YOU haven't heard of it doesn't mean NO ONE has heard of it...epic phail.......
    An epic phail is quoting a poll done by a company no one has ever heard of that doesn't state any variables. If this was a viable poll you would fid it more places than some obscure web site. I can go around my neighborhood and create my own poll and cite that but that doesn't make it very accurate.
    I am one of the 60% that is unhappy with the choice of candidates. To date in the race, I've seen shit from both, though I like both of them. They throw out the votes of each other on different bills, which god knows what's attached to them bills. I like to once, see a candidate to say what he feels as opposed to being controlled by their parties machines. But in this day in age thanks to our "Access" type media...we won't see it.

    No candidate can deliver anything he's promised to date. You have The House of Repreretards to go through. Though, Obama is a Democrat, he's not one of the in-crowd yet and will have to give on tons of principles to get what he wants. McCain is one of the in-crowd, but in the wrong party, so he won't get shit either. And don't bring up Kerry, he was a stationary dildo with a dead battery. The Clintons knew how to get people blown, so they were popular.

    We got what? 20 something days and I don't know who to vote for. Show me something in these last 20 or so days. Who has balls? Step out of the box.

    Ain't gonna happen, they will stay in the safe media box.

  7. #67
    Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: White folks who try it(another rant of mine)

    Quote Originally Posted by ezed
    Quote Originally Posted by goldensamba
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkThanos

    for starters:


    just because YOU haven't heard of it doesn't mean NO ONE has heard of it...epic phail.......
    An epic phail is quoting a poll done by a company no one has ever heard of that doesn't state any variables. If this was a viable poll you would fid it more places than some obscure web site. I can go around my neighborhood and create my own poll and cite that but that doesn't make it very accurate.
    I am one of the 60% that is unhappy with the choice of candidates. To date in the race, I've seen shit from both, though I like both of them. They throw out the votes of each other on different bills, which god knows what's attached to them bills. I like to once, see a candidate to say what he feels as opposed to being controlled by their parties machines. But in this day in age thanks to our "Access" type media...we won't see it.

    No candidate can deliver anything he's promised to date. You have The House of Repreretards to go through. Though, Obama is a Democrat, he's not one of the in-crowd yet and will have to give on tons of principles to get what he wants. McCain is one of the in-crowd, but in the wrong party, so he won't get shit either. And don't bring up Kerry, he was a stationary dildo with a dead battery. The Clintons knew how to get people blown, so they were popular.

    We got what? 20 something days and I don't know who to vote for. Show me something in these last 20 or so days. Who has balls? Step out of the box.

    Ain't gonna happen, they will stay in the safe media box.
    Now that I can agree with. Obama will play it safe so he doesn't lose ground and McCain will throw all the toys out of the box to see what sticks. I question his temperment and decision making which is what makes my vote go to Obama.

    The ugly scenes at his rallies are another. The fact that it took him a week and tons of media pressure ot put a stop to the racial crap shows me he is not the right man for the job.

  8. #68
    Banned for being a shit stain on humanity. Junior Poster
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    Good reply least someone here has a clue.

  9. #69
    Banned for being a shit stain on humanity. Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by lisaparadise
    Quote Originally Posted by beandip
    Obama is just as big of an asshole as Mcinsane. For Chrisssakes look at the people behind him. His phucking chief foreign adviser is Zbignew B. The asshole who wrote a book in the Carter years outlining how imperative it was to "secure" the gas fields of central Asia. Yea, vote for Obama....send more kids off to die. Christ sometimes I'm amazed by people who don't spend the time to research the power people behind the Cult of Personality.
    well atleast part of your nickname maches make no mistake you are a DIP period,let me quess all you all day is listen to the patriot rodio station on xm radio how patetic and stupid you are it just blows my mind how dumb some americans are .
    Why not try refuting what I've written with some facts?

    You might come off a sounding tad bit more intelligent instead of just name calling.

    Give it a try.

    Look up Zbigniew Brzezinski .

    I listen to 104.1 out of Hartford. Hard rock. I'm not an ass sucking bootlicker for either so called "political party".

  10. #70
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by beandip

    Why not try refuting what I've written with some facts?

    You might come off a sounding tad bit more intelligent instead of just name calling.

    Give it a try.

    Look up Zbigniew Brzezinski .

    I listen to 104.1 out of Hartford. Hard rock. I'm not an ass sucking bootlicker for either so called "political party".
    it'll never happen dude. facts have no place in lisa's posts. lisa ignored the last two posts i made asking to back up statements that were made...

    Nothing to see here folks.

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