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Thread: homo absurdus

  1. #1
    Veteran Poster Cuchulain's Avatar
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    Default homo absurdus


    Homo Absurdus
    By Lionel

    Flickr: Creative Commons by ApparentAnthropologists agree that they have never witnessed during anthropogenesis a phylogenetic regression. But that’s now changed. I respectfully submit that we are seeing before our very eyes the introduction of homo absurdus.

    We are devolving and in many cases have devolved into a mutant strain: a demented, simplistic and mentally-unicellular neo-cretin. Why am I so pessimistic? Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin. That’s why. Period. The only way that these two bumpkins could have gained the public and national eye as they have is if, and only if, we have regressed into a simpler, dumber and, frankly, goofier form of life that now celebrates and lauds anything and anyone for any reason. There is nothing sapient about us if we have allowed free admission into the pantheon of fame for these two incredibly vacuous folks. Fame and infamy are different concepts, remember?

    You know the expression “jumping the shark”? It’s used to denote “that point in a TV show or movie series' history where the plot veers off into absurd story lines or out-of-the-ordinary characterizations.” Our politics have jumped the shark, 24/7 news has and so have we all. When an obviously and patently absurd choice for Veep is presented to us and there is not a universal and absolute rejection of same by unanimous consensus, we’ve all devolved. The very fact that Sarah Palin could catapult to the top of the ticket and enjoy the vaunted praises from a star-struck media sickens me to no end. We have skid into absurdum and have the skid marks to prove it. Enter then . . . Joe the Plumber.

    Look, forget the fact that he’s not a plumber and his name’s not Joe, OK, big deal. The fact that should grab you is that this man is opining anent inter alia Israel and anything for that matter. Why?

    Because once anyone and I mean anyone, enters the media stratosphere and hits celebrity thermal currents, their status is fixed. They are brought out time and time again for the “hit,” for that quintessential YouTube moment. We’ve done it with the steatopygian Kim Kardashian and everyone’s favorite night-vision-goggled fellatrix, Paris Hilton. Before you can say “plumber’s crack,” Joe will have his own line of home repair tools, he’ll be cutting ribbons at Home Depots around these fruited plains and will have his own reality show on HGTV. He's even being purused by a major record label. Can you say "William Hung"? Why? Because he was illuminated by the Klieg for a pico-second and he’s now been indelibly tattooed with the tincture of celebrity. For no reason at all.

    Homo absurdus indeed.

    Five days.

  2. #2
    Platinum Poster thx1138's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Sounds like the flick "idiotacracy".

    If I got a dime every time I read an ad with purloined photos I could retire right now. Andenzi, izimvo zakho ziyaba.

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