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  1. #1
    Junior Poster
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    Oct 2007
    New York, NY

    Default Condoms and Pizza

    For all the people who say that sex with a condom is "no different," I want to tell you about how I eat pizza.

    NYC has a bunch of great pizza places. So I'll head downtown to grab a slice from time to time, and I always take a big plastic bag and my stapler along with me.

    "2 plain slices to go, buddy." "Sure, pal, here ya go, enjoy -- HEY, WHAT THE FUCK?!"

    Sometimes the pizza guy looks at me strange and gets upset b/c of how I eat my pizza. Here's what I do: I whip out my plastic bag and shove it all the way down my throat. Then I staple it to my lips.

    See, that way, I get all that great *pizza mastication experience* w/o any of the taste! Try it, it works!

  2. #2



    Thanks for that.

    Holy shit I can't stop laughing.


    Ha. Ha. Ha.

    It's funny because it's TRUE.

  3. #3
    Junior Poster
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    Aug 2006


    On the plus side you don't have to be as concerned in case you just fucked a slice of pizza that had AIDS and didn't tell you about it. Do you really dislike condoms so much that picking up an STD doesn't matter to you?

  4. #4
    Junior Poster
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    Oct 2007
    New York, NY


    To the poster who wonders if I hate condoms so much that I would be willing to risk disease. No. But neither would I be willing to miss the exquisite sensations of sex. I hate condoms with a passion. So what's the solution?

    Like most solutions to *terrible* problems it's more than a little inconvienent. But here it is: before I'll have sex with someone new, I'll set a date for us to go to one of NYC's hyper-efficient, extremely reliable testing centers. And I pay for all of it. Test for *everything.*

    How romantic. And there's still a *minimal* risk involved. But with the better, more expensive testing, the risk (esp. of HIV) is vanishingly small.

    The sex is worth it.

  5. #5
    Platinum Poster
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    Jan 2008


    the *minimal* risk- meaning...
    the chance that she or he could have contracted the virus in the last three months, thus being untraceable by the test?

    a true trans maven knows that most of these bitches fuck a lil too much in 3months to hope for the best on that one.

  6. #6
    Junior Poster
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    Aug 2006


    amen Alyssa... now transmaven go fuck your pizza

  7. #7


    I don't think you can die from a slice of pizza (okay maybe if you choked)...

  8. #8
    5 Star Poster
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    its way different

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