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Thread: Blushing Bride

  1. #11


    Chapter Five

    The Wedding Night

    I guess it's natural to be full of nerves and second thoughts on your wedding day but I'm not sure how many grooms have the sort of thoughts that I was having on the morning of my wedding. It wasn't that I wasn't very much in love with Gina, my beautiful fiancee, my dream woman with blonde hair and dark skin, a woman who had always been so loving and generous to me. It was just that between the time of my getting engaged and now, my wedding, things had happened that had complicated matters a little. Much as I loved and desired Gina, she had always been a little straight laced and morally upright, so much so that not only had we never properly had sex before we were married, although on receiving my very expensive diamond engagement ring there had been some awkward fumblings and she had gone down on me, but it was just that once. Since she had such a problem with even the simplest, most vanilla sex, I couldn't bring myself to tell Gina my true desires and fantasies. The things I really felt like doing, the things that really turned me on, would probably have Gina throwing me out before we were even married.
    Unfortunately, I couldn't keep these kinky desires and urges to myself and eventually they had to come out and so I found myself confessing to my best man Mark about how I wanted nothing more than to dress in sexy feminine clothes and be taken by a hot, hung stud. I had told him this in confidence, so it was something of a surprise when, not only did he do his best to make my fantasy come true, he did it in a room full of my best and oldest friends during my stag party. Dressed in sensual white bridal lingerie and Gina's gorgeous wedding dress, I felt amazing, like a beautiful, feminine, sexual creature. A few of my friends had been a little unsure at first but they soon got into the swing of things and so had I, really relishing the chance to play the role of the virginal blushing bride turned lustful slut, taking cocks in my mouth and arse all evening. It had been one hell of an experience but it had left me confused to say the very least.
    I knew that I loved Gina very much and I knew that I would like nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with her, still as much in love with her as ever. It wasn't like I didn't find her attractive anymore either. Quite the opposite. Now I had experienced, albeit for just a moment, quite how thrilling it can be to be a beautiful woman, Gina looked even better to me. Even though I envied her perfect, smooth olive skin, her narrow hips and round breasts, I also longed to touch and stroke and caress them. No, the problem didn't lie with Gina, it was with me. After the experiences of my stag night, I didn't know how I could ever get turned on by just being the boring, masculine me. I needed those sensual stockings and panties to get me into the mood and now I was about to marry the gorgeous but unadventurous Gina, I didn't see much chance of that happening.
    So, as I stood there at the altar, awaiting my beautiful bride, all manner of nerves and unusual thoughts were flooding through my mind. A glance around the room did nothing to set my mind at ease as, inevitably, my eyes lighted on various friends that had been there with me on my fateful stag night. A couple of rows back I saw David. I had lived with David for two years when we were students together, it was a good time in my life, full of fun, drinking and partying. We had a lot of fond memories shared together but none of them were what came to mind as I looked at him. No, there was only one memory that shot to my mind the instant I saw him. Over the time we had lived together, I thought I had learnt all that I could know about David and him about me, but back then neither of us could have predicted the memory I recalled now. It was the image of me losing my virginity as a girl, as a beautiful young bride, Gina's wedding dress pulled up around my waist, my lips wrapped around one cock and David's long, hard member penetrating my tight little arsehole.
    I couldn't help but blush bright red and turn embarrassedly away as David caught my eye and gave a little grin, I could tell the same thought was on his mind. The memory was so fresh and vivid, it sent an erotic feeling running right through my body and caused my cock to stir a little.
    I had to get these thoughts out of my head, visions of being penetrated by other men's cocks was certainly not the kind of thing that a bridegroom should be thinking about at the altar. However, it wasn't that easy, turning away from David only caused my gaze to find my old school friend Pete, a massive, broad shouldered bald black guy whose incredible, thick, uncut ten inch cock I had sat on and rode during that amazing evening. A row further back and there sat Jake and Sam next to each other. A completely mismatched pair, Jake, tough, outspoken and laddish, Sam, nervous and effeminate, the evening of my stag party had nevertheless seen these two getting very close as Sam had followed my lead to become lingerie clad Samantha, getting to 69 with Jake as part of the new him.
    I turned back to Mark, my best man beside me, I needed his support. Although he had been the instigator of my stag night crossdressing fuck fest, he was one friend I had not had the opportunity to suck or fuck. Not for lack of desire on my part. Mark was a very dishy looking man with dark hair and dark soulful eyes that were brimming with thoughtful understanding one moment and sparkling with playful mischief another. I could have been jealous of his beautiful girlfriend Natalie had she not been such a fun and generous person herself. I just hoped my life with Gina would be half as happy as his with Natalie.
    Sensing my nerves, and guessing the doubts and thoughts running through my mind, Mark laid a reassuring hand on my arm and smiled.
    "Come on mate, you're finally marrying Gina. You've been wanting this for ages. You love her and you know she loves you, you'll be very happy together," he said, and then, under his voice so nobody else could here, "You made a great bride the other night and I'm sure you'll make an equally good husband."
    His warm and helpful words were interrupted by the sound of the church organ striking up and I turned along with the whole church to see Gina enter the building and begin to walk up the aisle towards me, escorted by her father Tony. This was it. I was getting married. She did look very beautiful in the wedding dress I knew so well. It was strapless, hanging from her nice round breasts better than it did on my boyish figure, narrowing at the waist before becoming long, flowing skirts. Made of shimmering white silk and lace, it seemed to sparkle as she sashayed towards me. With the white veil covering her face and her dyed golden blonde hair, she could almost have been mistaken for me on that special night, were it not for her feminine curves, the way her cleavage showed above the dress' lacy bodice.
    "I prefer the dress on you," Mark whispered.
    He was wrong, Gina looked so beautiful in the dress that I almost fell in love with her all over again. My jealousy at how the dress looked on her perfect feminine figure was overcome with lust and stronger feelings, love and affection. This was the woman I was going to spend the rest of my life with. It didn't matter if I wouldn't get to be a beautiful woman again if I could marry one. Besides, the memories of all that I had got up to on my stag night would be with me forever. The only thing that held me back still was that I had never been able to thank Mark for making it all happen, not properly thank him anyway. Hearing him say the dress looked better on me made my heart skip a beat and for a moment I considered jacking in the whole wedding and living for the rest of my life as Mark's girlfriend instead, but he brought me back to my senses.
    "It's your wedding day, this isn't the time to be having doubts," he whispered.
    "But the other night was something else, something special, and it can never happen again."
    "Now you're married, you don't know what kind of kinky things you and Gina can get up to."
    And that was it. I was getting married. My beautiful bride stood beside me at the altar. I looked at her and was just able to see reflected back at me from beneath her veil all the feelings I was experiencing, love and happiness mingled with nerves and a little regret at what we were giving up to be together. Still, I was here getting married to my dream girl and one evening of becoming just such a girl wasn't going to stand in the way of my happiness. I didn't know how marriage was going to work out, but I was determined to try and make things work with Gina. I loved her very much, loved her in a deeper way than the lustful desires I felt when I had been dressed in her wedding dress, on my knees sucking cock.
    There was a slight quiver of nerves in her voice as she said "I do", but, as I lifted her veil to plant our first married kiss on her succulent lips, I could see she was blushing and smiling. I didn't think she had been through the same kind of doubts as I had, but still she was obviously pleased to get the ceremony over with, pleased to be finally united with her new husband, with my ring on her finger and our lips pressed together in front of a huge crowd of our friends and family. I just hoped she would not realise quite how close I had got with those friends the other night.
    And that was the wedding over with, flying by quickly in a mix of panic and pleasure. The reception was buzzing as the drink began to flow freely and people began to get quite jolly and everybody was enjoying the happy occasion. I too was starting to feel pretty good about things. And why shouldn't I? I was married to a beautiful girl, easily the envy of every other woman in the room, a girl who loved me and who I loved back. Anything else seemed unimportant.
    Part way through the evening, Mark, the best man, stood up to make his speech, waiting for the drunk and merry crowd to quiet down before he began to speak. My attention turned from my new wife, I suddenly felt all the other feelings of doubt and shame flooding back, remembering how Mark had got me to live out my deepest fantasies just a few days earlier. I looked over at Gina but she seemed happy, she was smiling affectionately at Mark's wife, Natalie.
    "Excuse me everyone, can I have your attention," Mark said, "I'd like to say a few words about the blushing bridegroom," he laughed, as he drew everybody's attention to my obvious expression of discomfort, "Don't worry Rich, I'm not about to let out all your dirty little secrets." Everybody laughed as if this was a joke but it only served as an awkward reminder for me. "I've known Rich for many years and yet still I'm finding things about him that surprise me, sides to his personality that I'd never seen before. I think some of you will know what I mean." I caught the eye of David once again and he again gave me a little smirk, he certainly knew what Mark was talking about. Once again the flash of me in stockings and a wedding dress, being penetrated by David's hard cock came back into my mind, I remembered just how good it felt but this was really the wrong time for such thoughts. I tried to focus back on Mark's speech. "I haven't known Gina for as long as I have Mark," he was now saying, "But she too is not a simple character. I've certainly seen a different Gina this week to the one I had known before." Here, I caught Zack looking shyly at me, no doubt remembering the different Gina I had been when I sucked his dick for the first time. "My lovely Natalie has got to know Gina very well recently too and assures me that there is more to her than meets the eye as well." Now Gina, who had been smiling at Natalie before, began to blush and look slightly irritable. "So, I'm sure Natalie will join me in thinking that there are some things about Rich and Gina that just make them perfect for one another and I, for one, wish them all the luck and happiness in the world exploring and finding out just what it is that makes them so perfect for each other."
    Fortunately, after the toast, Mark's speech was over and I was able to relax a little again. But I couldn't escape all the thoughts and feelings that it had brought back up in me. And, even if I could escape those thoughts, I would not have been able to, not with all the people around to remind me. At one point in the evening, an obviously drunk Sam came up to me.
    "How does it feel, now you're married you might never have the thrill of being a hot woman again," he slurred at me.
    "Shut up," I hissed, looking around to see if we were overheard but fortunately everyone was too busy with their own drunken conversations and the evening was turning to that stage when quarrels were likely to start breaking out. Gina, who was fortunately far out of earshot, I could see in heated debate with Natalie, although I had no idea what they were arguing over.
    "Really," Sam went on, "It's something else, isn't it? It feels incredible, dressing and acting like a sexy woman, turning men on like that." An image of Sam in lingerie as Samantha flashed up in my memory, I began to wonder if this was the start of a whole new life for him, and began to feel a bit jealous. "I know I could never give something like that up. If I ever marry then I want to be the blushing bride like you were the other night, not the awkward groom like you are now!"
    I had no idea what to say to this. Maybe he was right, maybe I was a fool to marry Gina and give up the chance to live my life like I had that one memorable night. But I knew I loved Gina and I would not have been able to handle humiliating her by leaving her at the altar, leaving her to live a life of crossdressing sex. Fortunately, Mark was there to step in on my behalf.
    "Come on, Sam, you're drunk," he said, "You don't know what you're saying. Not everyone wants to live their life the same way. I'm sure that Rich and Gina have plenty of happiness in store for them yet. And you can never tell what their married life might involve."
    Sam just nodded and sulked off while Mark turned to me and tried to cheer me up.
    "You've married a very special woman there, Rich. I know that there's nothing better than having a girl like her, or Natalie, it's what really makes life worth living," he smiled, "Enjoy your wedding night," he said and walked off to pull his girlfriend away from her quarrel with my new wife.
    I guess Sam was true to his word, because the last I saw of him that evening, I was on my way up to my hotel room and I heard a noise from a room along the corridor. Not wanting to be nosey but not able to help myself, I peered through a crack in the slightly ajar door and saw Sam again, or rather Samantha as he now was, dressed in a floor length gown like many of the women at the reception. Samantha was on her knees and Jake was standing over her, his hard cock out and erect and Samantha started to go down on it. I closed the door and left them to it, happy to see somebody at least getting to live out my fantasies.
    I headed down the corridor to the suite where I was spending the night with my new wife, the place where she was waiting to consummate our marriage, finally to give her virgin body up to sex with the man she loved. I wished that I could give her everything she wanted but my mind was swimming with a thousand other thoughts, I was thinking of Mark and his affectionate, helpful advice, delivered so soulfully, of Pete and his incredible monster cock penetrating my arse, of Samantha in her feminine clothes sucking cock and of me, looking and feeling sexy in that same wedding dress that Gina was still wearing as I entered the bedroom.
    She looked amazing in the soft light of the bedroom, a true beauty with her dark skin and blonde hair, the white wedding dress hugging her perfect curves. Once again I felt a mix of desire and jealousy. She beckoned me over and kissed me on the lips as I unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. I certainly recognised the very sexy bridal lingerie she was wearing beneath the dress. I remembered how good just such underwear had felt when I had been the virginal bride dressed in it.
    "I've been waiting for this night a long time," she blushed cutely, "I've really wanted this so much..." she trailed off, unsure of how to finish her sentence.
    I knew that I should want this so badly too. It was my wedding night, it should be the most beautiful moment of union between a husband and wife and I had a very special, very beautiful wife, standing before me in sexy lingerie, begging for me. But, as I stripped from tux, I just couldn't get excited, I looked from her gorgeous, sexy, lingerie clad body to my own, dressed in bland, manly clothing and it just didn't feel right, not after I had had my eyes open to the pleasures of dressing in sexy feminine attire.
    When I was totally naked, my cock still wouldn't respond with any arousal despite the touch and kisses of my hot new wife, the woman I loved. Gina seemed a little put out by this, a little distressed. I knew that she was a virgin so maybe that was the reason for her awkwardness, but she didn't seem too much into it either, as if the sight of my male naked body was as unimpressive and unarousing to her as it made me too. I just could not get into the right mindset for sex.
    "I don't know what's wrong, honey," I said, distressed that I didn't have it in me to pleasure her.
    "No," she replied, equally put out, "Am I doing something?"
    "No, no," I tried to reassure her, "You're beautiful. It's me. I just...Tonight, I've got too much on my mind."
    So, that was it on my wedding night. A complete nothing. My marriage remained unconsummated and instead I spent a sleepless night in bed with my beautiful new bride, so many thoughts and worries running through my mind. The biggest of all was the fear that after finally getting to marry the girl of my dreams, we would never be able to satisfy each other sexually, that I would never be able to enjoy sex if I wasn't dressing and playing like a sexy woman.
    The following morning, I awoke after the slightest amount of sleep. Gina was still asleep beside me, looking beautiful even with a slightly troubled frown on her brow. I felt terrible for what had happened the previous night. I didn't want to wake her. I didn't want to look into her eyes and see her disappointment in the way our wedding night had gone. I got dressed and went downstairs where the hotel was serving breakfast. Mark spotted that I was breakfasting alone and came over to join me. Natalie, meanwhile, left to go upstairs again.
    "You look terrible," he said as he sat down opposite me, "Last night not go well then?"
    "Last night didn't go anywhere at all," I replied.
    "That bad?" he said, "What happened."
    "Like I said, nothing. I just couldn't get turned on," I responded, "She looked so incredible but there was just something that meant I couldn't get into it. And then she didn't seem that into it either."
    "I think you know why you weren't turned on," he said, "After the other night, I think you know what it might take as well."
    "You think I need to be dressed up like Gina to get turned on?" I said, voicing my own deep feelings.
    "Don't you?" he said, significantly. And he was right, of course.
    "Well, then, what am I going to do?" I said, "Just live the rest of my life in a sexless marriage or divorce the woman I love?"
    "You could try talking to her," he suggested, "Telling her what it will take."
    "You know she would never go for that, she's not even a little bit kinky."
    "Maybe you don't know her as well as you think you do," he said with some significance, as if to suggest there was something of Gina he knew more about than I did.
    "I wouldn't count on it, I don't want her to be disgusted by me."
    "If she loves you as much as all that, she'll be understanding at the very least," he said, "I mean, you love her don't you?" I nodded, "And if she told you something about herself, something sexual and a little bit unusual, you would try to understand."
    "Of course," I said.
    "Then give her a chance," he told me, "Tell her what it will take, tell her how much fun you could have together, and see what happens."
    I guess he was probably right. I didn't really know what else I could do, after all. And he made a good point. Gina was the most loving, caring, considerate person I knew, well, apart from Mark himself perhaps, so if anyone would understand this then she would, even though she wasn't a sexual, kinky sort of person. After a while of dithering, of pacing back and forth, up and down the corridor of the hotel, I decided to hell with it, I had to give this a shot or I would spend the rest of my married life wondering what could have been.
    Just I had screwed up my courage to go in and tell my wife about my desires, about my fetish, my need to dress as a girl for sex, I saw the door of my hotel room open. Natalie came out. She looked at me and smiled with a warmth and kindness that was reassuring, I could see why she and Mark were together.
    "She's a little bit upset, but she would really like to talk to you," Natalie said as she passed me in the corridor, "I think there's a few things you need to share with each other. If you're totally honest with each other then only good things will come of it."
    That was the last piece of encouragement I needed. I went into the room determined to tell Gina everything, not only my lingerie fetish, but quite what had happened to me, and to her wedding dress, on the night of my stag party. She was sat on the bed with her head hung. She looked flustered. Her make up was smudged. I thought that maybe she had been crying. I sat down on the bed beside her and opened my mouth.
    "I think we need to talk," we both blurted out, almost simultaneously, making her giggle a little to break the ice. She had a beautiful, perfect smile and full, thick lips.
    "You first," she said.
    "OK," I began, "Um...I don't really know quite how to say this," I paused to think, I didn't really know how to say this to her, "Last night, things didn't go too well. I told you it was because of me. You were beautiful but there was something wrong with me."
    "No," she said, "No. It was me. There was something stopping me from getting into it."
    "No, really, it's my problem," I insisted, "It's just that I didn't feel sexy, not like that. Not dressed the way I was."
    "I don't understand," she said.
    I glanced over at where she had discarded her clothes from the night before. I walked over, partly to think, partly to distract myself, and picked up the white lace corset and panties that she had worn.
    "The thing is," I paused again, this was not easy, "It was true when I said how sexy you looked in this, but this was what I needed too. I needed to feel sexy like this."
    "Um...OK. I'm still not sure I understand," Gina said, but I could see that part of her could, part of her knew.
    "I want to wear something like this," I just came out and said it, "I can't feel sexy, I can't get into sex and enjoy it unless I do, unless I'm dressed in all sexy, feminine clothes, just like you."
    "Did Natalie get you to say this?" she seemed annoyed, "Or Mark?"
    "Huh? No...I..." I began to say.
    "Oh God. I knew I shouldn't have done it," she said, visibly upset, "I shouldn't have let her make me do those things, but I couldn't help it. I shouldn't have talked to her about it. Now you've just taken it and used it to humiliate me completely."
    "No," I said, "What are you talking about? I don't understand you now. What I'm saying is true, for real. This is the way I feel. I know it's kind of weird but that's it. There it is."
    "Really?" she said, her expression lightening up with surprising pleasure at the thought, "Nobody put you up to this? Nobody got you to humiliate me?"
    "Of course not. I love you," I said, "It's just that this is the way I am, the way I get off. What did you think?"
    "Oh honey, this is going to sound so weird now, I don't know if you'll believe me," she gasped, she was smiling almost as if she was about to burst out laughing, "Last night, I just couldn't get into it and I didn't know why, not until Natalie talked to me this morning. I should tell you, I'm not a virgin. Well, not anymore. You see, the thing is I think I might be a lesbian, or bisexual or something. All I know is that I guess I'm saying I couldn't get turned on by you last night because you were too manly, I wished you look more soft and feminine."
    "You don't mean...?" I began again, aghast at how things had turned out.
    "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen," she said, so confused with conflicting emotions, "But I gave up my cherry to the girls on my hen party, I let them fuck me and I fucked them and it was something incredible!"
    "I can't believe this!" I said, these revelations coming as fast and as shockingly to me as my own were to her, "This is too strange, too coincidental. The same thing happened to me with the guys on my stag night, I discovered the joys of dressing, behaving and fucking like a woman!"
    But it wasn't coincidental exactly, as we both were later to realise when we told each other the full details of our parallel sexual awakenings, details that you will have already read. We came to realise that Mark and Natalie had set this all up, they had discovered our underlying desires and realised just how perfectly paired they made us and they had set about awakening those feelings. Of course, at this moment, we hadn't come to realise this, we were still basking in the glow of our mutual discoveries, wondering where exactly these confessions left us, how our behaviour and infidelities in our respective parties just before our wedding would affect our relationship. Finally, Gina broke the silence. I was still holding her wedding corset. She took it from me and held it up to my body as if imagining me in it.
    "I want to see how you look in girlie things, honey," she said, "Can you show me what a sexy girl you can be? Could you be my blushing bride for our real wedding night?"
    And so it was that, for the second time in a week, I found myself alone thinking "what am I doing?" while dressing myself in my wife's bridal lingerie. Only this time, instead of an audience of drunk and horny guys, it was my real bride herself that I had to impress with my sexy bride look. Once again, I was a bundle of nerves and excitement at the prospect of being able to truly live out this fantasy that I thought would never become reality. I was in the spacious hotel bathroom, with all of Gina's bridal lingerie and that gorgeous dress I had already enjoyed wearing once before.
    As I took the lacy corset and laced it tightly around my body, pulling my figure into a more feminine, narrow waisted chest, I felt a welcome familiarity, a sense of recognition as I fondly remembered the time I had done just this before. I began to feel like a sexy woman once again as I slid the pair of lacy white panties up my legs. Once again, wearing the corset and panties made me feel like I had always wanted to be, made me feel like a desirable, sexy woman, a woman like my beautiful Gina. And once again, the feel of the panties on my cock made it start to grow firm and aroused, harder already than it had been at all the previous night.
    My favourite part was yet to come, another pair of gorgeous white silk stockings just like the pair I had worn before. I loved how sexy they made my legs look and feel. I sat down a slowly rolled them up the length of my legs, loving the soft, sensual rubbing of the material on my bare flesh. And then there was the dress. Strapless and tight around the waist with a long skirt, I remembered it well. I remembered how wearing it had made me feel truly sexy for the first time and I remembered how gorgeous my curvy blonde wife had looked in it on our wedding day. All those feelings flooded back as I zipped myself into the dress and went over to the bathroom mirror to admire my reflection.
    I was looking pretty good, passably like a pretty girl and that was before I went through Gina's make up and gave myself blushing red cheeks, glistening pink lips and long dark lashes to make my face truly beautifully feminine. My long, blonde hair remained a good match for Gina's own with very little effort. I had to admit to feeling a little turned on at the sight of my pretty, feminine self looking back at me from the mirror. I felt a buzz of excitement and nerves at revealing myself to my wife, dressed in her wedding dress. I took up her veil and covered my face nervously and stepped through the door and back into the bedroom.
    She was sat on the bed watching me as I entered the bedroom in her wedding dress. She had changed and was now looking ravishingly sexy in black satin lingerie, a bra, panties, stockings and suspenders. Her beautiful dark curvy body looked even sexier with that beautiful underwear. I felt a stirring of excited arousal in my own panties at the sight of her. She smiled at me as I came in.
    "That's more like it, honey," she said, "Now come over here and let me get a look at you all pretty and feminine."
    I had butterflies in my stomach, I was trembling with anticipation. I felt just the way I should have felt the previous night, excited by all the possibilities of my married life but a little scared of how things would go right now. I felt just like a shy blushing bride on her wedding night, yearning to get fucked but a little unsure of herself at the same time. Still, I walked over to Gina. She stood before me, fortunately with her being quite tall we were about the same height, and lifted my veil to look on my feminine face for the first time. Her eyes ran across my glossy lips and long lashes with a look of excitement.
    "You're beautiful," she said with great pleasure, "You look so good as a girl, no wonder you wanted to try this!"
    "Well, I learnt from the best," I said, blushing, instantly adopting the "Gina" voice I had used on that fateful evening as if to prove my point, "I tried to emulate you, Gina, I wanted to be a gorgeous girl, a pretty bride just like you."
    "It's really worked," she said, reacting to my feminine voice with an affectionate smile, "We could almost be sisters." That made me feel so happy, wearing her underwear and wedding dress had made me feel sexy but her compliments made me feel so warm and comfortable, I loved her more now than ever. I felt her hand gently caress my arm as she pulled me close to her, "May I kiss the bride?" she asked, cheekily.
    All I could do was nod dumbly as she took my head in between her hands and pulled me in for a kiss. This kiss was nothing like the dainty peck on the lips we had shared at the altar on our wedding day when it had been her in the dress I now wore. This was a long, wet, lingering kiss that made my body hum with soft, sensual feelings. This time, I could really taste her, I could really feel that she wanted me. Her lips pushed against mine, her tongue caressed my mouth, her body pressed against mine while her hands moved from running through my long, blonde hair, down the back of my wedding dress, all over my body in its feminine, bridal clothes, each touch making me more and more excited.
    "Mmmm," Gina sighed, her eyes half closed, her lashes fluttering just like mine, before finally breaking from the kiss, "That was something else. Now, I've just got one question. What do I call my beautiful new bride?"
    "Well," I said, blushing deeply again, "When I said I wanted to be a girl just like you, that was really true. When I tried to imitate you, I even had them all call me Gina."
    "We can't be having that anymore though, can we," she giggled and kissed me again, "That will just be a bit confusing to all of us."
    "What would you call me then," I said, kissing her once more.
    "How about Rachel?" she said, "That would seem to suit you."
    "Whatever you say, beautiful," I said, pulling her into another long, lingering liplock.
    As we embraced and kissed, Gina's hands went to unzip the wedding dress. I did nothing to resist as she stripped me from her bridal gown, leaving me in just the tight corset, panties and stockings, all pretty white lingerie to contrast with the sexy black undies that Gina herself was wearing.
    "Oh Rachel, you look so sexy in your bridal lingerie, I can see why all the men want you," she said, pushing me back onto the bed.
    She sat astride me on the bed so our stockinged legs were rubbing sensually across each other and her crotch was brushing across mine, making my cock become pretty hard in my white lace panties. She bent over and began to kiss me all over my face, passionately and breathlessly, completely differently from how she had been the night before. I ran my hands down her body, over the curve of her back, stroking her arse through her satin panties, and then down her long, sexy legs. She ran her hand over my corset to my panties, feeling my already quite stiff cock, such a change from the night before.
    "Oooh, you like being a pretty girl, don't you Rachel?" she grinned naughtily as she held my cock through the soft material of my panties and began to stroke it, "Yes, it makes you feel so sexy in your wedding undies, doesn't it, honey?"
    "Mmm, yes, Gina," I sighed.
    "Oh Rachel," she moaned, moving her hand from my cock to her own panties, she slid her fingers inside and began to finger her pussy, "Oh yes. Beautiful girls like you just make my pussy get soooo wet!"
    She pulled my panties aside, pulled out my cock and continued to stroke it.
    "Mmmm, yeah Gina, that's it," I gasped, "I guess sometimes you do want a nice bit of cock as well."
    "Oh yes. If it's attached to the body of a beautiful woman," she giggled, kissing me on the lips, "I couldn't think of anything better!"
    She got up from me for a second and stripped off her panties. She was still wearing a suspender belt holding up black stockings that made her legs look even better, while her round breasts were held in tight by a black satin bra. She went back to stroking my cock, making it even harder both with her touch and the excitement I gained from the sight of her looking so sexy. Although she was not a virgin, I had never seen her like this. This was the first sight I had of her pussy and I was about to see even more of it.
    "I want you to lick my pussy. Would you do that for me, my sweet bride," she said as she sat back astride me, this time with her knees up by my head, her suspenders right up close to my face. She lowered herself onto my mouth. Eagerly I began to lick around the swollen lips of her pussy, making her moan with pleasure and grind herself further down onto my mouth.
    "Oh yeah. Oh God. Oh baby. Yes," she moaned, "Come on baby. Eat my fresh cunt!"
    I felt so turned on, lying on my back in my bridal lingerie, my cock sticking out of my panties hard and erect, while my once virginal wife talked dirty at me and pushed her tasty, wet pussy into my face, getting my tongue to fuck her, causing her to writhe and moan seductively. My previous experience of dressing up as a woman had involved getting gangbanged by a load of hard cocks, I had enjoyed the experience so much that I had almost forgotten the joys of pussy. I might not have been able to get very turned on when not playing the part of a woman, but that didn't mean I could only fuck men. My new wife's pussy was something special and I was aching with desire for it. My cock was rock hard and quivering in anticipation as I began to stroke it.
    "Mmm, Gina, I love the taste of your sweet pussy," I sighed, "But I want you to fuck me please, baby. Your pretty bride in white wants to fuck on your wedding night."
    "Ooooh, ok, baby," she sighed.
    She moved from sitting on my face and sat herself back astride my crotch. My stiff cock was pointing straight up from my panties. She lowered her warm, wet pussy onto my throbbing hardness, slowly and delicately, moaning loudly as I slid deeper inside her. She just sat for a moment on my cock, sitting upright with her beautiful body stretching above me and a warm glow of pleasure on her face as she contemplated my lingerie clad body stretched out before her.
    "Mmmm, yes, my sexy bride," Gina moaned, "How do you like that? Do you want me to fuck you now, baby?"
    "Oh God yes, Gina," I sighed, "I love being your beautiful bride, make this a wedding night to remember."
    She began to grind herself against my cock and soon to rock her body back and forth more and more vigorously until she was really riding my dick, practically bouncing up and down on it as I pushed my panty clad arse upwards, thrusting up inside her wetness, trying to meet her as she bounced up and down on me. Our stockings continued to rub against each other, making my legs feel so soft, sensual and feminine. Above me, I could see her body shaking, her breasts were pushed out before her, bouncing around. I ran my hands over my own chest, revelling in the thought of myself as a beautiful girl, a new bride, just like her, as I felt the material of my corset and the warmth of my flesh where the tight corset had pushed it up and out like small breasts.
    "Oh, ohh, ohhhh God," she moaned as she tossed her blonde hair back and let out louder and louder sounds of ecstatic pleasure, "This is what a wedding night should be. Two sexy brides and no men to get in the way!"
    After she had ridden my cock for a while, we changed positions. Now she was lying on her back on the bed with her black stockinged legs open, inviting me in to that sexy space between her suspenders. I moved myself on top of her and slid my dick back inside her. She pulled me down to kiss her again, our lipsticks mingling together with the taste of her pussy that still lingered on my lips. With our warm bodies writhing together, I began to thrust my dick in and out of her tight, warm pussy.
    "Oh yeah, come on baby, fuck me," Gina moaned, "Oh Rachel. Oh God. Fuck my tight little pussy, Rachel!"
    I was only too happy to oblige. I had waited for years to get where I was now, fulfilling two of my long cherished desires, finally fucking the gorgeous Gina, and getting to do it dressed in sexy feminine lingerie. Anyone who might have happened to walk in on us at that moment would never have believed that we were the bride and groom from the wedding the day before, all they would see would be two hot blondes in stockings and lingerie, kissing and fucking with each other.
    "Ahhh, oooh, Gina. Oh yes. Oh Gina, you're such a beautiful slut. Just like me," I gasped and moaned as I entered her, my whole body alive with pleasure and desire.
    "Mmm, my pretty bride likes sex does she?" Gina sighed, "Oooh, and Rachel likes to feel a hard cock in her arse too, don't you, Rachel?"
    "Oh yes, Gina, I love to get fucked, and I love to fuck you," I responded.
    I could feel her hands on my arse as I pushed my dick inside her. She pushed my white panties aside and now I could feel her fingers exploring around my arsehole. I felt my body tense up with anticipation of what could be about to come next. I was already so turned on by the situation and what was about to happen would probably blow my mind. Sure enough, I let out a simultaneous gasp and yelp of pleasure as my wife shoved two of her fingers right up inside my arse.
    "AAAH! Oh fuck, Gina," I cried out, "That feels sooo good, baby. Fuck my arse with your fingers!"
    Now I was being incredibly stimulated at both ends, my cock quivered with delight as I pushed up deep into Gina's pussy and then, as I withdrew, my arse was promptly filled by her fingers. I continued to cover her gorgeous face and chest with kisses, kisses of lustful desire and kisses of grateful love. I was so delighted, relieved and aroused to find my wife, a woman who I had worried so much about being narrow minded, being not only open to my sensual crossdressing, but enjoying it every bit as much as I did.
    "Mmmmm, God, Rachel, with your sexy girly body and hard cock, you're gonna make me cum soon," Gina moaned, "I hope I can make my pretty bride cum too."
    "Oh yes, Gina. Fuck, yes. Don't worry, I'm gonna cum right up inside you," I gasped, "Fuck me with your fingers and my cock will explode!"
    Sure enough, I could feel my body tingling and shaking with the anticipation of an incredible orgasm building up inside me. I picked up the pace, slamming my dick harder and faster into my wife's pussy, making her beautiful, curvy body shake and rock, begging her to shove more of her fingers up deep into my eagerly waiting arse.
    "Fuck me, Gina, fuck my girly arse with your fingers!" I moaned, and I felt my ecstatic pleasure reaching its climax, an electric sensation running right through my body, from Gina's fingers in my arse to my cock in her pussy, "That's it. Oh God. Nearly there! I'm gonna cum, Gina. Get ready, baby. OH FUCK! Here we go! I'M CUMMING GINA!!"
    I continued to shaft inside her as my cock blew a huge load of warm sticky cum right up inside her waiting pussy. Soon, I felt Gina's body quivering with her own climactic moment, coming barely seconds after mine. She writhed and moaned and screamed even louder as her own orgasm mingled with mine. I took this as a pretty good sign for our marriage to come, our reaching a height of climax almost simultaneously on our first time together.
    Finally, she calmed down and lay back exhausted, letting me withdraw from inside her to collapse on the bed beside her. She took me in her arms and kissed me again on the lips. We lay arm in arm on the bed for what seemed like hours, just basking in the contentment of being two very happy newlyweds, two blushing brides together having enjoyed a quite incredible wedding night, albeit one day too late.
    "That was better than I could ever have imagined," Gina gave me a warm smile.
    "It only goes to making me think about just what a great time we can make of married life," I smiled back.
    "One thing, though, Rachel," she replied, "We should probably do something very nice for Mark and Natalie. After all, they did give us the best wedding gift imaginable in bringing out this side of us."
    I smiled and relaxed in her warm embrace. She was completely right and the thought was quite exciting for me as well.
    How would married life work out for me and Gina, now we knew each other's bedroom secrets? Was this just the start of our sexual pleasures as two blushing brides together? And what exactly would we be able to do to thank Mark and Natalie for all they had done for us? Find out in Chapter 6.
    To be continued...

  2. #12


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  3. #13


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  4. #14

    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Read this four times, came 5!!

  5. #15


    Chapter 6

    Wedding Presents

    I was on an incredible high for a couple of days after my wedding. Like many bridegrooms on the day, I had felt very nervous, both about the day itself and the years of married life that stretched out before me. Only, I had a little more to be nervous about than many. It wasn't just my bride-to-be's contrasting virginal Catholic upbringing and sexy clothing choices that made me worry about my wedding night, it was the fact that I wished that I was the one in the short skirts and satin panties. In the end, things went far better than I could have ever imagined. With a little, or actually rather a lot of, help from my best man Mark, my slutty feminine side was brought out and, to my surprise and delight, my new wife Gina shared my desires, once Mark's girlfriend Natalie had made her realise that pretty girls and sexy undies was what really turned her on. After the wedding night on which I got to play the blushing bride in my wife's dress and lingerie, I discovered just how great married sex could be and I began to look forward to all the fun we could have in married life together.

    Later that day, we checked out of the hotel where we had held our wedding reception and went for the first time together as a newlywed couple to what would now become our new shared home for our married life. Our friends and family had been very generous in celebrating our union with all manner of gifts and presents for the house that it would take us quite a while to sort through and find places for. On that afternoon, Gina and me found ourselves in our living room, opening gifts and sharing and sorting them. The only people who did not appear to have given us any nicely wrapped parcels were Mark and Natalie.

    As if cued up by that thought, just a few moments after Gina mentioned this, we heard the doorbell ring. I went to answer it and Mark and Natalie stood there together on the doorstep. They made an appealing couple, with a friendly, affectionate warmth on both their faces. Tall, elegant Natalie was dressed in a pretty floral print dress that came down to about her knees, the rest of her very long legs shown off thanks to sandals with four inch heels. Her bright blue eyes danced with excited thoughts. Mark appeared more subdued, his grey eyes conveying the reliable, reassuring quality he had always possessed. Although not as immediately attractive as his model stature girlfriend, he didn't look at all bad. His body wasn't totally muscle bound, but he obviously kept in decent shape, as was easily apparent in the casual t-shirt and jeans that he was wearing. Both were holding wrapped parcels in their hands.

    Eagerly, I invited them in. They both walked into the living room where Gina was equally pleased to see them. She gave Natalie a very affectionate hug, pulling their bodies close together, before kissing her softly on the lips, a little more like a lover might kiss than a friend. I turned to Mark, I felt like doing just the same to him, I was so grateful to him for all he had done for me and I could not ignore that in bringing out my slutty feminine side, he had also revealed to me just how attractive I found him. However, something held me back from leaping into his arms and kissing him as Gina had with her good friend. Maybe I couldn't quite bring out these feelings when dressed as I was, in my normal, masculine form.

    "We've brought you a couple of extra little wedding presents," Mark smiled, holding up the wrapped box that he had brought in with him.

    "You didn't need to do that," Gina replied, looking on at our friends with grateful affection, "You've already given us more than we could possibly have asked for, right Rich?"

    "Oh yes," I had to agree, shooting Mark another little look, "You made our wedding night something special, something that we'd never have expected. You don't owe us anything more."

    "Well, we'd still like to give you this," Natalie said, smiling and giggling as Gina still had one arm around her, "We still want to look out for you guys, make sure things continue as well for you in your married life as they have begun!"

    "Yeah, just think of us as your fairy godmothers," said Mark, cheekily, handing Gina the wrapped parcel in his hand.

    Cheerfully, Gina tore off the paper for the box and opened it while I craned my neck to see what the present was. As she opened the box, I was thrilled to see inside some very sexy looking lingerie. A purple sheer babydoll that I just longed to feel against my skin. Gina ran her hands over the soft, smooth material.

    "But, Natalie," she said, "You've already given me lingerie. On my hen night. Remember?"

    "Oh, well, this time it isn't for you," Natalie smiled and giggled.

    "We thought that maybe Rachel might want some sexy things of her own," Mark smiled at me, "We thought that this would be a good way for you to begin your married life together."

    Gina passed me the box and my heart skipped a beat. My first lingerie that was my very own, bought especially for Rachel, for me! I was thrilled at the thought of Mark going out and searching the shops for just the right items of underwear for me to look my best, my most sexy and feminine, almost as much as I was buzzing with excitement to try it on and see how I would look in my own new undies. Meanwhile, Natalie handed her wrapped parcel to Gina.

    "Don't think we've forgotten you though, Gina," she said, as Gina unwrapped her present. In the box was a large, thick rubber cock with the harness to strap it on, "Do you recognise it?" Natalie asked, "It's the one from your party, the one you used to fuck with for the first time!"

    Gina blushed a little but smiled with the thought.

    "Oh yes," she said, "I remember it very well! Thank you guys for this. You always give the best presents," she giggled.

    "Well, I think the least you can do to show your gratitude is to show us how much you enjoy your presents," Mark said, "Why don't you try them on?"

    I didn't need any more invitation than that. I took my present and hurried upstairs to get changed, my heart beating faster and faster with the excitement of the situation. I was so happy with the chance to dress as a sexy, slutty girl once more, something I had once thought would never be available to me as a married man. I was even happier to have my own lingerie to wear rather than having to dress in my wife's again. What I was most happy about, was the fact that in wearing and modelling the sexy lingerie that he had picked out for me, I could begin to thank Mark for all that he had done for me. On my stag party, when I had first dressed as the blushing bride, I had enjoyed a hard fucking from the cocks of all my friends except for him. At the end of the night I had kissed him and fallen asleep in his arms. Since then, I had been so busy with my wedding that I had still not been able to let him do to me everything I had wanted him to that night. Hopefully, today, if I could make myself look as sexy as possible in the lingerie he had bought for me, I would finally be able to do it.

    Making sure I was at my very best for this special occasion, I took my time. It wasn't like the two times I had dressed as a girl before, with me nervously and hurriedly putting on my bridal lingerie, completely unsure of what kind of reaction to expect, thinking it may be rather hostile. Today, I was confident I was among friends, and possibly something more, people who would be impressed and pleased by my feminine transformation. I took a shower and completely cleaned up my body, deciding also to completely shave my downy, fair body hair to make my legs as smooth and girlish as they could possibly be. I began to feel sexy and confident again, my cock was twitching and quivering just at the thought of wearing my brand new wedding present lingerie.

    I opened the box and took out the babydoll, it was a deep purple colour, with scalloped embroidery around the cups and sensual sheer material that came down to just about cover my arse as I slipped it on. I filled the slightly padded cups out a bit further with tissue paper to give me a bit of a bust. The sheer material hung on my hips, it was transparent and the shape of my cock, becoming a little firm already, was clear against it. The embroidered frill around the bottom of my babydoll hung just below where my cock dangled down. Fortunately, the babydoll came with a matching purple thong which I slid up my smooth, shaved legs, and was able to tuck my cock into, to give me back a little bit more of a feminine shape.

    Also in the box was a pair of purple lace top fishnet stockings. I loved stockings, I loved the way they felt as I slowly rolled them up my smooth, long legs, and I loved how sexy and womanly they made my legs look. After a shave and some stockings, my man's legs began to look every bit as good as a very sexy woman's. With heels on, the shape of my calves and legs became distinctly feminine and sexy. I found a pair of black pumps that belonged to Gina but she never wore as they were a little large for her, which made them just about right for me.

    Finally, I did my hair and make up. With a bit of effort and a lot of styling product, I teased my generally straight long, blonde hair into pretty, feminine waves. With my make up, I went with dark eyeliner and a purple eyeshadow that went with my purple lingerie, plus some long false lashes, all of which made my eyes alluringly womanly. My lips I painted a dark shade of pink to go with the rest of my look. I gave myself an admiring look in the mirror. I looked pretty hot, the sexiest I had ever been as a woman. My heart began to beat fast again with the thrill and excitement of modelling my new babydoll and stockings for my wife and my best friend. What would they think of me?

    I came back into the living room and Mark and Natalie were sitting there waiting. There was no sign of my wife for the moment. My friends were too wrapped up in each other to notice my entrance for a moment, they were kissing and Natalie was running her hand down over her boyfriend's body. As soon as I closed the door behind me, however, their attention turned and was all on me. They just stared for a moment, running their eyes over my body. Before, this would have made me nervous but now I was confident in my alluring sensuality in this sexy lingerie, I knew their gazes on me were admiring and perhaps even a little lustful.

    "Wow, I thought that was Gina for a moment. That's how convincing you are Rich, I mean, Rachel," Natalie gasped, the first to speak, "I mean, Mark had told me that you made a pretty hot girl, Rachel, but I didn't believe that you would be quite this convincing. I've got to admit, looking at your hot, feminine body in that skimpy babydoll is turning me on a little. I hope that's alright with you, Mark?" she turned and smiled seductively at her boyfriend.

    "Perfectly alright, honey," he said, not taking his eyes off me, "I'm a little turned on myself. You are a very sexy woman, Rachel. I don't know if I said it before, but you are definitely one of the sexiest women I have ever seen!"

    I sashayed across the room, swaying my hips in the most feminine way I could, loving the feel of my fishnets rubbing together and the babydoll fluttering around my arse and thighs. Mark stood and walked over to meet me. He took me in his strong arms and pulled me into a kiss. I was no longer shy about reciprocating and let myself melt into his embrace, pressing my soft body against the firmness of his. He pressed his lips against mine and instinctively I opened my mouth to let his tongue inside.

    "Oooh," I sighed, breaking for the kiss, "Thank you, Mark, thank you for everything, for making me live out my fantasy and become a girl like this. I never got the chance to thank you properly."

    "I thought that's what you were doing right now," he responded, pulling me back into another beautiful kiss.

    I could feel our bodies rubbing against one another, my cock was grinding against his crotch and getting hard again, rubbing against the thin material of my panties. However, our make out session was momentarily interrupted by a hand on my shoulder, running down the back of my sheer babydoll and over my arse. Mark broke away from kissing me to turn to see Natalie standing beside us, smiling seductively as she ran one hand over my body and the other over his.

    "Mmmm," she sighed, "You guys look sooo good together, sooo sexy. I just had to come over and join in."

    Mark leaned over and planted a long lingering kiss on her lips. Her hand was still caressing my arse through the thin sheer fabric of my purple babydoll, causing my dick to remain pretty aroused.

    "Ohhh, he does kiss well, doesn't he Rachel," Natalie sighed, turning to me, "But you should see what else he can do. You should see his cock!"

    She dropped down onto her knees and I did the same. She smiled a sexy white smile, her bright blue eyes were really twinkling with pleasure now and my own feminine eyelashes fluttered with this moment of anticipation, I was finally going to get to touch and kiss and swallow Mark's dick. I watched eagerly as Natalie reached up and unzipped Mark's jeans, dropping them to the floor, and pulled out his cock, stroking her hand along the shaft to get it harder. It was a very beautiful cock, long and thick but not too long for me to manage, uncut and with the head just beginning to peer out of the foreskin as it got hard and the veins began to stand out.

    Natalie gave the head of Mark's cock a kiss and then licked her tongue all around it. Her hand was still stroking the shaft and she then held his cock out towards me. Here was my chance. I licked my lips lasciviously and then placed my tongue underneath his dick, at the base just by his balls and licked right up his full length before putting my tongue into his foreskin and lapping around the head, kissing it and then proceeding to kiss all over the shaft while his girlfriend stroked it.

    "Oh yes, Rachel, you're such a hot cocksucker," Mark moaned, "I knew it from the moment you began to go down on Zach that night. I knew then that I wanted you to myself, away from all the other guys. I wanted your lips just for my cock. That's it Rachel, kiss my hard dick!"

    "You'd better save some of that for me," came a voice and we all turned to see Gina had come back in and was stood watching her new husband dolled up in lingerie, on his knees licking his best friend's cock.

    She looked absolutely stunning. Her pert, round breasts pushed up and out by a black and red lace balcony bra, her long legs shown off in a pair of black lace top stockings. Apart from that, her beautiful dark, curvy body was completely naked. She wasn't wearing any panties. Instead, her large rubber cock stuck right out from her crotch as she stood watching the sexy scene before her, making her look like me, a hot girl but with a firm dick.

    Seeing her there, Natalie got up and walked over to her. With her boyfriend and me watching, she grabbed hold of my wife and pulled her into a passionate kiss, pushing their bodies together as their hands ran over every inch of each other's curves. Gina reached up and slid the straps of Natalie's loose floral print dress off her shoulders and down her arms, revealing Natalie's quite small but perfect looking breasts, unconstrained by a bra. Gina began to kiss down Natalie's neck and down to her cleavage. She held Natalie's breasts in her hands and began to stroke and massage them while she sucked on her erect nipples.

    "Oh Gina, oh yes," Natalie sighed, "Oh my God, you're sooo sexy Gina. I love the feel of your lips on my body."

    Not wanting to be outdone by my lascivious wife, I turned my attention away from the sexy lesbian kisses and caresses across the other side of the room and back to the firm cock of my best friend which stuck invitingly in my face. I opened my painted pink lips and let the head just slip inside, letting my tongue explore all around it as I stared up at Mark standing over me. He was looking down on me with a look of gratitude and affection that made me feel even more excited.

    "Mmm, Rachel, you look so sexy with your lips around my cock," he said, "Come on and suck me off. Show these girls how a real hot cocksucker like you does it."

    This really spurred me on and I began to let more of his throbbing, veiny member slide inside my mouth, loving the warm feeling of his arousal and the thought that it was me, a sexy lingerie clad woman that was making him so turned on, not his beautiful tall, thin, leggy girlfriend. No, she was still hugging and kissing and licking my wife. Having taken all of his warm hardness into my wet mouth, I slowly withdrew the full length of it, admiring the sight of his dick as it slid from my lips.

    As I did this, I noticed that Gina was no longer across the room, licking and sucking Natalie's pretty little breasts. She was now standing beside Mark so that I was looking up at her beautiful body, up the length of her long legs towards her round breasts and big strap-on cock. Close up, it looked mighty impressive, especially when sticking out from her pretty, feminine body, but my lips were still drawn to the real throbbing warmth of Mark's member.

    "What a good looking cock sucker my pretty new wife is," Gina smiled, "But aren't you going to give me a little of that love too, Rachel, baby?"

    I moved my attention for a moment away from Mark and onto my wife, opening my lips to swallow her big, fake cock. I began to go for it like it was a real one, only a real one attached to my beautiful wife. I licked all over the shaft and then began to suck it, bobbing my head up and down the length of the shaft, making the rubber cock wet with my saliva. Meanwhile, Gina, obviously turned on by the sight of her husband/wife on his knees in sexy lingerie, going down on her, moaned with pleasure.

    "Oooh, Rachel, Mark is right, you do make a very sexy cocksucker," she sighed, "Mmm, suck my pretty cock, Rachel."

    Natalie had now come over to join us too. She stood beside Gina, dressed in just her panties, showing off all of her near naked, long legged beautiful body. As Gina pushed her strap-on into my mouth, Natalie kissed Gina's lips and ran her hands over Gina's breasts, making Gina moan even more and start to thrust more vigorously with her strap-on into my mouth.

    Meanwhile, I looked over at Mark's big, throbbing meat to see a tasty look drop of pre-cum glistening on the head. I moved my attention back to him, and flicked the drop of tasty pre-cum onto my tongue. I licked once more around his warm arousal, before letting all of his firm dick back into my mouth and right down my throat. I was getting better and better at taking big cocks in my mouth since my first only a few days earlier. Now, I started to bob my head back and forth and slurp eagerly all around his hardon. After a few more minutes of this, I switched back and did the same thing to Gina's rubber dick. I continued in this vein for a while, eagerly switching my attention, and my mouth, between the real dick and the fake one, like some sexy slut porn star in a gangbang.

    "Oh...Ahhh," I said, catching my breath as I slurped around the pre-cum that now dripped from Mark's rock solid hardness, "Ohhh, such sexy cocks. I love to lick and suck and swallow them!"

    "What great presents these are," Gina laughed, kissing Natalie on the lips, "My new bride's pretty body looks so sexy in her babydoll and fishnets, and this nice, big rubber cock means that I can fuck that pretty body!"

    While I knelt on the floor in front of Mark's cock, gasping and slurping as I swallowed it, I watched Gina move around from sticking her rubber cock in my face so that she was now behind me. She knelt behind me and pulled my body back and up so now I found myself on all fours, my arse in the air, my thin sheer babydoll hanging around my waist. I felt my wife's soft hands on my waist, she slid her fingers under the waistband of my purple thong and slid it down around my knees, giving me a bare, round arse that she began to run her hands over. She opened my arse with her hands and pressed the rubber head of her strap-on against my arse hole. I gasped as she entered me and, in doing so, I wrapped my lips back around Mark's cock.

    "Oh my God, yes!" came the sound of exquisite pleasure, but it wasn't from my lips, it was Gina who moaned it with delight as she pushed her strap-on deeper up inside me, getting the joy of fucking her husband's lingerie clad arse and the pleasure of the other end of the strap-on rubbing back against her pussy, "I'm gonna fuck you Rachel, my pretty new wife. I'm gonna fuck your sexy little arse!"

    "Oh yeah, Gina, fuck that sexy arse," Mark said, as I licked and sucked his big, hard dick, "She looks so good with her arse impaled on a big hard dick. A sexy cock loving slut girl like Rachel is never happier than when she's got a cock in both ends!"

    "Mmmm....Aahhh," I gasped around Mark's cock, "That's right. I love it. Fuck me, baby. I want you to fuck me hard Gina. Fuck me while I suck on Mark's tasty, hard dick!"

    Natalie came over to Gina and began once more to kiss and caress her, while at the same time she ran her hands over my penetrated round arse, fondling my soft feminine flesh just as she did with my wife. Meanwhile, Gina slid her thick rubber cock most of the way out of my tight little arse, before thrusting it back deep inside me, making me gasp and moan once more as my best friend's cock simultaneously entered my mouth. Gina now had her strap-on buried as far inside me as it would go, so she was grinding right into me, her thighs pressed right against mine, while Natalie fingered her arse. Mark's cock was also buried right inside my throat. I felt incredibly filled up, both cocks deep inside me, stimulating all different parts of my humming, lively body.

    As my tongue circled around Mark's cock, he withdrew it from my mouth, but I was too far in lust with the taste of it and eagerly leaned forward to keep it filling the warm wetness of my mouth, gasping desperately for a suck on his quivering meat. As I moved forward, it allowed Gina's strap-on to slide out of my arse a little, rubbing across my tightness and making me tingle with pleasure, my own cock becoming pretty firm by now. I bucked my hips and slid my arse back down Gina's fake cock, pushing it right up against my prostate and penetrating even deeper inside me. Then I slid once more forward to take Mark's cock deep inside my throat.

    I kept doing this, rocking my body back and forth, with one movement penetrating my arse with my wife's strap-on, with the next swallowing my best friend's cock, both ways filling my body with delightful, hard dick, enjoying the incredible stimulation of being doubly penetrated. Once more, just as on the night of my stag party, I experienced the thrill of being dolled up like a sexy girl and being the centre of attention for all the cocks in the room as they shafted me in all my holes. Only, this time it was the cocks of my nearest and dearest that were giving me such a pleasurable fucking.

    "Ohhh," moaned Gina, the end of her strap-on rubbing back against her pussy and making her ever more and more aroused, not to mention the exciting sight of her husband in sexy lingerie, bent over to allow her to enter his arse, "Oh yes, baby, you're such a sexy girl Rachel, such a sexy arse to fuck!"

    "Uhh," I gasped as Mark took his dick out of my mouth for a moment to paint my pink lips with his glistening pre-cum, "Ahhh, oh, fuck me Gina. Fuck my tight, girly arse with your big rubber cock! I'm your beautiful new bride and my arse is yours to use!"

    I gasped and wrapped my lips back around Mark's dick, deep throating him again as his eyes widened with pleasure and his cock twitched with arousal. As Gina thrust with all her force, really now starting to tear into my arse with vigour, Natalie reached around from her stroking my wife's hot body to mine, reaching beneath me to take hold of my hard, excited cock. She began to stroke my dick, to jerk me off in time with my wife thrusting her strap-on up into my arse, while I licked and sucked her boyfriend's hot, hard meat.

    "Mmm, you must be enjoying your double fucking, Rachel, you sexy slut," she said as she felt my arousal, "Your girly cock is so hard, so firm and excited by your wife fucking your arse, or is it by sucking my boyfriend's cock?"

    "Ahhh," I gasped, licking along the base of Mark's dick as Gina fucked my arse, "I love both Natalie. I love being the sexy slut to take two cocks at once! Ohh, Mark, your cock tastes so good, let me suck it! Ahhh, Gina, fuck my arse, fuck me harder!"

    After a while of being doubly penetrated doggy style, Gina withdrew her strap-on from my arse. She was once more exchanging sweet kisses with Natalie. Gina's hands had left their position on my waist and had begun to explore Natalie's beautiful body, sliding inside Natalie's panties to her wet pussy beneath. Natalie took off her panties and stood there naked, revealing her beautiful shaved pussy, wet, swollen and waiting to be filled. Gina laid Natalie down beside me so her face framed by long, straight dark hair looked up into mine. Natalie opened her long legs and Gina positioned herself between them. The thick rubber strap-on that she had just pulled from my arse, she now slid right inside her friend's eagerly waiting pussy, causing Natalie to gasp with pleasure. I knew just how she felt, the sudden joy of being filled by a thick cock after all that sexual yearning.

    "Oh God, Gina," she sighed, "Mmmm, fuck my pussy with your big dick!"

    She pulled Gina down onto her so, as Gina's strap-on slid deeper into her pussy, they were now kissing, their breasts pushed right up against each other. I paused for a moment to take in the sexy sight of my best friend's girlfriend, lying back on the floor, her tall, naked body arched and accepting of my new wife, dressed in just stockings and a sexy bra, pushing a big strap-on up inside her. Their gasps and sighs were contagious, and I found myself moaning sexually along with them.

    But there was an equally sexy sight even closer to my eyes, my best friend's hard cock, sticking right up, rock hard, with its swollen purple head peeping out just inches from my smiling, lustful lips. I wrapped my hand around his solid meat and began to stroke it off again as I kissed all along it and began to suck on his balls, before diverting my attention back to that incredible erection itself. I just loved the sight of it sliding up through my lips, knowing it was my sexy, feminine body and cocksucking skills that had brought him to that level of hardness. I had wanted so badly to thank him for what he had made me into, I guess seeing his reaction to it here I was doing pretty well at that.

    "You suck cock so well, Rachel," he gasped, "But now Gina's done with fucking that sweet arse, I'd love to have a go too."

    "Oh God yes, Mark," was all I could reply, "Please do. I want you inside me. I want you to fuck me. Fuck my tight, girly arse!"

    He moved himself around from his position in front of me and I lay down on my back beside Natalie. Mark moved so he was knelt beside Gina. I opened my legs in their sexy fishnet stockings in order to allow Mark to kneel over me. I had let my purple thong slip so it now simply hung off one of my ankles over my black heeled shoe. My cock was free and stuck up firm and erect from the rest of my body, making a little tent in the sheer purple material of my babydoll. I gave a naughty little smile at the sight of it, loving to see my body stretched out before me, looking so feminine in the sheer babydoll and fishnet stockings, but with my cock still hard and masculine.

    Mark pulled my legs further open and pulled them up so my purple babydoll slipped back around my waist, exposing my naked cock, and raising my arse to where his cock stuck out, ready to enter me. Holding my ankles to keep my legs open, he positioned the head of his dick at the opening of my arsehole, just where my wife's strap-on had been. He looked across at his girlfriend, lying on her back beside me, moaning and sighing as my wife fucked her pussy with that same strap-on. Natalie looked back at him and they exchanged a glance that contained both deep affection and a kinky, naughty glint.

    "You don't know how much I've wanted that sweet arse of yours, Rachel," he said, looking down on my lingerie clad body with a warmth and desire, "Ever since you first revealed your secret fantasy, I've been wondering how it would be to see you all dolled up as a sexy girl and for me to be the one fucking that arse!"

    "Ohhh," I swooned, thrilled at the idea of being so desired, desperate to feel him inside me, "Come on, Mark, come on and fuck me, now!" I begged, "Fuck me with that beautiful, big dick of yours!"

    And then he did, and it felt incredible. Just as I begged him to do it, he pushed forward and drove his meat up inside my arse, burying himself deep inside me, causing me once more to become light headed with the sensation of feeling his warm, hard, lively arousal rubbing across the tight, clenched muscles of my arse. Still he pushed further and further inside me, filling me up with his incredible hardness, making my own dick almost as rock solid with the incredible sensation of giving my arse up to him.

    "Oh God. Oh yes. Oh ohhh, that's it, Mark. You feel soooo good inside me!" I moaned, feeling his cock fully buried inside me, so his body was pressed right up against mine, just as my wife's was with his girlfriend.

    As Gina pushed her rubber strap-on cock deep into Natalie's pussy, as Natalie moaned and screamed with pleasure at the lesbian love from my sexy wife, Mark withdrew his cock from my arse. And as Gina pulled back out of Natalie, causing another sigh of pleasure from the other woman, Mark thrust deeply and powerfully back up inside me. With a great masculine strength and control, Mark began to fuck my arse, slowly and rhythmically at first, but then gathering in pace and force until he was really ploughing into me.

    "Mmmm. Ahhhh. Ohh," I gasped and moaned, "Oh fuck. Oh yes, Mark! Oh, you fuck so well. It feels soooo good! I feel like a real sexy woman with you dick shafting my arse!"

    Meanwhile, alongside me, Natalie was obviously feeling the effects of a good strong fucking too, as Gina enthusiastically continued grinding her strap-on into Natalie's pussy. Natalie's body was primed for a moment of climax, she was writhing and moaning as Gina penetrated her, running her hands all over the curves of Gina's beautiful, dark skinned body. Her head was thrown back and her screams and moans were getting louder and louder, drowning out my own sensual sighs as her boyfriend penetrated my arse.

    "Oh. Ohhh. Oh God, Gina. Oh you're gonna make me cum, Gina," she sighed, "Don't stop now. I'm so close to the edge. Mmmm, Gina, make my boyfriend watch as you send me to a climax. Ohhh, here it comes, Gina!" she was now screaming so loud, I worried the neighbours would here and come round to see what all the trouble was about, only to see the newlywed couple fucking with their best friends, the new wife sticking a strap-on in one friend's pussy and the husband, me, dressed in purple lingerie and made up like a sexy woman, getting fucked by another friend. Fortunately, nobody came round to see Natalie's sexy body shaking and quivering with the force of her orgasm, "Fuck, I'm cumming, Gina!" she screamed, "I'M CUMMING!"

    Even as he watched my wife sending his girlfriend into an incredible orgasm, Mark didn't let up with fucking my arse, rocking both of our bodies back and forth with the force of his thrusts. My own cock flopped around, dripping pre-cum. I just simply lay back and took his incredible fucking, content just to feel the amazing sensations he produced up inside me, and to lie there and watch. To look down my effeminate body in its sexy lingerie, to his powerful manly, thrusting one was a pretty sweet sight. To see his big cock screwing my arse, plunging in and out, shaking my own cock around, was even better.

    Gina slid out of Natalie's pussy as the tall, beautiful dark haired woman simply lay back exhausted at her incredible orgasm. Now, having fucked both my arse and her friend's pussy with it, Gina too off the prosthetic rubber cock to reveal her pussy beneath it. She was so aroused from the things that she had seen and from the experience of fucking with her strap-on, the end of it constantly rubbing back against her pussy. She was clearly desperate for relief. As I lay on my back on the floor, with Mark fucking my arse, Gina came over and sat herself astride me, her thighs over my shoulders.

    Although I was now denied the view of Mark's hard, masculine body as he pushed his firm cock in and out of my arse, I could still feel him back there, and now I was given another equally fine view, my new wife's thighs, her lacy stocking tops and the swollen lips of her pussy. I raised my head and began to lick the smooth inside of her thighs, moving on to her pussy itself. My body still shaking with Mark's hard fucking, I still managed to focus enough of my attention to begin to lap my tongue along the length of my wife's pussy, causing her to sigh and shake.

    "Mmm, yeah, Rachel, my beautiful new bride, eat my cunt," Gina moaned, "Eat me out while your sweet girly arse is ravished!"

    As Mark rammed his big dick up my arse, rocking my girlish body, I plunged my tongue in and out of my wife's pussy, fucking her with my tongue the way Mark was screwing me with his cock. My own moans were now stifled by my mouth being focused on pleasuring my wife but, as I worked my way to flicking my tongue over her clitoris, she let out a very long, loud, low moan of exquisite pleasure. I could tell that giving Natalie her orgasm had turned her on so much that now the hot and sexy situation of having her crossdressing husband eating her pussy was going to be enough to send her over the edge as well pretty soon.

    I too, could feel my rock hard cock was going to explode pretty soon with the excitement and arousal of giving up my body to my best friend's dick and eating my wife's pussy at the same time. And things were about to get even hotter. I couldn't see much with my wife's thighs wrapped around my head. My field of vision didn't much extend beyond the area between her sexy lace stocking tops and her wet pussy. So, I didn't see what was going on in the rest of the room and it came as something of a surprise to feel a soft, smooth hand wrap itself around my own dick, followed soon by some lips and a wet tongue. I gasped and buried my own tongue further into my wife's cunt. I knew that it had to be Natalie swallowing my hard meat and it felt so good to have my friend slamming his dick into my arse as his girlfriend sucked me off.

    "Ohh Natalie, wow you look hot like that," Gina gasped as I flicked my tongue over her clit, "sucking on my pretty wife's sweet cock!"

    "Oh yes, she does," Mark replied, as he slammed his dick into my arse, pushing my own dick up into his girlfriend's mouth, "This is a pretty amazing new way to fuck you, honey, through fucking Rachel's tight arse!"

    "Mmmm, ahhhh," Gina continued to moan, obviously very turned on by watching her friend sucking off her husband while her husband was dressed in sexy stockings and lingerie, licking her pussy, "Ohhh, I'm nearly there. Keep it up, baby. Eat my pussy, Rachel. Fuck me with your tongue. OOHHH, yes, that's it," her body writhed on top of me, pushing her wet pussy further over my mouth, desperate to reach her climax, "Oh God, here it comes, baby. Don't stop! Oh ohhh, OHHHH!!!"

    And with that her orgasm shook all through her body for several minutes, all the while I continued to lick her juices from her pussy as she continued to writhe on top of me. It was a very sexy sight, me lying on my back in my sexy purple babydoll, my face made up like a pretty girl, watching my hot wife as she sat on me, looking up at her fine breasts, pushed up by her tight bra, watching her curvy body alive and humming with her moment of incredible ecstasy, a moment brought about by my tongue, and a little by the turn on of using her big rubber strap-on to dominate both my arse and Natalie's pussy.

    Finally finishing her wild, moaning and screaming climax, Gina moved from her position sat astride my face, allowing me a view of Natalie, her tall, beautiful body completely naked, crouched over and letting my cock slip in and out of her mouth as Mark fucked my arse. Gina now moved to a position crouched over me from the other side. Natalie looked up and smiled at her, letting my cock out of her mouth. Leaning across my body, the two gorgeous women shared a kiss above my cock which stuck right up from my sheer babydoll. Both women wrapped a hand down my shaft and began to stroke it, jerking me off, bringing me ever closer to my own climax, as they took it in turns to kiss, lick and suck the head of it.

    "Oh God, oh yes!" I gasped and moaned, as the two women shared my cock and my body was still rocked by the hard shafting of my best friend's thick, hard meat, "You guys sure do know how to make a new bride feel special!"

    "Well, a new bride as beautiful and eager as you, deserves to feel special," Mark replied, plunging his cock into my tight arse, making the thrill of electric sensations run through my whole body, "That's the best wedding present we could think to give you!"

    "Oh thank you," I sighed as he slid his cock in and out of me again, "Thank you. Oh my God, thank you!"

    I felt my body quiver with anticipation, I sighed and moaned and screamed. All I could say was thank you. It really was the best wedding present ever. Not just the sexy lingerie that made me feel so sensual, so like a real woman, so desperate to be fucked. No, it was this right now that was the real present. Mark and Natalie had made us into a happy married couple by bringing out our greatest fantasies and now they were helping us begin our married life with even greater pleasure. I guess that all I could do to try and thank Mark for all he had done and was doing for me is to show just how much I appreciated it. Fortunately, with his big cock ploughing into my arse, this was pretty easy. My body convulsed with pleasure as my orgasm shook right through me.

    "Ohhh, this is it. Thank you, Mark. Thank you Natalie. Thank you soooo much. You're gonna make me cum!" I cried out, "OHHH GOD! Get ready girls, I'm cumming!"

    A stream of warm sticky cum shot out of my cock and hit Gina in the face. Gina and Natalie continued to stroke their hands along my dick, as Mark continued to stick his cock in my arse, milking me, making me cum more and more, making me shoot my milky white juices out. Some of my cum, Natalie and Gina caught in their mouths, giving each other sexy, sticky smiles, but there was so much of it. My head was swimming with my incredible orgasm as more and more cum shot from my dick over my chest, making my brand new, sexy sheer babydoll get all sticky.

    Gina and Natalie moved until they were now kneeling and leaning over my head, their faces close to mine. I could see my sticky tongue around their mouths. Gina licked her lips and pulled Natalie into a very sexy girl on girl kiss, sharing my cum between them. Both of them then opened their mouths and let the remaining cum drain from their lips down to mine, filling my throat with my own tasty, warm, salty juices. I savoured the taste of my own orgasm on my lips as my cock finally became soft again, still wobbling around as Mark shafted my arse. From the sounds of it, he was pretty close to reaching a climax of his own.

    "Uhhh, mmmm, oh yeah Rachel, you look so sexy soaked in your own cum," he moaned, as he began to fuck my arse faster and harder, "Ohh, you're gonna make me cum too, Rachel, gonna make me fill that sexy arse with my hot juices!"

    "Ohh yes, please, Mark," I sighed, "It's the only way I can thank you for all your wedding presents. I want you to fill me with your cum!"

    He threw his head back and let out a loud moan, his toned body looking incredible as he thrust as hard and deep as he could inside me and let the warmth of his cum fill my arse. His cock continued to shoot its load up inside me for some time, before he withdrew it and spurted the rest of his cum over my exhausted, prone body, covering me with a mixture of his sticky white juices and my own, making me feel like the luckiest sexy young bride could feel. I had finally given up my body to my best friend, finally thanked him with it for what he had turned me into.

    I lay back on the floor, dressed in just fishnet stockings and a cum stained babydoll, Mark's cum leaking out my arse. I basked in a warm glow of happiness as, alongside me, the people I loved most in the world, the ones I felt most grateful to, lay equally exhausted after our sexy orgy. People who say that the sex gets much worse after marriage are obviously not marrying the right people, and don't have the right friends to bring the right wedding presents. If this was just the start of my married life, I couldn't imagine all the other pleasures that awaited me as Rachel.

    The following day, Gina and me were set to leave for Spain to go on our honeymoon. Mark and Natalie came to see us off at the airport.

    "Hope you have lots of fun," Natalie said, with a sensual, significant smile.

    "Be sure to tell us all about it when you get back," Mark smiled, making me blush once again at the thought.

    Would my married life yield all the pleasure and excitement that I hoped now that Gina was happy with my role in the bedroom as sexy Rachel? And just what could two new blushing brides get up to on their honeymoon together? Find out in Chapter 7.

    To be continued...

  6. #16


    For anyone who is interested, I just started work on Chapter 7: The Honeymoon after my computer lost my first draft, so that should be along in the next month!

  7. #17
    Junior Poster jgud051's Avatar
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    Free Spirit without a Spirit

  8. #18
    Junior Poster rocklob's Avatar
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    Awesome Rachel! Your stories are the hottest, keep them coming!

  9. #19
    Rookie Poster jacalynprincetv's Avatar
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    Thank you for the amazing story darling.
    It remains my fantasy to be fucked by a large group of men, when dressed as a virginal, sissy, teen bride.

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  10. #20
    Gold Poster Helvis2012's Avatar
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