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  1. #11
    Professional Poster
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    Default Re: He sounds really nervous right now.........

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyWalkerBlackLabel
    Barack sounds really nervous answering questions.........

    but he'll get better

    no matter how choppy he sounds, how many times he says "uhhh or ummm", or his brief studder now & then he's miles ahead of the chimp we just got rid of.............

    Of course he's a little nervous. He's the 1st black president, people just want Obama to screw up. If he does you know what they'll be saying in the back rooms of America. He has to be more cautious about what he says because of the history of this country.

  2. #12
    Junior Poster
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    I think it's funny all the people that are thanking that they have a guy who was only senator for less than a full term running the most powerful nation in the world and think he's going to SAVE US ALL!

    We are screwed no matter who went in. You have to have hope though. What's the alternative?

    I wish him all the luck but damn we are screwed. The Gov of Mass (a very close friend of our beloved President) is proposing a $.30/ gallon gas tax. A month ago he suggested $.11 and the state went apeshit. I Dont know what he's thinking now.

    Quote Originally Posted by fitz207
    Quote Originally Posted by Goldenguinea
    This guy's fucking clueless
    I guess the idiot before him did a better job, right?

    I guess you were one of the 26% who thought W did a great job.

    Happy Holidays!

  3. #13
    Professional Poster Faldur's Avatar
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    Well lets see, he's about to spend enough money to pay off 90% of all mortgages in the US.. and spend it on complete bullshit.. ya I'd be nervous too..

  4. #14
    Senior Member Veteran Poster
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    May 2006


    Fuck that, I just watched him and he was great, especially after 8 years of a bumblefuck answering questions from the press corps.

    He can obviously think on his feet... his mastery of english was awesome to see...

  5. #15
    Silver Poster
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    Obama needs some time because he has to clean all the shit that Bush left. Whatever, he can´t correct the previous government´s failures with the similar Libertarian economy principles.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Veteran Poster
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    Libertarian principles enabled the post-war boom, Keynesian economics will never be able to replace the invisible hand. Boom and bust cycles are part of a healthy economy.

    We only have ourselves to blame for the crises, most humans are somewhat retarded (Americans allowing themselves to overspend, perpetually refinancing, etc).

    Recessions are actually good things, like a fire in the forest... cleaning of the dead wood. Its been to long since a good recession, its not the federal government's responsibility to avoid one at all costs.

    It reminds why forest fires are now so extreme (in the US west or Australia), periodic burnings are necessary for a healthy forest.

  7. #17
    Junior Poster
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    Im sorry. I hope that you are joking. He looked like a deer in the headlights. He said Ahhh and ummm 1000 times.

    I'll give him credit though, at least he knows the difference between "nuclear" and "nucular". I guess that's where the Harvard education beats the Yale education.

    The press corps didnt ask him shit for tough questions.

    What do you think of the A-Rod situation?
    Are you shitting me? Who's give a shit about A-Rod. House foreclosures increased by 60%, people can put food on the table and unemployment is worse than predicted and he gets asked about A-Rod?

    What countries do you think have Nukes?

    Oh... there's a tough one. Im sure he's just going to rattle off a list of countries the CIA has briefed him on.

    Quote Originally Posted by dc_guy_75
    Fuck that, I just watched him and he was great, especially after 8 years of a bumblefuck answering questions from the press corps.

    He can obviously think on his feet... his mastery of english was awesome to see...

    Happy Holidays!

  8. #18

    Default Re: He sounds really nervous right now.........

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyWalkerBlackLabel
    Barack sounds really nervous answering questions.........

    but he'll get better

    no matter how choppy he sounds, how many times he says "uhhh or ummm", or his brief studder now & then he's miles ahead of the chimp we just got rid of.............

    Hes thinking....
    Thats why he is saying "uhhh" and "ummm".
    One of his answers was almost 6 minutes long.
    You are used to preformated answers to questions that where given to the "chimp" beforehand in the last administration.

  9. #19
    Gold Poster SarahG's Avatar
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    Everywhere & Nowhere

    Default Re: He sounds really nervous right now.........

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyWalkerBlackLabel
    Barack sounds really nervous answering questions.........

    but he'll get better

    no matter how choppy he sounds, how many times he says "uhhh or ummm", or his brief studder now & then he's miles ahead of the chimp we just got rid of.............

    So the yardstick is that small now?

    And maybe its easier to withdraw from life
    With all of its misery and wretched lies
    If we're dead when tomorrow's gone
    The Big Machine will just move on
    Still we cling afraid we'll fall
    Clinging like the memory which haunts us all

  10. #20
    Gold Poster
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    Southern California


    (I can't resist)


    Tell us what specific policies/legislation the Reagan administration was specifically and directly responsible for, that made this a better country in one way or another? Just one.

    ( I can't wait to read this response)

    The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious ... He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed ... Albert Einstein

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