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Thread: chefmike

  1. #61
    Platinum Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quinn
    Quote Originally Posted by chefmike
    Quote Originally Posted by Quinn
    Quote Originally Posted by trish
    Wow, chefmike, you really know how to push this guy's buttons.
    Indeed. I could be wrong, but I'm starting to get the sneaking suspicion that he just might have a bit of a problem with the good chef.

    LMAO,'s good to see that you're still alive and well...nothing new here(except for the latest crop of village idiots as you can certainly see)...are you still a trader in this crazy market(no not HA lol) or are you taking a breather?
    Yeah, they're a bit like weeds: you get rid of them all, and new ones grow back. -Quinn
    Isn't that the truth, Quinn...lately I could swear that HA's own infamous nutjob Jamie Michelle must've spawned some sort of hellishly annoying offspring and cursed HA with their presence, what with the tinfoil wearing tranny chasers we got here now interrupting every other thread with their ridiculous conspiracy spam...and what never fails to amuse and fascinate me is their maniacal frustration when their nonsense is of course ignored, dismissed and/or derided en masse whenever it's posted...

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  2. #62
    Silver Poster yodajazz's Avatar
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    I know I should not say this, but this thread seems a little gay to me. I mean with people saying things like; "I wonder if ChefMike, come up with his crazy views, while he is in the shower, with soap suds running down his musclular body. And as the steam rise ..." You get what I mean?

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by yodajazz
    I know I should not say this, but this thread seems a little gay to me. I mean with people saying things like; "I wonder if ChefMike, come up with his crazy views, while he is in the shower, with soap suds running down his musclular body...." You get what I mean?
    ROTFLMAFO...I know what you mean, yoda...sometimes all the adoration can be a bit of a burden...and all of the neverending fan mail...don't get me's almost a relief sometimes when I also get the inevitible hate mail, death threats, and tinfoil voodoo dolls from the disgruntled Kaczynski types sitting way up there in the in the cheap seats...

    BTW...if anyone is looking for the mentally challenged OP(although I can't imagine why unless you happen to be his PO) he was busy making a total fool of himself in yet another HIV thread...there's a shocker...

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  4. #64
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    From my thread on Alex Jones, hero of feeble-minded chicken littles like thxtinfoil and El Ninny:

    Quote Originally Posted by chefmike
    Quote Originally Posted by thx1138
    El Nino: Mike has NO proof. His only job here is to shout insults and denigrate people. What a way to earn cigarette money! No ethics, no brains.
    You are a fool and a laughingstock like your buddy El Ninny. The loony links that you two clowns post are quickly debunked, derided, and dismissed by anyone who bothers to read such nonsense.

    You'll even stoop to outright lies when your conspiracy fantasies aren't working:

    Quote Originally Posted by chefmike
    Mike has yet to refute anything coming from a reputable source posted here.
    Reliable source? LMAO. This from the buffoon who said Ted Turner was a paid disinformationalist for the NWO. You mean to say that you and your handful of fellow laughingstocks have ever posted anything but absurd BS from the likes of Alex Jones et al? I wonder if anyone ever noticed it. Not bloody likely, simpleton.

    He's the same guy that said 2 years ago the economy was in great shape.
    Note the date thx registered on this site. More fantasy from the acorn academy alumnus. Produce a quote and URL, slick.

    That's what I thought.

    You clowns are pathetic.

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  5. #65
    5 Star Poster ezed's Avatar
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    Hello boys & girls -
    Just popping in. Seems like there's a food fight going on! Fuck! after a month's worth of posts to review it good to see that the old timers are still alive and well. What the fuck was this thread about? I've already forgot!

    Been a hard year, finally there's a light on the horizon. Lost a lot, but finally on the comeback trail. Man this has been shitty times. But things are looking up. Quinn, Chef Mike, Oli, especially Trish - good to see ya talking. I'll be in and out!

    You know it's funny coming back and seeing the passionate typists, and imagining them sitting at their computers typing long winded diatribes! Spittle trailing from their mouth!

    Well on to the rest of the posts to see what's been happening.

    Oh well
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  6. #66
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Hi ezed. Good to have you back. OOOOXXXX

    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by ezed
    Hello boys & girls -
    Just popping in. Seems like there's a food fight going on! Fuck! after a month's worth of posts to review it good to see that the old timers are still alive and well. What the fuck was this thread about? I've already forgot!

    Been a hard year, finally there's a light on the horizon. Lost a lot, but finally on the comeback trail. Man this has been shitty times. But things are looking up. Quinn, Chef Mike, Oli, especially Trish - good to see ya talking. I'll be in and out!

    You know it's funny coming back and seeing the passionate typists, and imagining them sitting at their computers typing long winded diatribes! Spittle trailing from their mouth!

    Well on to the rest of the posts to see what's been happening.

    Oh well
    Yo Ezed!!

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  8. #68
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    From the same thread...Oli schooling the tranny chasers wearing the tinfiol tiaras...

    Quote Originally Posted by Oli
    Quote Originally Posted by thx1138
    Mike has yet to refute anything coming from a reputable source posted here. The reason is he can't. He's the same guy that said 2 years ago the economy was in great shape. He hangs out here because he's paid to. Site management feels a need a to have a clown to shake things up from time to time. Mike fits the bill perfectly. He's a good name caller but has the intellectual capacity of a flea.
    Hey mate, these are some of what you consider 'reputable sources'. Most intelligent people consider these sites on par with

    Quote Originally Posted by thx1138
    Quote Originally Posted by thx1138
    So, by all means continue to believe your not the Luddite in this conversation...and that applies to El Nino also.

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  9. #69
    Platinum Poster
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    Oops wrong thread...

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  10. #70



    Quote Originally Posted by sexyshana
    what difference does it make if she is a club kid or not, she looks good and in the end we were all boys at one time no? she looks great, enjoy it!
    buy her tits if you would rather she had some.

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