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  1. #51
    Silver Poster slinky's Avatar
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    What's the opposite of "admirer"?


    As usual, you miss the point entirely (qu'elle surprise). The issue is not who is going to be answering, the issue is what is the fucking subject.

    And the usual posters gave their usual answer to that question, which is always the same: "ME, ME ME".

    But enough about me. Now let's talk about how you feel about me.

    Or perhaps you can point out all the posts where trans women who are hookers answered the question in this thread as opposed to answering a question which they felt like, which wasn't the one posted? I count 1 by TSMandy and sort of one by SaraG, but not really.

    But what I also count is the very first post by Brenda spouting the usual.... scratch that... TOTALLY PREDICTABLE catch all "you can't know anything because you have to walk a mile in my shoes" bullshit. that's what I find unacceptable. Especially since in this case my shoes are about 1,000 times more worn out than hers on this particular road (which is why someone will come back and try to CHANGE the subject to say "yes, but you're not a trans, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH). And the reality is that hooker burnout has a lot more in common across hetero, homo, trans, whatever.... than hooker burnout has to do with transitioning.

    See, we tend to forget around her that all TG's aren't hookers and pron stars. 99.9% of the guys on here have never even spoken to a TG, so all they see is a minute segment of the population of TG's. It's also why you don't see any (well, hardly any) TG's who are not sex workers of one sort or another posting on this site: because the reality is it's not really a ite about transsexuality, it's a site about Tranny Chasing. now, that doesn't make it a "bad" site, an "invalid site" or whatever. But it's just hard to have meaningful conversations about what the reality of anything is when any conversation which could possibly she some light on a subject gets shouted down with that same old tired "you can't know" crap every single time.

    Just because you don't know about it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist:

  2. #52
    Platinum Poster TsVanessa69's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is this how some of you girls feel about escorting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Solitary Brother
    I ran into this and thought it was very heartfelt and sad and wanted to know if you girls that escort feel the same.
    Your feedback is appreciated GIRLS.

    You could not even begin to fathom wat its like to be a hooker.

    Try selling your self to strange men 15 times a week, take care of a family, as if your life to peachy, and then try to maintain a relationship with a man that does not, or worse, does know what you do for a living ad begs you to quit. ( though he has no job and cant even support himself) Yet he scares away your clients because he doesnt want some other man fucking his girl)
    meanwhile you are the only one bringng home the bacon)

    Try sucking a sick of a man that replusives you to the point of vomit, yet they write reviews about what a fat digsusting pig you are, meanwhile THEY are the ones that hired you in the first place!!

    Try having men use you for sex ( though they pay) fuck you. and THEN try to make you quit the business!

    Try having to wake up each work morning not knowing if today is "D" day, or if some asshole is going to rip you off. And if he does, try coming home and act as nothing bad has happened to you today

    Try being a hooker, and not find yourself at some point ( and you will) hooked on pills, drugs or whatever it takes to get through the day!

    Try being a hooker and being a normal, sane, upstanding member person in society.

    Try being a hooker and meeting the man you want to spend the rest of your life with, but you cant quit because selling your ass is all you know..but you do love him

    Try walking a mile in a hookers shoes,and I promise you, you would rather go barefoot!
    Some of this I agree with, some I dont. Seems like this girl let the game control her instead of her controlling the game.
    I see it as a game, I as a transexual "hook" mostly because men treat us like an object instead of a person, no matter what our occupation is. Having a 9-5 has not changed that for me. In the workplace, I am a professional, educated, and go beyond my duties. But does that change the fact that men only see transexual, thus "sex object". So yes I'm still gonna charge. When I meet a man who is taking me out in public, dinner and movies, walks on the beach and for ice cream, then I won't charge. But until that day comes, I'm not gonna be bothered unless you are paying me for the use of my body with nothing in return.

  3. #53
    Platinum Poster MacShreach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slinky
    As usual, you miss the point entirely (qu'elle surprise).
    If you're going to attempt to show your superior intellect by making remarks in French, learn to spell it, otherwise your credibility rating may be at risk.

    But enough about me. Now let's talk about how you feel about me.
    I have no feelings about you. Why should I? I certainly don't dislike you or anything.

    what I also count is the very first post by Brenda spouting the usual.... scratch that... TOTALLY PREDICTABLE catch all "you can't know anything because you have to walk a mile in my shoes" bullshit. that's what I find unacceptable.
    Yes, that was what I thought annoyed you. Brenda annoys a lot of people.

    Especially since in this case my shoes are about 1,000 times more worn out than hers on this particular road (which is why someone will come back and try to CHANGE the subject to say "yes, but you're not a trans, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH). And the reality is that hooker burnout has a lot more in common across hetero, homo, trans, whatever.... than hooker burnout has to do with transitioning.
    I am certainly not arguing with that. The point, however, is that it is totally absurd to get your knickers in a twist because some trans sex workers answer a question in a a way that they feel is relevant to trans sex workers, on a site about trans sex workers, which, as you make clear in your next statement, is what you think this site is (and I agree with you.)

    See, we tend to forget around her that all TG's aren't hookers and pron stars. 99.9% of the guys on here have never even spoken to a TG, so all they see is a minute segment of the population of TG's. It's also why you don't see any (well, hardly any) TG's who are not sex workers of one sort or another posting on this site: because the reality is it's not really a ite about transsexuality, it's a site about Tranny Chasing. now, that doesn't make it a "bad" site, an "invalid site" or whatever.

    I absolutely agree with all of the above. The sample of transwomen seen here is laughably low and most of the men here have very little clue about transsexual women, far less ever met one. Most men here are just here to satisfy homosexual fantasies that the societies they live in suppress; for these men, transsexual women are a species of penis with what looks like a woman attached. You are absolutely right-- most men here simply don't understand that a) women are not sex objects but people and b) transsexual women (as opposed to crossdressing or transvestite men, who are routinely confused with transsexual women here) are women like any other woman.

    We are not arguing about this, and in a way, if one of the schmucks with his drawers round his ankles sees this and suddenly thinks "Whoa, this is about more than satisfying a male erotic fantasy," then that would be a good thing.

    But it's just hard to have meaningful conversations about what the reality of anything is when any conversation which could possibly she some light on a subject gets shouted down with that same old tired "you can't know" crap every single time.
    It seems to me you have a particular issue with one statement that Brenda made in what I agree was a pretty blunt manner, but that is, um, not so very unusual, and have then gone on to condemn everything else that was said.

    Try taking your proposition to extremis-- prevent any trans sex worker answering a question (which you did not pose) in any terms exclusively relevant to trans sex workers, on a site devoted to men's interest in trans sex workers.

    I don't think I missed the point.

    Now I don't know who you are; you sound like you're a natally female sex worker. If so I have no issues with you or your feelings and I am not trying to diss you or belittle them, or the problems that non-trans sex workers face. Furthermore, if you are a natal woman with thirty years in the sex business, (or for that matter a man with the same experience) you fully deserve the respect that your experience has earned you; and if Brenda knew that when she made her "walk a mile" statement, then it was rude and she owes you an apology.

    You're obviously an intelligent and passionate person, so let me make this clear--I am not attacking you. I'm just saying, since you agree that this is a site about trans sex workers, how can you possibly expect that not to be a major influence on the discussion?

  4. #54
    5 Star Poster tsmandy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slinky
    And the reality is that hooker burnout has a lot more in common across hetero, homo, trans, whatever.... than hooker burnout has to do with transitioning.
    For me personally, I would say this is mostly true, although there are some uniquely tedious aspects of being a trans sex worker that caused me to burnout.

    1. So many guys were disappointed that I was castrated and didn't ejaculate all over them. The first couple hundred times it didn't really phase me, but after years of that I started apologizing for my body and wishing I could cum on people (porn has the same effect though). I'm not an ROB and I wanted to please my customers, after a while that really made the job less fun.

    2. The gay talk. Over and over. I hate the gay talk. I'm queer, I fuck men and women and I live in a full time same sex relationship with a female. Having to deal with guys gender and sexuality issues really puts a damper on whatever sexual activity followed said discussion. I realize that is a big part of why guys pay TS escorts, and escorts in general have to deal with a lot of emotional revelations, but it is very different than the typical "I'm married and my wife doesn't do me right" discussions that my GG hooker friends deal with. Not all of my clients had to have that discussion, but 80% of them did, and after a while I just felt like I was going to bite the tongue off of the next guy who tried to explain his desires to me.

    Still aside from those two exceptions I would say I largely agree with Slinky, that when it comes to burnout the similarities are stronger TS/GG than the differences. When I had my retirement party I was the only TS in a room full of hookers (male and female) and everyone there had a lot of common ground be they dudes that hustled bath-houses or female submissives.

  5. #55
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slinky
    As usual, you miss the point entirely (qu'elle surprise). The issue is not who is going to be answering, the issue is what is the fucking subject.

    And the usual posters gave their usual answer to that question, which is always the same: "ME, ME ME".
    Quote Originally Posted by MacShreach
    The sample of transwomen seen here is laughably low and most of the men here have very little clue about transsexual women, far less ever met one. Most men here are just here to satisfy homosexual fantasies that the societies they live in suppress; for these men, transsexual women are a species of penis with what looks like a woman attached. You are absolutely right-- most men here simply don't understand that a) women are not sex objects but people and b) transsexual women (as opposed to crossdressing or transvestite men, who are routinely confused with transsexual women here) are women like any other woman.
    You kind of made his point there MacShreach. I love a lot of your posts because they're informative and sometimes right on the, you're obviously in touch with whatever subject matter you are writing and/or debating about. However, in this particular case Slinky was just pointing out (as part of a broader argument) what type of a site this actually was..and instead of appropriately ending it with your first sentence of the paragraph up there - you had to add your personal "mantra"...yet again.

    We all do this of course from time to time...but sometimes we just gotta hold back a bit.

  6. #56
    Platinum Poster MacShreach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred41
    You kind of made his point there MacShreach. .
    Well I was trying to, actually. I don't disagree with the substance of anything Slinky said. My point I have already made.

    But thanks for the support, anyway.

  7. #57
    Rookie Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacShreach
    Furthermore, if you are a natal woman with thirty years in the sex business, (or for that matter a man with the same experience) you fully deserve the respect that your experience has earned you; and if Brenda knew that when she made her "walk a mile" statement, then it was rude and she owes you an apology.
    That's just the thing. I did not know that. If I had I would not have wrote that particular statement (which , by the way was not necssarily directed just at slinky's post. ) Heck I was not alone in not knowing all about Slinky and slinky's friend who wrote that. A number of people were sure that it was totally made up. I am sorry that slinky took what I wrote that way. but I am not really sorry I wrote it. Base on what information I had it was the correct way to react.

    Oh an by the by. I stopped giving a shit about annoying people a long time ago. When it comes down to it the things about me that annoy people are things I cannot or will not change, nor should I even be ashamed of.

    Brendaqg is back

  8. #58
    Platinum Poster MacShreach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AishaX

    Oh an by the by. I stopped giving a shit about annoying people a long time ago.

    Don't look now, but you're preaching to the converted.

  9. #59
    Veteran Poster freak's Avatar
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    This just sounds like someone that doesn't like what they are doing but are too lazy to help themselves find something they want to do.
    I hear people with the similar complaints about there jobs all day. If you don't like what you are doing find something else to do, if not stop complaining and try to be the best dam hooker out there

    Even though this isn't a petting zoo, you can still stroke my cock if you want.

    If the zombie apocalypse happens in Vegas... will it stay in Vegas?

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