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  1. #61
    5 Star Poster bassman2546's Avatar
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    I hope he burns in hell. Being an animal lover and also a forgiving person for the most part, I can honestly say I hate Michael Vick for his crimes and the jail term wasn't nearly long enough. But alas, that is the celebrity world.

    Now, if the authorities could focus on nabbing some of these other douchebags commiting the same crimes instead of relishing in the fact that they put an athlete behind bars for too short a time, then maybe we'd start getting somewhere with the prevention of cruelty to animals.

  2. #62


    I didn't read any of the responses so I am going by the subject...

    Unfair treatment??? The man is a beast - what kind of a person does this shit to animals?


    Quote Originally Posted by jcinva
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009AD
    ps: HA is not the place to look for love, I'm sure you know that, just wanted to remind you.
    WHAT?! You mean you're all just wasting my time?!!

  3. #63
    Professional Poster celticgrafix's Avatar
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    he didnt spend enough time in jail, he deserves it, any dumbass millionaire that does something illegal and gets caught deserves anything that comes their way

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by drmindbender03
    Quote Originally Posted by bartholomeus
    I do not see how a Vick discussion is intellectual... but any who why don't we torture you a little bit?
    Why isn't it? Is this not an event that is being celebrated by the media? Oh, I forgot we should only comment on the dick sizes of shemales...

    Torturing dogs? Do you know anything about dog fighting? I don't think you do. I don't endorse it. I am against it. Dog fighters do not torture their animals. They are well feed, well kept, and put into fights. The dogs are killed when they are seriously injured so they will not suffer emotionally, mentally, and physically from their injuries.

    Let's look at race horsing....Wow, the horses are bred and kept with the intentions of being commodities to make money for the owners, investors, and track owners. They are whipped by the jockeys during the race in order for the horse to speed up. I guess you don't see anything wrong with this?

    The horses are ran, ran, and ran again until they cannot run anymore. Many have heart attacks and other physical injuries due to horse racing. Many are sold to outfits that kill them here in the U.S and sold to outfits in Europe that slice them down into what they call "Steaks". Four star restaurants serve their patrons horse meat that is elegantly called "Steaks". LOL.......

    So this isn't a form of animal abuse?

    Torture me? Come on down to sunny Florida where I reside. Don't be suprised to be looking down the barrel of the .380 caliber (that I legally own) that is with me at all times!

    Why aren't you addressing the preferential treatment that Martha Stewart has received?
    Shouldn't the appropriate response to perceived preferential treatment for Martha Stewart be to make sure justice is applied appropriately, rather than using it as an argument supporting preferential treatment for Michael Vick? It's like people who get pissed when the government gives money to someone (banks, automakers, immigrants, welfare receipients, I leave no one out), but instead of putting a stop to it they put their hand out and say "where's mine?". Sorry, weak argument.

    And guess what? Michael Vick has paid his debt to society through prison, but like most convicted felons he will have a tough time gaining employment. Tough shit, that's the way it goes. Besides, even if he gets reinstated there is no team that will sign him, and it's all due to dollars and cents. No one wants to risk losing huge ticket sales because they can sign Vick, a great athlete but average quarterback and not one who invokes taking a team to the Super Bowl and therefore justifying the risk.

    I remember back in the mid '80s when the Vikings signed Mossy Cade after his sexual assault conviction. He was with the team for about three weeks before the uproar caused the Vikings to cut him. Now, this was in the spring, not even during the season, and without the media crush that is available today.

    If Vick really wants to play football, he should try the new league that is starting up for a year, then the NFL. It would give him a chance to get back in real playing shape - the guy hasn't played in 2 years, he needs the time. It would also give him a chance to prove to the world that he can be a functioning citizen and not be a burden to society but a contributing member of society. And yes, conducting dogfighting matches constitutes a burden to society.

    Finally, if you really think race has anything to do with it, you are nuts. I can name 50 athletes that are playing today that have had so much bullshit in their lives it's unbelievable they aren't in prison right now. Start with Pacman Jones and work your way down. Racism does exist (I live in Minnesota, home of the closet racist!), but this is not it. You want to see racism, check corporate America first. Pro sports is definitely low on the racism totem pole (pun intended).

    "I gotta go lift"

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danielle Foxx
    I didn't read any of the responses so I am going by the subject...

    Unfair treatment??? The man is a beast - what kind of a person does this shit to animals?

    I absolutely love animals and I agree with you 100%.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by sugdaddie69
    Motherfuckers have been having dog fights for years.Vicks not the first,he won't be the last.God forbid some of you self-rightous pricks make any mistakes in life,and they send your self-rightous ass to the pen.As always with threads on this forum it starts to drift from the topic,and idiots start saying shit like he's a thug,his brothers a thug.What the fuck are you? Fuck peta,lassie,them dogs and you,self-rightous pricks.
    Sorry, choosing to run a dog fighting ring is not a 'mistake'. It's an intentional criminal act that carries a punishment, which he got. If you want to call people who consider what he did an intentional, criminal act, then guilty as charged.

    Can he reform and become a contributing member of society? Definitely. Does he deserve a 2nd chance? He already got it by getting out of prison, now it's up to him. And no, he does not have to be an NFL player to reform. Just because he wants to play football doesn't mean he gets to. I want to fuck Angelina Jolie and Jesse Flores in a 3 way, let's see who gets lucky first.

    Why the hell did I respond to this guy's ramble? Never mind.

    "I gotta go lift"

  7. #67
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    Default Re: The Unfair Treatment Of Micheal Vick

    Quote Originally Posted by drmindbender03
    Quote Originally Posted by chefmike
    Quote Originally Posted by 4star4
    drmindbender03 wrote:"Does racism play a role in his treatment? Sure it does. The media almost allowed me forget that Martha "America's Favorite Homemaker" Stewart was convicted of a felony. I almost forgot that she served time in a federal institution. I don't see any newspapers, radio shows, and televisions shows discussing her incident. I have never seen or read about anyone challenging her passion and choice to resume doing what she did before she went to prison!"

    What are your thoughts on OJ? High profile celebrity, got a second chance, blew it. opcorn
    LMAO...perhaps next he will sermonize about how OJ's persecution by the government and public finally landed OJ in prison, thus preventing his dedicated and relentless search for the real killers...
    Well, I must agree that OJ blew it. The first OJ trial was pretty interesting. Here is a guy with two arthritic knees that was on trial for killing two people. One was his former wife and the other was a young man who had a belt in the martial arts.

    Did he do it? I don't know. I wasn't there. The jury has instructions that they are only supposed to convict if they find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Was there doubt as to if he did it? Sure, there was.

    Did the prosecution fully convince me that he did it? No, they didn't! Has OJ been the target of government persecution? No, he has been the target of media persecution.

    Let's look at Robert Blake's situation. The actor from the old cop show "Baretta". He was on trial for murdering his wife. It was a bizarre set of circumstances. He was found not guilty.

    Did he do it? I don't know. I was not there.

    What is interesting is that Blake was found liable in civil court after he was found not guilty in criminal court! Mmmmmmm.....sound familiar? Didn't that happen to OJ?

    Well, guess what? Blake's own three children filed the civil law suit against him and he was found liable for the wrongful death of his wife by the jury in 2005. An appeal was filed on Blake's behalf, but the original verdict was upheld. By the way, Blake filed for bankruptcy........

    Has the media discussed Blake's situation? No. Did they treat Blake the way that OJ was treated? No!

    It's another unfortunate case of a white celebrity getting preferential treatment from the media.
    For one, Robert Blake was a beyond washed up actor that no one gave a fuck about, thus the lack of media coverage. 2nd, he didn't give America the viewing pleasure of a 2 hour race across Los Angeles in a Ford Bronco, thereby creating everlasting interest. 3rd, he stayed out of the spotlight, whereas OJ has looked for it ever since the initial incident. I don't know if I would call it preferential treatment for Blake, more of a statement of how little anyone really cares about Blake.

    People are interested in OJ, whether they care about him or not. Thus, it's profitable to cover him, which means he won't get fair coverage. Just a symptom of being in the spotlight.

    I should also say that I failed to add in my first post that I really hope Vick proves everyone wrong and actually does make something positive out of his life. If he does it the right way (on his own, no star treatment), he will gain much more respect from people than just getting back on the football field.

    The hard part for me is Vick is a product of a lot of what is wrong with our country. We allow for inadequate and unequal K-12 education, yet we make athletes into idols. It's obvious Vick needed better education growing up, but as a great athlete my guess is those needs were ignored. And as much as people want to believe prison is a rehabilitator, I don't think so.

    "I gotta go lift"

  8. #68
    Silver Poster
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    Michael Vick! Michael Vick! I wouldn't mind him as a second string qb for my team. but everyone know that he sucks in the cold


  9. #69
    Gold Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigfreddy
    Quote Originally Posted by sugdaddie69
    Motherfuckers have been having dog fights for years.Vicks not the first,he won't be the last.God forbid some of you self-rightous pricks make any mistakes in life,and they send your self-rightous ass to the pen.As always with threads on this forum it starts to drift from the topic,and idiots start saying shit like he's a thug,his brothers a thug.What the fuck are you? Fuck peta,lassie,them dogs and you,self-rightous pricks.
    Sorry, choosing to run a dog fighting ring is not a 'mistake'. It's an intentional criminal act that carries a punishment, which he got. If you want to call people who consider what he did an intentional, criminal act, then guilty as charged.

    Can he reform and become a contributing member of society? Definitely. Does he deserve a 2nd chance? He already got it by getting out of prison, now it's up to him. And no, he does not have to be an NFL player to reform. Just because he wants to play football doesn't mean he gets to. I want to fuck Angelina Jolie and Jesse Flores in a 3 way, let's see who gets lucky first.

    Why the hell did I respond to this guy's ramble? Never mind.
    I'm glad you did deceid to respond that was a great post.

  10. #70
    Junior Poster
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    did anyone else see the special on national geographic about the dogs they rescued?
    some of it was so disturbing. like the dog who had her teeth removed so she could be bred easier? it was sickening

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