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Thread: "Feel the hate"

  1. #41
    Junior Poster
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    Default Finally outting obama

    Quote Originally Posted by Helvis2012
    Never satisfied. The only reason Israel exists is because the US subsidizes their whole existence. Maybe it's time to let these assholes begin relying solely ion themselves. We need health care, education opportunities among many other programs we could afford if we weren't sending billions to these ungrateful fucks.

    In any case, the people in the video are not only ignorant but they all seem to be racist pigs.

    Your tax dollars at work......bravo!
    That was a great video. Obama is a bigot. He don't like Jews and he is a islam cult member.

    UN resolution 181 provided a two state plan and was cited by the Israel and Palestine declarations of independence. The UN vote was 33 to 10 for resolution 181. Most of the countries of the world wanted a Jewish state. Most of them hoped the arabs would kill them off. Even a large number of Americans hated Jews in 1948. Roosevelt wouldn't let a ship full of Jews land in America during WWII!!!

    Cutting off Israel will result in them going nuclear and wiping out many camel-jockey states. Though this would warm my heart and leave a permanent smile on my face, it would be better to get the two state solution in place.

    American has health care. We don't need "free" health care. Canada and Great Britain are bankrupt due to "free" health care. I just hope SRS is never paid for with my tax dollars. As for education, it's really cheap to go to school in America. When I was in public school I saw many people who wanted to spend their time partying (e.g. smoking, drinking, drugs, etc...) and could not careless for education.

    Tax payers should demand the following for education benefit:

    1. If you can get accepted to an accredited education institution the government will pay 100% for your books, labs, activities, classes, computer, and even a stipen so you can do school fulltime.

    2. You sign a paper with the IRS to pay an extra 1% in tax rate over your lifetime to compensate the government for the help.

    3. The extra 1% kicks in when you leave school.

    Stopping all foreign aid has been a great idea for a long time. I would stop all AIDS drugs, medicine, food, etc. going everywhere. Stopping the export of American cigarettes would really fuck up many countries out there that really need it.

    obama = vagina

    When you stand close to obama you can't hear the ocean but you can smell the fish!!!

  2. #42
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solitary Brother
    You need to educate yourself a bit more on the subject.
    Even prominent "neo-cons" say Israel could not exist with out America.
    We the United States were responsible for the state of Israel coming into being and we have helped them since the beginning.
    Im not saying its good....Im not saying its bad.
    A number of prominent "neo-cons" have their head up their ass. Israel can exist without America giving them free aid. We didn't start giving them free aid until the late 60s. Before the late 60s, the aid was mostly economic loans that had to be paid back. We gave the Arabs the same type of aid.

  3. #43
    Gold Poster Helvis2012's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solitary Brother
    Quote Originally Posted by notdrunk
    Quote Originally Posted by Helvis2012
    You're funny.
    Funny because I disproved the notion that the United States subsidizes Israel's whole existence? Israel would take a hit in their military budget; however, it would not be as damaging if the United States stopped giving military aid to Egypt. The Israeli government has increased their military budget throughout the years and it would help offset some of the damages if the US stop giving military aid.
    You need to educate yourself a bit more on the subject.
    Even prominent "neo-cons" say Israel could not exist with out America.
    We the United States were responsible for the state of Israel coming into being and we have helped them since the beginning.
    Im not saying its good....Im not saying its bad.
    Also without America no Jews would even exist right now....we are the ones responsible for saving them from extermination via Hitler.
    The thought that Obama is anti-jew is just laughable....all his top advisors are Jewish!
    I wish he were more Pro-Black......
    When you look at this video you can see how unreasonable some people are.

    What a joke.

    You don't know what you're talking about.

    Try to read books that have footnotes.....duhhhhhhhhhh

    But hey, thanks for the laugh.

    "That's what i thought you said."

  4. #44
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by notdrunk
    Quote Originally Posted by Solitary Brother
    You need to educate yourself a bit more on the subject.
    Even prominent "neo-cons" say Israel could not exist with out America.
    We the United States were responsible for the state of Israel coming into being and we have helped them since the beginning.
    Im not saying its good....Im not saying its bad.
    A number of prominent "neo-cons" have their head up their ass. Israel can exist without America giving them free aid. We didn't start giving them free aid until the late 60s. Before the late 60s, the aid was mostly economic loans that had to be paid back. We gave the Arabs the same type of aid.

    So maybe we should stop giving them Aid.

    We should have a Surge into Brazil and Thailand for their supply of Tgirls

  5. #45
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by TommyFoxtrot
    So maybe we should stop giving them Aid.
    Somewhat tricky due to the Camp David Accords.

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