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  1. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by TsJANIRA
    Currently single ! Me , Myself,, i could not have a Boyfriend and do this. Why you ask ?,.. I have done it before and i just feel so wired about the whole thing, 1, it will become an issue sooner or later, 2, If he is accepting of it I would feel iffy that he is accepting,,,,, I would think he is some what of an asshole for doing so,,;loll.. I know it's a contradiction on my part, but that is my honest response. Honestly i have had guys tell me they don't care that they are very, understanding,,,but the point is ...I CARE,, AND COULD NOT BARE TO BE WITH A GUY I HAVE FEELINGS FOR OR LOVE AND DO THIS, I PREFER TO BE SINGLE TILL THEN...!
    To say this you have to have some morals so I commend you BUT many girls ARENT this way.
    I think any man that can stay with a woman who fucks other guys on the regular isnt a man at all.
    Thats just how I feel.
    I also feel any woman who can put a guy through that isnt a woman and a VERY indecent person.
    There are lots of them walking around and they wont necessarily come out and tell you this of course so she could be doing it behind your back or worse with your full knowledge.
    Life today is too hard and too dangerous with STD's like HIV/AIDS for people to be playing these games.
    Unfortunately there are many people with low self esteem and no pride at all that will allow themselves to be used.
    Welcome to Post-Modern America.

  2. #32
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    In my experience, the only way it works is buy having girlfriend/boyfriend in the industry too. Escorting is a mentality that is hard for civilians to understand. It's a shame, because sometimes you do connect with someone, but you know the escorting thing is going to be a major problem, I have found it is best not to go there.

    Ken Sterling, NJ bisexual male escort

  3. #33
    Gold Poster peggygee's Avatar
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    In the hearts of the kind, and in the fears of the wicked.


    Quote Originally Posted by TsJANIRA
    Quote Originally Posted by IMISSHER
    Quote Originally Posted by RubyTS
    he hates it

    but he knew my profession when he asked me to b his girl

    i love him very much and it sometimes makes the work hard for me knowing how he must feel, and also wanting to be only with him. I find myself talking to my clients a lot about him and our relationship

    If i quit, it will be for me, and my own happiness

    We are considerring going to school together, i dont plan on escorting for the rest of my life, i am capable of so much more, but the fact remains that TS = SEX OBJECT and with the demand for Ts wmen being so high, its a gr8 business opportunity, with so many guys in need of discreet fun. Im very independant, my own boss, make my own hours etc and lets face it surgeries are expensive and i dont wanna be 50 yrs old before im finally happy with my "shell"
    ts=sex object, r u fucking kidding me. how do you equate the 2. is your self esteem that low? someone decides they are born into the wrong body and wants to change, that somehow makes them a sex object. we wonder why as a community are not taken serious? your transgender thats it. that does not make u a sex object, whore or anything else. you are a person worthy of love and respect as any other human being. man does this piss me off. she use to say what else can i do? work a job, go to school, be happy and not cry yourself to sleep because of what u did that day. thats what i would tell her, we can save our money and live together and be happy. she use to look at me like i was crazy. ts can have a normal life. you dont have to fuck men for money. why is so fucking hard to understand. its up to you. you wake up and make choices on how to live your life. sure its hard. a lot of things are hard in life. so what. i lost my father, best friend, fought a disease and won, almost lost a child. thats hard. im still here and trying to do the right thing. its called self respect and believing u can do anything. sorry to rant, im just so tired of hearing ts saying they have no choice or what else can i do. if your lazy and selfish just admit it. please. ts, gg whatever, love can exist and last forever, its up to you.

    I agree, TS doe not equal whore. There are other options.

    Life is hard, it's hard for everyone, no matter their gender, their race,
    age or whatever you want to factor into the equation.

    But life is also what you make it, you do have a lot of choice in your
    decisions and their outcomes.

    If you're going to escort, have a plan, let it be a means to an end, not
    the end itself, don't plan on making it a career, have an exit strategy.

    And by all means stop getting pimped by Gucci, Pucci, and Fiorrucci.

  4. #34
    5 Star Poster RubyTS's Avatar
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    East Coast!!!


    i guess people took my words the wrong way,. i forgot u gotta be politically correct when u post here

    i didnt mean all ts women are whores

    what i meant was that in the eyes of most people, including ts lovers, we are objects. Most guys just want the good goods behind closed doors and nothing more. You say transexual, and most people only hear the word "sex"

    With society being as rough as they are, most guys cant even explain to themselves why they like trans women, let alone try to explain it to anyone else. Some people view it as a homosexual act, and are mortified by the very though of being seen in public EVEN BY A STRANGER talking to a TS for fear of what every1 else might think. I even had one guy who was so scared to be caught associating with a tranny that he would walk a block behind us when we would go out, and the fucked up part was that he was a gr8 guy behind closed doors. Discretion is a major issue for most ts lovers, and im sorry, discretion is ONLY A PRIVELEGE to paying clients! I refuse to allow myself to feel less than human because of some1 else's insecurities! And the shame is that a major percentage of ts lovers are "on the low"

    I have experienced dating as a ts outside of work long before i started escorting and it's not a pretty sight. Lots of men will tell u what u want to hear, sell u a dream, simply to get what they want and then they're done and move on to the next one, and lets not be fooled, best friends are never off limits to them! Its a horrible feeling, to want to connect with someone, and everyone u meet only wants to connect with u physically. it killed my self-esteem for a while, and i would question myself, feeling maybe it's my fault? But then i woke up and saw the way the world turns. I realized that people can be evil and malicious and care only for themselves, their desires and don't consider the possibilities that they may scar me in the process. I learned that i had to become a better judge of character if i wanted to maintain my sanity.

    Escorting for me, was a way to feel power over the people who would more than likely try to take advantage of me if i were still in my young naive stage. It was a way that i could connect with someone on a physical level and not feel like i was being used, and not regret anything afterwards. My way of saying, "no honey, u are NOT going to take advantage of me!"

    The demand for sex with ts women is so high, and the demand for ltr is so low. For me, being an escort was a way to deal with the fact that so many men are not interested in seeing me as a person, but only as an object. I took my problem and turned it around into something positive. Now i get to use them before they use me, and i will never allow someone to take advantage of my feelings again. I am a much more confident, and secure person now than i was before escorting. It has made me a much stronger person.

    I agree that ever1 has a choice. I chose to escort and i don't regret my decision at all whatsoever! I enjoy my work most of the time, and i meet lots of cool guys, some of which i enjoy engaging in conversation and picking their brains a lil lol, i even hang out wiith a few in my off time. The truth of the matter is that most of my clients have treated me with more respect than any guy ive dated outside of work. They make me feel like it's ok to be what i am in a world thats so hateful.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by RubyTS
    The truth of the matter is that most of my clients have treated me with more respect than any guy ive dated outside of work. They make me feel like it's ok to be what i am in a world thats so hateful.
    the world is not hateful , just some of the poeple in it.............

    if a TS meets a client who treats her with respect , and like you said : "and i meet lots of cool guys, some of which i enjoy engaging in conversation and picking their brains a lil lol", they are not bad poeple , so why not dating clients?
    it's like what Woody Allen once said : "I don't want to belong to a club that are willing to make someone like me as a member"

  6. #36
    5 Star Poster RubyTS's Avatar
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    East Coast!!!


    Quote Originally Posted by yosi
    Quote Originally Posted by RubyTS
    The truth of the matter is that most of my clients have treated me with more respect than any guy ive dated outside of work. They make me feel like it's ok to be what i am in a world thats so hateful.
    the world is not hateful , just some of the poeple in it.............

    if a TS meets a client who treats her with respect , and like you said : "and i meet lots of cool guys, some of which i enjoy engaging in conversation and picking their brains a lil lol", they are not bad poeple , so why not dating clients?
    it's like what Woody Allen once said : "I don't want to belong to a club that are willing to make someone like me as a member"
    i have dated clients before
    most my clients arent physically my type though
    and a big percentage of them are either married, engaged, or in a ltr
    i met a reallllly hot single cop the other day omg! We had a really cool convo and the sex was mmmh! He's dated ts women b4. Very sexy and sweet. If i was single still i might have taken him up on his offer to go out for drinks/dinner

  7. #37
    Junior Poster
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    Interesting discussion, but I sometimes wonder what we really learn of general applicability to transwomen (TG) from discussions on HA ? This forum brings up a range of issues and problems that affect TG. How representative is that of the entire TG population ? It's certainly representative of a large segment of TG on the HA forum, but how about outside ?

  8. #38
    Gold Poster peggygee's Avatar
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    In the hearts of the kind, and in the fears of the wicked.


    Quote Originally Posted by MrF
    Interesting discussion, but I sometimes wonder what we really learn of general applicability to transwomen (TG) from discussions on HA ? This forum brings up a range of issues and problems that affect TG. How representative is that of the entire TG population ? It's certainly representative of a large segment of TG on the HA forum, but how about outside ?
    I would say that the sampling is very skewed.

    What you are reading and hearing are the sentiments and views of a
    very small demographic - pre op transwomen, employed in the sex
    trade (porn or escorting), between the ages of 18 - 30, primarily of
    the caucasian persuasion.

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