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  1. #21
    5 Star Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by blacktgirls
    Quote Originally Posted by BrendaQG
    I used to be in the "gay straight or lying" camp. Now that I'm older I think that real bissexuals exist.

    By real bissexuals I mean people who are attracted to both men and women at the same time, in the same period of their life. For that period they are bisexual they are really bisexual.

    Some will discover that they like men more than occasionally and will come out as gay. Some will not and will remain bisexual.

    Just as some people start out on the TG spectrum thinking oh I just like to dress every once in a while, or "I'm just a drag queen not one of those strange transsexuals" ... Then they come out as transsexual.

    That said there is one thing I don't buy. That is that gender transition can change ones sexual orientation. It's possible for them to change at the same time. It's wrong to think that taking hormones can "unlock the female within" who of course as a true woman must like men. Some studies have been done where hormones were used to try and make gay men straight, that never worked.
    if what you are saying is that sexuallity is a choice and can stay the same or change over time depending on the desires of each individual person then i agree with your point ......i don't believe that at birth a person's sexuality is already determined .
    Not exactly.

    What I personally belive is that when it comes to any complex behavior there is an element of biology, choice, and chance. For example a man can be biologically born gay, he or she has a choice on how to express that (they either come out and embrace a gay identity, or go on the down low). Sheer chance comes into play because, suppose a man is attracted to men but finds the occasional woman attractive too? Say he's 90% more likely to be with a man than a woman is he bissexual? Is he gay?

    I have advocated this very expalination for years. That all of these things are discrete spectra, neither bimodal like a coin toss, or smoothly varied like a rainbow, more like a box of crayons. A variety of colors or shades of gender and sexuality combined in a large but finite number of ways.

    I guess villification is my award for laying down too much natural philosophy.

  2. #22
    Veteran Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrendaQG

    I guess villification is my award for laying down too much natural philosophy.
    it's the unfortunate chance meeting of the kind of people in this world that wreak destruction down upon the kind of heart . it always sucks to meet and be taken advantage of by these sorts of people . look at Rihanna even she got burned . she said afterwards that even the sound of Chris Brown's voice made her ill and thats when she knew that she had to leave that relationship .
    • on the bright side Brenda , you have an intelligence that even i am envious of and an education that most people never achieve .

    and that's why the cubs will never win the series

  3. #23
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    Default Sometimes

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  4. #24
    5 Star Poster tsmandy's Avatar
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    Bi-sexuals don't have much community per se, but the queer community is large and very open to fluidity with gender expression and sexuality. Generally queers are supportive of each other fucking whomever as long as they are not straight. Most people that are truly bi-sexual end up in queer community at some point, because it is really the only place that makes sense.

    I'm really lucky to have queer community. Queer community is also generally very supportive of polyamory, gender fuck, BDSM, and most importantly for me sex workers. So many of my queer family has at one point or another been involved in the sex trade (largely because we have less issues confusing sex with love and less hangups about sex in general).

    I tell straight people I'm bi-sexual but thats kind of a misnomer. I would never be in a relationship with a straight man or woman for that matter. I love fucking men and women regardless of their sexualities (kind of a prerequisite for sex work), but I only date queer people.

  5. #25
    Gold Poster SarahG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blacktgirls
    if what you are saying is that sexuallity is a choice and can stay the same or change over time depending on the desires of each individual person then i agree with your point ......i don't believe that at birth a person's sexuality is already determined .
    Suppose for argument's shake that it was not determined at birth.

    The logic does not hold that this would make it a choice.

    A great many things can happen after birth that are not a choice- like developmental problems (I don't mean to imply that bisexuality is a pathology- more trying to say that the body can do things people have no control over after birth), or socialization (which acts subliminally over time). Most people are socialized to some extent without even realizing it, thus the effects of which are not always under ones' control... or not under control in all ways at all times. Whether this be cultural norms like clothing/fashion, or mannerisms, or language- how people act has a lot to do with their environment, and not always as the result from stopping to question ones' practices.

    Do you know why you talk the way you do? Does everyone with an accent choose to have an accent or was that simply the effects of their environment, out of their influence?

    And maybe its easier to withdraw from life
    With all of its misery and wretched lies
    If we're dead when tomorrow's gone
    The Big Machine will just move on
    Still we cling afraid we'll fall
    Clinging like the memory which haunts us all

  6. #26
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: i was born bisexual , rofl

    Quote Originally Posted by Distance
    Maybe you didn't see them because you were too busy daydreaming about sucking dick and getting fucked in the ass. Just a "theory" about a "hole", Or, in your case, an 'A' -hole. lol
    Your day job for 45 years till now.

    In any case, for me: bisexuals...are just gay and afraid to admit it, like an alibi of some sort.
    Is 45 how old your grandfather was when he fondled your little penis? That's fucking sick. But, regardless, it's not my age. I'll be 30 in just under 2 months, as if you'd know that anyway. Go back and remind Hara that she was born in 1969, and is still fixated on Madonna. <~ Talk about "old". lol

    (10, 9, 8, 7, 6. 5....)

    Oh, and bisexual is an activity status, you moron. It means that you're generally attracted to more than one gender. BTW straight guys would NEVER even bother posting what you just did. They wouldn't care, you fag.

    Btw, don't keep using that laughing icon every time you say something stupid. People will start to think you're gay AND retarded, and that's no way for a queer like you to go through life. We already know you can't speak or spell in English well. You're really batting zero so far.

  7. #27
    Gold Poster peggygee's Avatar
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    In the hearts of the kind, and in the fears of the wicked.


    Quote Originally Posted by archineer
    Quote Originally Posted by peggygee
    Quote Originally Posted by archineer
    Thats because we're not really part of the community. Predominatley gay bisexuals tend to claim to be gay/lesbian as its easier- there's alot of skepticism and mistrust from the community to us. Lesbians in particular mistrust bisexual women as they often have bad experiences with them, usualy being left for a man. Not everyone is like this of course, maybe two thirds are accepting, but alot see us as part timers, or gays that need to just 'come out fully'.

    Mostly straight bisexual men tend to live in the closet, marry a woman and sleep with guys on the side- you'll find loads of them on gaydar. Straight women are really put off by bi men (they're worried we'll run off with a guy) so it understandable. Its also often percieved as submissive/unmasculine.

    Mostly straight bisexual women tend to marry men and only come out to their husbands and close friends. They have fewer acceptance issues though.

    Openly bisexual people often tend to be part of the fetish/swinging scene. They tend to be more 50/50 in preference and usualy marry each other too. I've only met one 50/50 bisexual man- though he wasn't part of the swinging scene and led a 'normal' life. He was out and in a gay relationship when I knew him. He took alot of flak though off his gay friends.

    I'm generalising of course, everyones different. I'm a 75% straight bisexual (a kinsey 2 maybe?) yet i'm out. Thats mostly because I prefer tgirls and If found they're nore accepting of bi's than gay's and straights often are.
    Pretty good synopsis, and one that I have heard articulated before.

    I feel that the "B" was added much like the "T" to bolster the ranks of the
    "GL" community.

    And you're right about how I would feel about being in a relationship
    with a bisexual man, I would tend to be worried about him needing to
    have his "dick itch' scratched.

    As to me, I am more of a 1 to 1.5 if we could fractionalize the Kinsey
    rating scale, much prefer the sausage to the taco, though the personality
    of the individual really swings the vote.

    0- Exclusively heterosexual with no homosexual
    1- Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
    2- Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
    3- Equally heterosexual and homosexual
    4- Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
    5- Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
    6- Exclusively homosexual
    I'm more into the person than anything else too. If i'm in love no one else matters- I could give up guys for the right girl. Don't you find bi men are more accepting of your t status, don't have the hang ups of straight men and are more willing to be seen in public with you?
    A man that is prone to cheating will cheat no matter what I do.

    But if he's bi and creeping then that's twice as many people I have to be
    on guard for.

    I can keep him pussy whipped and keep the hoochies away from him, but
    if he is craving dick that he is out of luck, cause I'm not doing a strap on.

    As to the being out in public, that's never been an issue.

  8. #28
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    That chart is honestly horribly, horribly retarded.

    No offense, Peggy.

  9. #29
    Gold Poster peggygee's Avatar
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    In the hearts of the kind, and in the fears of the wicked.


    Quote Originally Posted by SarahG
    Do you know why you talk the way you do? Does everyone with an accent choose to have an accent or was that simply the effects of their environment, out of their influence?
    I figure I talk the way i do because of environment.

    I've got a New York accent and hand gestures, because I'm a native New
    Yorker , even thoough I've lived and or been around the world.

    What's interesting is that family and my Mother's friends often confuse me
    for her on the phone, which is great, cause they could be confusing me
    for my Father.

  10. #30
    Gold Poster phobun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by archineer
    I'm more into the person than anything else too. If i'm in love no one else matters- I could give up guys for the right girl. Don't you find bi men are more accepting of your t status, don't have the hang ups of straight men and are more willing to be seen in public with you?
    Lots of guys here think they are approaching relationships with an advantage... that they are more accepting of the girls than other men. And why do these guys feel it is necessary to point this out?

    Implicit in his statement is the assumption the transsexual woman is somehow "less than"... that her trans-status taints her and makes her less desirable to be seen in public with.

    The reality is that most of the guys here are less likely to find a mutually loving relationship with a transwoman than vice-versa.

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