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  1. #1


    Allanah and Giselle both got clocked, everyone can tell they are men. Angel is the only super passable TS and so isn't Vanity

  2. #2
    Still Here 5 Star Poster
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    News flash, if they're on a show called "Man or Woman" and every knows there is a chance they could be shemales, then people will look at them extra closely. I know Allanah very well, I've walked with her in the street and trust me, she wasn't "clocked" at all.

  3. #3
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    Don't miss the point. Is that what it's about? I find both those women incredibly sexy. That wouldn't change if I was with one of them and someone said she wasn't genetic. Sexy or not though, if we didn't jive personally my attraction would wane. Again, if it's just for a thrill then that's your thing. But these are people and deserved to be treated as such. The more we keep them jumping through hoops, the more we'll get a jaded lot.

    The biggest problem I have with Giselle and Allanah is that they agree to go on that circus in the first place. If they were with me I would beg of them not to do TG's the diservice.

    Let's all get real and get to the mainstream.

    [ This Message was edited by: bezane on 2002-10-27 08:09 ]

  4. #4


    hoes got to eat too, and i'm sure maury pays good. can't pay your rent with pride

  5. #5
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    I wouldn't be caught dead in Maury Paulvich or Springer... It's funny when people brag about it. The white trash quotient is so high on those shows it is unreal. Whatever they are getting paid... It isn't worth it. It's interesting how many quality girls they are getting on those shows... It's still ridiculous.

  6. #6
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    ha ha..i wonder who it was who used the word "clocked"- must of been some bitter queen..

    in any case- the maury povich show is a double edge sword....for me it has been a great source of publicity; u would not believe how many people from all over the country call me and tell me about it...and how much business it has brought me
    the only bad part is you have to put up with the audience

    in any case, i believe there is no such thing as bad publicity- no one has forved me to go on this show- i know what it entails
    and the first comment on this page is so stupid- there are different taste for everyone-i would love to see what he looks like- my goal is not to appease ANY man BUT
    it is to appease me own awareness of whom i want to be
    i enjoy being over done-its my deal...i love it and in fact i really couldnt care about what anyone thinks about my appearance as long as i am happy

    and in case if mr or ms coward-did he/she not notice they always think the genetic women are men? in this show we are thrown in a microcosm where every physical detail the audiece is being analyzed as a feamle or male trait- which is utterly ridiculous!!!!
    yes there are 5' 2 men with small frames and there are 6' 0 tall genetic women with large frames who wear a size 11 in shoe sizes
    the assumption that a woman or a man has certain speciific features is RETARDED-
    there are women who are flat chested and have no hips!
    there are women out there who are pretty manly looking
    we should all repect all of our decisions to look and lead our lives as we wish

    if the maury povich show does not bother me and i was on it- why should it bother anyone?

    listen, i am NAKED in websites and videos-
    do i really care who knows my business?
    i have to put my business out there for everyone to know

    and anyone who is in my shoes and in my industry is fooling herself by thinking
    that no ones know she is a transsexual woman

    be happy!
    allanah starr

  7. #7
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    "and anyone who is in my shoes and in my industry is fooling herself by thinking
    that no ones know she is a transsexual woman"

    This is probably a pretty good point.
    However, my point is that it makes us (TG's) look like a sideshow. Lets see other topics on Maury: I slept with my husbands twin brother, I'm sleeping with my sister, My mother dresses like a whore... Really nice to put us in the same viewing genre. We all live our own lives, but anyone who cannot see the degradation factor to those shows is totally fooling themselves. Allanah I respect you because you do have a plan, intelligence, and an angle, but I just have convictions. Remember the sideshows back in the 1800's - the bearded lady, alligator man, etc. That is the same mocking atmosphere that mainstream society regards TG's when they watch those shows... It's like, "OK, 8 out of 10 days I see uneducated inbred ghetto people on the show, but today it is Men who Dress Like Women - oh they must be different than the people every other day". It's not educational it doesn't add to our acceptance in society, it simply serves as a tool of seperation in my opinion. Sure girls on those shows get "free" publicity, but at what cost to TG people as a whole?


  8. #8
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    Ultimately, this is all about choices...the people on Maury Povich or Jerry Springer who are sleeping with their husband's brother's mother's dog have made a choice in life. And the transgendered people who are on the show have made a choice in life as well. In both cases, they will be judged, and harshly. The bottom line though is that if they are happy having sex with their husband's brother's mother's dog then it's all good. And if they are happy being transgendered, then it's all good too. And in both cases, at the end of the day, they are the ones who ultimately wind up "winning", for lack of a better word. Those who have judged them are likely quite miserable and unhappy and are so viscious because they need to let some of their anger out. And when they go home they're still unhappy and miserable...and the happy transgendered person is still happy.

    Not to get too deep or off topic here or anything, but in a strange way I sometimes think that transgendered people are the most well adjusted people in our society. Anyone who would undergo such a dramatic and significant change in their life clearly has a complete understanding of what it is that they want in life. I would imagine that living as a transgendered person is not something you do half would only do it because you know with complete conviction that this is what you want your life to be. How many so called "normal people" can say that?

  9. #9
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    i truly respect everyones opinion

    but i do not speak for all transsexuals-nor do i think it is fair to say that the maury povich show represents the transsexual community
    i think it is fair to say that it is pretty easy to figure out that the girls who come on this show are entertainers of some sort
    not some girl working for a bank who is leading a more "conservative" lifestyle

    i know that it is exploitation- but i am exploiting myself...i am on that stage representing allanah starr- not the tg world
    if i wanted to blend in more i would of chosen a different career and lifestyle

    i make my own choices based on what i feel is best for me...i know that i am comfortable with it because i am not affected by the doesnt bother me-
    i cant apologize if someone finds it offensive
    and i have never done springer just to clear that up

    i dont exactly i agreee with transsexuals
    being the most adjusted people...i think very few of us really make it in life

    how may transsexuals do you know in there 50s and 60s? I can count on one hand the ones I know

    our lifestyle can lead to some pretty detremental habits-most girls dont have a plan

    the buttom line is that this is a VERY hard life- i do not say this for sympathy- its just an honest fact

    and its not only social attitudes towards transsexuals, but it has to do very much so with mens attitudes towards transsexuals and the our very own attitudes towards each other

  10. #10
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    i just figured out who the infamous caps
    i am glad he has so many nasty things to say about me
    i am amused

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