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  1. #41
    Platinum Poster thx1138's Avatar
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    Mike, don't sign the petition. And take a double dose of the swine flu shot. Mercury is good for your brain whatever is left of it that is.

    If I got a dime every time I read an ad with purloined photos I could retire right now. Andenzi, izimvo zakho ziyaba.

  2. #42


    Take the vaccine, Mike.... protect yourself: Big Pharma knows what's good for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by sexyshana
    what difference does it make if she is a club kid or not, she looks good and in the end we were all boys at one time no? she looks great, enjoy it!
    buy her tits if you would rather she had some.

  3. #43
    Platinum Poster
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    I couldn't care less who takes the vaccine, El Ninny...too bad there's not a vaccine for paranoid hysteria pathetic Alex Jonestown feebs are certainly in need of one...

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  4. #44
    Veteran Poster
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    united snakes of america


    Quote Originally Posted by chefmike
    I couldn't care less who takes the vaccine, El Ninny...too bad there's not a vaccine for paranoid hysteria pathetic Alex Jonestown feebs are certainly in need of one...
    Paranoid hysteria? Your a freaking a moron. Vaccines are very dangerous and mercury is toxic at any level. You gung ho military faggot.

  5. #45
    Junior Poster
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    Just outside of sanity.


    How many people do you think were born during this feigned pandemic?

  6. #46
    Veteran Poster
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    Jun 2009


    i've got my flu shot, soap wash my hands often, keep/use bottles of hand sanitizers at home, at work and in my car. Especially use it after contact with door handles which includes stores,gas stations, work stations, schools, etc.
    stay away from sneezy coughing people, get plenty of sleep, drinks tons of gatorade and water, take multi vitamins, food diet well, and try to limit stress.

  7. #47
    Junior Poster
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    Planet Earth


    Quote Originally Posted by addicted
    Quote Originally Posted by chefmike
    I couldn't care less who takes the vaccine, El Ninny...too bad there's not a vaccine for paranoid hysteria pathetic Alex Jonestown feebs are certainly in need of one...
    Paranoid hysteria? Your a freaking a moron. Vaccines are very dangerous and mercury is toxic at any level. You gung ho military faggot.
    Since vaccines are very dangerous, I hope you enjoy your smallpox and measles..

  8. #48
    Veteran Poster
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    Jan 2007


    Well my doctor told me I had swine flu two weeks ago, I personally reckon it was a bad doner kebab but he took one look at me and said I had it.

    I'm telling you it's the bitch of virus's.I thought I would get at least two weeks off work, but I was 100 percent fit after two days It was shit. Worse thing was the headache.

    My birds a nurse,she was well pleased she was when she heard..I had it. Due to my job I am eligiable for the vaccine in the UK, but I don't work with sick people, and I'm hard as fuck so I'm not getting it, plus apparently I've had it already. My birds doesn't want the vaccine either and she's a bloody nurse and she knows doctors who arent getting it. So all of this is fucking retarded.It's just mild flu. It's not the plague.

    Plus I don't trust the dirty liars in power right now who lied about the Iraq war and lied about giving us a referendum on Lisbon.

  9. #49
    Gold Poster SarahG's Avatar
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    You know what's starting to annoy me?

    All these people who think going crazy with antibiotic products (like soap and cleaning chemicals) is going to protect them from the swine flu.

    The other day I heard this one lady going on about how she uses antibiotic this & that because she's afraid of getting the swine flu. I told her that antibiotics only work against bacteria, not viruses. She looked at me like I had just grown 5 heads and adamantly insisted that "antibiotics kill 99% of all germs, including viruses- because that's what TV says!"

    The local schools are afraid of swine flu so they've started putting; you guessed it, antibiotic hand sanitizers all over the place. And we wonder why staph is surging in public schools now.

    I get that people want to be safe, but if they're too dumb to just use normal soap and HOT water, then maybe it wouldn't be all that bad if they were taken out of the gene pool. At least then future generations won't have to live with an increasing amount of super-drug resistant bacteria strains.

    Despite having these drug resistant strains evolving literally before our own eyes, evolution is "just a theory," right?

    And maybe its easier to withdraw from life
    With all of its misery and wretched lies
    If we're dead when tomorrow's gone
    The Big Machine will just move on
    Still we cling afraid we'll fall
    Clinging like the memory which haunts us all

  10. #50
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Look at your average hand sanitizer and you'll see the active ingredient is alcohol, not an antibiotic. Alcohol will break down the outer protein sheath of many viruses and its use is an effective way of preventing the spread of H1N1.

    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

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