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Thread: Obama's War...

  1. #21
    Racist Asshole ... I'm Banned! Professional Poster
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    Apr 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by El Nino
    This convo took a left turn away from the OP's thread title. Point is, all the sheep were duped into getting another war president... plain and simple
    So ????? Bush was stupid and duped America into his war? Now, Obama who speaks well and is highly intelligent duped you guys now? Looks to me like you Obama supporters duped yourselves with your vote.

    Obama reminds me of an excerpt from Colon Powell's book. He wrote of individuals who tend to have all the answers to any question they're asked (like Obama). Those people are full of data ... and zero experience.

    Obama is a pussy. And he is sympathetic to the "brown-power" cause in America and around the world. It's written in his eyes, his words, and his actions.

  2. #22
    Silver Poster hippifried's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Nino
    This convo took a left turn away from the OP's thread title. Point is, all the sheep were duped into getting another war president... plain and simple
    What "duped"? He let everybody know his position on Afghanistan back before the primaries & all through the campaign. This isn't a surprize to anyone but you & others who weren't paying attention. There was hope among some that his mind could be changed, but there was never an expectation. 2 months from the conventions, there were no candidates for the office who were talking about pulling out of Afghanistan. The ones who did at the start had no popular support to speak of. Nobody was "duped".

    Personally, I think the war in Afghanistan was a mistake to start with. I would definitely do it differently. But I'm not in a position to dictate policy, & the President is privy to a lot more information than myself, you, Ron Paul, or Alex Jones. He's a smart guy, & I trust him to keep the interests of America first, & to give due consideration to his decisions. So far, I have no regrets for my vote.

    "You can pick your friends & you can pick your nose, but you can't wipe your friends off on your saddle."
    ~ Kinky Friedman ~

  3. #23


    Who wasn't paying attention? Come again?
    You say you have trust in him to do what is right for America first? LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

    Quote Originally Posted by sexyshana
    what difference does it make if she is a club kid or not, she looks good and in the end we were all boys at one time no? she looks great, enjoy it!
    buy her tits if you would rather she had some.

  4. #24
    Silver Poster hippifried's Avatar
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    Yes. I trust his intentions. I've seen no reason not to. If you actually find one, one not predicated on somebody's claim of clairvoyance, let me know.

    "You can pick your friends & you can pick your nose, but you can't wipe your friends off on your saddle."
    ~ Kinky Friedman ~

  5. #25


    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    I would it rather vote for the people attempting to make this world a better place than those profiting off the destruction.

    And that's just for starters.

    Quote Originally Posted by sexyshana
    what difference does it make if she is a club kid or not, she looks good and in the end we were all boys at one time no? she looks great, enjoy it!
    buy her tits if you would rather she had some.

  6. #26
    Platinum Poster
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    The United States of kiss-my-ass


    Quote Originally Posted by hippifried
    Quote Originally Posted by El Nino
    This convo took a left turn away from the OP's thread title. Point is, all the sheep were duped into getting another war president... plain and simple
    What "duped"? He let everybody know his position on Afghanistan back before the primaries & all through the campaign. This isn't a surprize to anyone but you & others who weren't paying attention. There was hope among some that his mind could be changed, but there was never an expectation. 2 months from the conventions, there were no candidates for the office who were talking about pulling out of Afghanistan. The ones who did at the start had no popular support to speak of. Nobody was "duped".

    Personally, I think the war in Afghanistan was a mistake to start with. I would definitely do it differently. But I'm not in a position to dictate policy, & the President is privy to a lot more information than myself, you, Ron Paul, or Alex Jones. He's a smart guy, & I trust him to keep the interests of America first, & to give due consideration to his decisions. So far, I have no regrets for my vote.

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  7. #27
    Silver Poster hippifried's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Nino
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    Wow! That's some vocabulary you have there. Fall asleep with your finger stuck on the wishing key?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Nino
    I would it rather vote for the people attempting to make this world a better place than those profiting off the destruction.
    What profit? What destruction? What what what? Were you expecting sack cloth & ashes? You're talking about the chief executive officer in a land of 300,000,000 people with the world's largest economy & a budget of trillions. Yeah. There's a lot of money moving around. That's how you afford to sit on line & make lame posts. If you want a vow of poverty, go find a priest. You won't find it in politics, even with Ron Paul running things.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Nino
    And that's just for starters.
    Starters? Where? All you've done is parrot slogans. Come to think of it, that's all you ever do. Anybody can read a teabagger's picket sign.

    Teabags, the new kool-aid.

    "You can pick your friends & you can pick your nose, but you can't wipe your friends off on your saddle."
    ~ Kinky Friedman ~

  8. #28


    What... are you blind, hippi? About a trillion + dollars has been robbed from the American people's pockets and dispersed over to a network of insiders. But everything is going great in the Country, right?

    You and Chef have a credibility level of about Zero, at this point! So go on and continue to straight up humor yourselves

    Quote Originally Posted by sexyshana
    what difference does it make if she is a club kid or not, she looks good and in the end we were all boys at one time no? she looks great, enjoy it!
    buy her tits if you would rather she had some.

  9. #29
    Silver Poster hippifried's Avatar
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    Phoenix, AZ


    What's your point? Everybody already knew things were bad & getting worse, long before the election. That map is misleading. It was economic problems that got the republicans booted in 2006. The first stimulous was done in 2007, in the form of a tax rebate. It was too little too late, & didn't stop the hemmorage. People saw this coming as far back as 2005, even though the "official" start of the current recession is mid 2007. By late 2008, the economy was in freefall. The President took office in January of this year. Nobody expected an overnight turnaround. The big stimulous is in its 8th month of a 2 year timetable. Look at the unemployment numbers from earlier this week, & you'll see that the hemmorage has slowed to a trickle. We're looking at another 2 years of recovery at least. You don't know what you're talking about. You're not going to learn anything from infowars. Your guru, Alex Jones, doesn't know what he's talking about either. My eyes are wide open.

    "You can pick your friends & you can pick your nose, but you can't wipe your friends off on your saddle."
    ~ Kinky Friedman ~

  10. #30


    I like how you guys judge my character, i.e. that I spend all day studying Alex Jones articles, that I attend tea parties and that I am some how associated with Ted kaczynski, etc.. Nice guilt by association smear techniques there boys. Truth is, you know next to nothing about my character. I have never once even mentioned support for Ted K., his sentiments or the things that he did. I have never attended one of those contrived partisan tea parties, which try to shift the larger issues into litte right Vs. left petty social things... those people are truly missing a larger perspective; and may I add, by design. And Hippi, sorry dude but your talk and hopes of a Stimulus actually working are negligible.

    Now, I am tending to think that maybe your kind is just a little jaded because of your support for either side (doesn't really matter which one) of the two party system failure and its politcal sock puppets; has proven to be a sham. I would also say that conversely Hippi, it is you who doesn't know what you are talking about as everything you said regarding politics over the past couple of years; the opposite usually manifests or transpires, if you will. Perfect case of Cognitive Dissonance, actually.

    But keep up the political pipe dreaming if that is what blows your skirts up!

    Quote Originally Posted by sexyshana
    what difference does it make if she is a club kid or not, she looks good and in the end we were all boys at one time no? she looks great, enjoy it!
    buy her tits if you would rather she had some.

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