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  1. #11
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by InvisibleTS
    Quote Originally Posted by sexxxylexi
    Quote Originally Posted by InvisibleTS
    Talking about music can be so tedious
    Well thank you so much for shitting on my thread..........

    Quote Originally Posted by InvisibleTS
    I encourage anyone to chat with me on yahoo messanger and if you'd be so kind, buy me an iPod while you're at it
    Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it and thought I was being playful (hence the "lol" immediatly after the first thing you quoted of me). I meant it was "tedious" because there's soooo much out there and so much to talk about that I'm not even sure where I'd want to begin. Second thing was obviously a joke as well (you make a similiar one on your website I notice). Hope you understand, a music convo with you would be nice sometime.
    my appollagies

  2. #12


    Ah - a fellow Sufjan Stevens fan! Thought I was all on my lonesome with that ...

    In terms of general music throughout my life, I guess I have to be a typical middle class white boy and say that The Smiths have kept me sane over the years ...

  3. #13
    Rookie Poster
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    Default Best music ever

    Alice Cooper, T. Rex, The Crazy World of Arthur Brown, Lou Reed, The Velvet Underground, Nico, John Cale... and The Beach Boys...

  4. #14


    Good call, Sidney.

    A few more 'standards' from me - Bob Dylan, Talking Heads, Blondie, Love. On a more curious note - Joy Zipper, Interpol, M83 and The Go! Team.

  5. #15
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    Nice to see a thread devoted to music...

    Well, music is definitely the most important thing in my life; it's my father, mother, lover, etc. It's also what I've dedicated my life to making.

    In terms of my taste, I'd say it's fairly broad. Growing up my dad fearing negative influences limited my exposure to music, so I essentially listened to whatever came on tv. My first cd was by a Canadian band(Our Lady Peace) and I completely wore that disc out. My 2nd by a band which still happpens to be my favorite...Tool - Aenima. That cd truly challenged my conceptions of what music could be and subsequently opened a door of new possibilities for me.

    Some of favorites: Jeff Buckley, Tim Buckley, Tool, Return to Forever, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Can, The Mars Volta, Placebo, Radiohead, Incubus, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Jimi Hendrix, Minnie Riperton, Four Tops, Curtis Mayfield, Nick Drake, Muse, Nirvana, NIN, Sunny Day Real Estate, Aesop Rock, Mos Def, Eminem, At The Drive-In, Silverchair, Fiona Apple, and a whole hell of a lot more

    And in the spirit of sharing lyrics you feel strongly about...

    "Grace" by J. Buckley

    There's the moon asking to stay
    Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
    Well it's my time coming, i'm not afraid to die
    My fading voice sings of love,
    But she cries to the clicking of time
    Of time

    Wait in the fire...

    And she weeps on my arm
    Walking to the bright lights in sorrow
    Oh drink a bit of wine we both might go tomorrow
    Oh my love
    And the rain is falling and i believe
    My time has come
    It reminds me of the pain
    I might leave
    Leave behind

    Wait in the fire...

    And I feel them drown my name
    So easy to know and forget with this kiss
    I'm not afraid to go but it goes so slow

    Life's not a bitch, life is a beautiful woman
    You only call her a bitch because she won't let you get that pussy
    Maybe she didn't feel y'all shared any similar interests
    Or maybe you're just an asshole who couldn't sweet talk the princess

  6. #16
    Platinum Poster Ecstatic's Avatar
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    Lots of great music and musicians in this thread, many being favorites of mine. Just the other day I stumbled across a Thai musician whose work I really like a lot, Sek Loso. Now I can't understand a word of what he's singing, but he's a fine guitarist and has a great sound. I ordered four of his cd's from -- $7-$8 each. Another upcoming Thai artist who is crossing over to English and is poised to break in the US is Tata Young, a sort of the Thai version of Shakira, releasing Thai and English cd's just as Shakira was a huge star in Colombia and has released Spanish and English albums.

    I've been listening to a wide range of styles, lately: Kinks, Neil Young's Prairie Wind, Jesse Skyes and the Sweet Hereafter, Dee Carstensen, Kim Taylor, Over the Rhine, Fionna Apple, and many others.

    Brd1, I think you're referring to Georges Bizet, right?

  7. #17
    Platinum Poster BeardedOne's Avatar
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    Mmmm, just listening to "Heart and Soul" by T'pau. Always loved that song (Never did hear any other work of theirs).

    Brd1, I think you're referring to Georges Bizet, right?
    Yes, exactly. Thanx for the spelling tweak, I always space the spelling and only got Shostokovich , yah, right because I was able to cut-n-paste from a handy playlist at the moment.

    On spelling, and knowing of Thai things, wrap your vocals around this: Sucharitikul. To simplify things, a friend used to pronounce it "Such-a-rich-kid". Composer, conductor, author, member of the Thai royal family, and founder of "The Church of Somtology" (He once declared me a pope of same...I guess there are several).

    I've only ever heard him perform once, and that was an impromptu piano gig in, of all places, Pennsylvania Dutch Country, but damn! Those fingers flew across the ivories in a way that brought tears to my eyes (And, yes, I =did= cry a bit when he played "La Cucaracha" (Sp?) backwards). He played some of his own work, some classical, some pop/top40, and bits of Japanimation soundtrack music that we found in some Anime mags we had on hand.

    I do enjoy a well-played piano or keyboard work. I've been in hotel bars where I wanted to throttle the generic "pianist" for the ungodly damage they were doing to the work of great artists (I actually watched a musician friend of mine twist a wicker bread basket into a knot on hearing a particularly painful massacre of a rather simple Beatles melody). On the opposite end of the spectrum I had a nice dinner last year with "The Wife" (A title, not a relationship) at an area piano bar that chose to have rotating local artists, rather than one staff 'player', to get a nice feel of genuine music. Sadly, this formula didn't save the restaurant from demise, only six months after they opened their doors.

    Story: Some years back I attended an event at the Boston Park Plaza (ne: Statler) hotel and was holding audience at the bar/lounge at the head of the lobby. A young fellow I know from Newton, MA, sat down at the piano and pounded out (In a good way) spectacular piano adaptations of well-known Japanese anime of the era as well as all-time SF favorites such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Indiana Jones, etc. To paraphrase the words of great pianist/humorist Tom Lehrer: He was conducting an 88 piece orchestra. At the behest of the staff player, hotel security politely asked this fellow to give up the keyboard. I swear, the "pro" hadn't touched three keys before the bar emptied.

    Moral: We may be drunk, but we =know= what we like.

  8. #18
    Platinum Poster BeardedOne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arianna
    "Star Wars! Nothing but Staaaar Waaaars!"

    I heard that, once.

    But it's not the real words.

    They are more like:

    Star Waaaars,
    Made me a foooortuuuune.
    Paid off the moooortgage,
    Bought me a car.

    You know, Lucas =did= buy a Tucker Torpedo with that money.

  9. #19
    Platinum Poster BeardedOne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arianna
    Quote Originally Posted by BeardedOne
    You know, Lucas =did= buy a Tucker Torpedo with that money.
    Is that the car that the film Tucker, starring Jeff Bridges, was based on?
    Yup. Incredible car. I've seen two up close; one at the Smithsonian in DC and the other at the Auburn-Cord-Duesenberg museum (In the original ACD showroom/administration building) in Auburn, Indiana. The one at Auburn is on the floor, where you can go up and look right inside.

    Of the original fifty, forty-nine remain. There was a documentary that showed George driving one of his (He owns two) on the Skywalker Ranch property. The sad thing about such great cars is the fear that the owners have of to actually drive and enjoy them. Last I heard, a Tucker commanded a $2 million price tag at a classic car auction (The primary reason they were so hard to round up for the making of the film). The car they rolled on the test track, BTW, was a '50 Studebaker, which is an excellent 'body double' for a Tucker.

  10. #20
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    Buahahah!!! Music is one of the few things in life that enjoy to the fullest. If I ain't watching TV, I'm on the internet. If I ain't on the net, I'm listenin to music. I have a fairly diverse pallet for music, I guess. Mostly hard rock or metal. Tool, Mudvayne, Disturbed, Chevelle, Nickelback. Also various types of Christian music(Blindside, 12 Stones, Stavesacre, Jars of Clay, DC Talk) and I enjoy oldies now and again too. The only kinds I don't really care for are rap and country. But then I guess there exceptions to rules. Eighties rap is where it's at, for instance. Public Enemy, Run DMC, Grandmaster Flash. I also own almost every "Weird Al" Yankovic CD known to man.

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