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  1. #11
    Gold Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by PomonaCA View Post
    God I hate unions and I can't fucking stand lazy union workers. Go out and create something with your life rather than standing behind fucking labor laws you stupid motherfuckers.
    Create something,like,say,child labor laws? A safe working environment? The weekend? Overtime? Double time? Pensions? Vacation leave? Sick leave? Health benefits? Should I go on? I don't know what unions/labor movement have to do with this video,but whether you are a union member or not,chances are you have benefited from a union in one way or another. None of the aforementioned was simply handed out via the kindness of a CEO's heart,it had to be fought for. The Labor Movement's rich legacy is part of our nation's history and topography,whether idiots like you like it or not. ...It seems the only stupid (ignorant) motherfucker here is you.

    ... Okay,so when do the resident bigots from this place come out in agreement with that bat shit crazy woman in the video?

    The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious ... He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed ... Albert Einstein

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by dgs925 View Post
    So that guy, PamonaCA, is a troll and you are better off not responding to him. But since you brought up firemen, and the act of calling them when your house is on fire, and since I like to play devil's advocate sometimes, what do you think of the recent situation in South Fulton, TN?

    To refresh your memory, that is where the piece-of-shit firefighters watched a house burn and did nothing because the homeowner had failed to pay an annual fee. In this case the house could easily have been saved, hell the house wasn't even on fire when the fire department got there, but due to inaction on the part of the firefighters it ended up burning to the ground.
    I believe that took place in Texas,and it had nothing to do with Unions or a fireman's commitment to his profession (they were simply following orders,and Texas is also a right-to-work state) as much as it had to do with an a-la-carte tax code breaking everything up into fees. The family's fee payment did not make it by the deadline,so they missed out on the fire department services which the majority of us pay through our city and state taxes. ...Yeah,I'd like to move there!

    The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious ... He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed ... Albert Einstein

  3. #13
    Veteran Poster OEMEnemyNum1's Avatar
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    That deal where the firefighters didn't save the house had to do with the house being outside city limits. They were city firefighters, and they people in the county had the option to pay for the service. I heard they went to save the neighbors house because he had paid the bill for the service.

    I don't like white people either.

  4. #14
    Veteran Poster OEMEnemyNum1's Avatar
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    I agree with Realgirls4me. I will say something about unions though. They are great great things, but sometimes they can cut their own throats. Getting too much of a stranglehold on a company can sometimes cause a company to just die.

    I don't like white people either.

  5. #15
    Junior Poster pasta2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunshyneMonroe View Post
    omg thats fucked up that bitch should go to fuckin JAIL!!!!
    Go to jail for what, being old, drunk, and stupid? I think not

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by LaCosa View Post
    tglovers, it's obvious the woman has some psychological problem. This is a case of a woman with psychological problems that probably require medication and not an issue of a racist woman.

    I'm not sure what the policy is for UPS drivers in situations with an unhappy customer making complaints while you are in your truck, but it seems to me the guy could have better resolved the situation by just driving off.
    I agree the lady has some deep seeded psychological issues. However...the guy was trying to resolve the issue so driving off didn't seem like a viable option. Not only that the lady was resting on the window of his vehicle. God forbid...he would have drive of...because this lady would have turned it into a whole other story.

    I think he did the right thing (all things considered).

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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dgs925 View Post
    So that guy, PamonaCA, is a troll and you are better off not responding to him. But since you brought up firemen, and the act of calling them when your house is on fire, and since I like to play devil's advocate sometimes, what do you think of the recent situation in South Fulton, TN?

    To refresh your memory, that is where the firefighters watched a house burn and did nothing because the homeowner had failed to pay an annual fee. In this case the house could easily have been saved, hell the house wasn't even on fire when the fire department got there, but due to inaction on the part of the firefighters it ended up burning to the ground.
    I had to google it since I hadn't heard of it before. Completely messed up situation with blame to be spread around everywhere. My guess is that the chief didn't let them go in because of liability issues. One, if someone got hurt fighting that fire and two, if there was another fire nearby where someone gets hurt but that company couldn't respond because they were busy working on a building they shouldn't have. I work in a major metropolitan city so this will never come up for me. We have mutual aid agreements with the surrounding suburbs, none of which make their homeowners pay out of pocket.

    I think most of the fault lays with the mayor of the town where the fire happened. Fire protection should be one of the basic and primary functions they cover and should have been paid through them, not individual homeowners.

    "If hell freezes over, he'll be skating." - Spaceman Bill Lee on George Steinbrenner.

  8. #18
    I'm voting for TRUMP now dammit!!! Platinum Poster Dino Velvet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Realgirls4me View Post
    ... Okay,so when do the resident bigots from this place come out in agreement with that bat shit crazy woman in the video?
    As one of the resident bigots here I'll agree that the woman in the video is batshit crazy. Wonder what it's like to be her next door neighbor, or worse, be married to her. She's lucky the guy didn't have a machete in his truck and go bongo tongo over the top of her head with it.

  9. #19
    5 Star Poster bassman2546's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PomonaCA View Post
    God I hate unions and I can't fucking stand lazy union workers. Go out and create something with your life rather than standing behind fucking labor laws you stupid motherfuckers.
    If I'm reading this correctly, PomonaCA says he hates unions, which is fine. So do I. And he fucking can't stand LAZY union worker, which I also agree. He didn't say he couldn't stand ALL union workers.

    I've worked in a union environment before (me non-unionized) and I saw both. I saw the people that knew they were protected by the union and did fuckall day in and day out. But then I saw the hard working union worker getting the job done. It works both ways here.

    Can firefighters go on strike down there? I know the police in Ontario can't, which makes total sense. Occupations such as these shouldn't be allowed to strike when lives depend on it.

  10. #20

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