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  1. #181
    Professional Poster DL_NL's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are Transexuals emotionally Stable?

    20 people, 20+ opinions...

    Insert funny quote here

  2. #182
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    Default Re: Are Transexuals emotionally Stable?

    Quote Originally Posted by Birgitta View Post
    oh and btw, naturally a girl born in the wrong body raised in the wrong gender will have psychological and emotional problems, i dont believe most girls that dont have problems without going into therapy to be real woman...

    Take any boy or girl, give them a sex change when they are born, raise them in the wrong gender, give them the wrong sex hormones and i am sure most will be suicidal, especially if it cannot be fixed

    You've blown this thing totally out of proportion. My initial post in this thread simply suggested much of what you contented in that first paragraph above, Excepted the part about being born in the wrong body - as if you we can be meant for a different body or morphology. Such an assertion contradicts the whole of evolutionary theory and thereby calls into question most most aspects of biological science.

    Nature does not intend us anyway - lest there be a God explainable for the direction of evolutionary events - but contemporary biology and science scoffs at the idea of a God dictating events and what we are "meant" to be. Natural selection is the selective cause of traits. If you're born male - irrespective of your gender - that's what you were "meant" to be.

    But you wish me to ignore all this for politicized opinion. We went through this with the Catholic Church and Galileo. I did not go and put myself in debt with a college education to simply never use what I learn. What use is a college education if you are determined to simply believe what you believed the first day you walked through its doors? One is to allow their mind to grow. That also means individuals need the freedom of individual thought and inquiry rather than simply ceding to "group think."

    Quote Originally Posted by Birgitta View Post
    Thete have been very few studies done on the cause of transsexuals, but the studies that were done point to a physical cause, hormonal and genetic i think...i dont need to know cause i know unfortunately im not mad...not according to myself or any therapist i have seen...educate yourself first before making assumptions/accusations about transwoman...

    When did I call you mad? In fact I believe my initial post stated I read some transsexuals posts on this board that strike me as very grounded people. But there are significant numbers of you that exhibit some real emotional and mental problems.

    I'm aware of most of the psychological fields stance. A field very much influenced by politics.

    Let me tell you something about myself. And I'm aware transsexuals have sufferings to endure in life and obstacles to cross. But I'm not sure what it is you think would enrich and free your life so much, if you became masculine like me?

    I'm dual addicted. Substance addicted that is. I'm a former U.S. Marine that served in the Gulf War. While stationed aboard ship - no were to hide - I endured a lot of direct antagonism specifically due to my racial make up (mulatto). I've been in jail. And once I became an addict I ended up homeless for a short time. Standing in a long line butt naked waiting for a shower with other naked men I was eye fucked the entire time by a older white male employed by the homeless shelter, sitting, smiling. While homeless I discovered homosexual men have a special liking for my looks and physique. Long story short I've sold myself to other men sexually for the drug of my choice. Yes, to be sexually objectified.

    I graduated with honors through community college all while in severe, active, drug addiction/use. I struggle now to make it through university with the newly acquired addition of alcoholism. I've seen violence close up over due in no little part to my drug addiction. I've been in houses and apartment buildings and basements of squalor no sane person should be in with people that could slit my throat at any moment and leave me buried beneath trash and rats in a dark, dank basement, not found for years if ever.

    And unlike you feeling "whole" as a female there is no feeling "whole" as an addict.

    Now, it would be easy for me to agree with the opinions blaring out of some quarters of the science community that claim alcoholism and addictive nature are genetically inherited, but I disagree totally with that proposition. It's partly politically motivated and partly due to a fallacious view of genes operating like computer chips. During the 19th century with the Industrial Revolution scientists were adamant the best way to understand the human mind is by analogy of machines, gears, and cranks. We are in the computer age and people naturally correlate genes as analogous to computer chips. The mind its self - which we know little about - is much more complex than that. Computer chips are made up of inorganic material deriving their energy from electrons in a much different way than cells derive their energy in the organic brain. Computer chips can't self heal, but the body and its organs like the brain have proven capable of doing so.

    So, you can spare me this whole horse shit of me being stupid, utterly ill informed in anything, and not knowing what suffering is like in life.

    Many men on this board will give you sympathy and even empathize with your struggles with "men" or selling yourself sexually to other men. No man (or woman for that matter) - aside perhaps from a Priest or another addict - is going to sympathize with a masculinized man selling himself sexually to other men even if compelled to do so over the craving for drugs (brain scans of alcoholics have shown they respond to the craving for alcohol like people literally starving to death or people perishing from thirst). All is not horrible being female. Hell, all is not horrible being me. I can't imagine being a parent that has a child abducted and for the rest of their lives never knows what happened to that child. I'm still in good health. Last checked my heart was still healthy. And I'm in better shape then most teenagers and early 20 somethings I meet. I was boxing at a boxing gym - even taken martial arts at another place - all the while being a hardcore addict. At least I can walk. I smell the fresh air and can see the blue sky. So, I have my blessings. You might have your blessings too (and men kissing your ass might be a blessing)

    And please bear in mind I watch TV all the time making fun and stigmatizing addicts. I can't watch a Black-American comic that doesn't make fun of crackheads. It's an easy laugh. Chris Rock and Dave Chapell (spelling?) partly built their comic careers around this. You'd laugh and everyone would laugh. I'm an addict clean, shaven, usually with after shave and or cologne on and can articulate myself decently. I look nothing like the depictions Chris Rock and Dave C. give.

    And jobs - for good reason mind you - discriminate against addicts. Many low paying manual labor jobs require drug tests. So, stigma and discrimination I'm not entirely inexperienced with.

    But whether I was born an addict or you a girl is a different matter. There was no ill intent on my part.

    And last but not least, i could not care less about you wanting a chick with a dick, i date entirely different guys then you and someone with your attitude i will never let near me, let alone touch me..

    And i dont care if you dont understand that, im used to guys like you that dont understand and i am through wasting my time here...

    Good luck

    So, you telling me you don't want me (as if I was engaged in some song and dance to court you and swoop you off your feet) is suppose to traumatize me or hurt my feelings?

    Trust... even before I was an addict I came up as a short, thin, severely acne faced covered teen being thoroughly rejected by black girls whining to all the world their grand travails over black males rejecting them. I've run into know female in this world as cold in heart and cruel as a Black-American female. Even in the Marine Corps (still had a bad acne problem then - I no longer do) non-addicted, driven, employed, car and sympathetic I was verbally bashed and rejected by black females that did not care for my looks or to be seen with me. So, I'm pretty much built hard. Calling me "ni****" is like giving me a massage on my back. I've been called it by whites and I've been sodomized by an extremely well hung black, gay, man.

    I'll get through any thing including gang rape in prison. Even if it take me a while to physically recover. You better come with better to break me mentally.

    Having said all that... and in no way to dismiss or trivialize the suffering and obstacles of transsexuals and yourself, Birgitta... observe the different lives of the black African males in Italy compared to the jolly Brazilian T-girls in Italy. Sex pays. Men give more sympathy to whats feminine than they do to other men.

  3. #183
    Professional Poster Birgitta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are Transexuals emotionally Stable?


    ok then,
    Let me be so kind to reply to all that lol ...

    First of all... I do not have a popular opinion about transwoman...
    I try to be as objective as I can..and after reading all you wrote...I try and believe that you try the same...

    I was banned from most TS forums for adressing issues twoman did not want to hear. I am way way way too rational for me own good! I wish I could fool myself or lie to myself... but I cannot do it!

    I am also, mind you, not loved her... not by most girls and certainly not by a lot of the men here...I am not the kind of girl that swallows any popular opinion about anything! I like to think for myself as much as I can always...and I always challange myself to look at life differently then I do now...

    It puzzles me that this universe is so inmensely big and STILL I think I am sooooo important and my problems are soooo dramatic, where is my sense of humor lol

    Anyway.... why I was harsch on you....I accept anyone's opinion about long as they leave me in peace...I cant change the way they see me anyway....I am not trying to sell acceptence of transgendered by sociaty...

    From my point of view...Tgirls will never be accepted as woman... and its not even sociaty's fault...its their own fault...
    The T community explodes with hard to believe irrational and masculine "woman" that make up stories to justify their way of life....

    Its my opinion that most Tgirls lie...
    They have to... most of the time they cant rationally explain themselves...anymore then a christian can... simply point to the bible or make up a story of a bad childhood, and everyone buys it... coz they dont understand it anyway....for normal people all this is alien....

    There are a lot of masculine twoman out there that were perfectly well adjusted macho men that worked in the army, married 3 times... have a lot of children that try to make the world believe they did all this because of self denial... they acted it all out...while they were woman all the time...

    This is the biggest crap you can ever sell sociaty...
    NOBODY is such a great actor that you can keep this up on a full time basis...
    I am creative...have a talent for acting...and I could not do it...

    No the fact is... they were comfortable in their gender role but at one point in life for whatever (neurotic) reason... they want to have breast...dress as a woman and get a vagina...

    Are they woman?
    NO, I do NOT believe it...and I do NOT buy it...

    Same goes for Tgirls that behave like narcissistic attention craving gay males with a male sexuality that YES are naturally feminine so its better for them to live full time... both for social reasons, financial and sexual...are they woman...NO!

    I dont believe it... But they try to make you believe it too.. make up stories... fortunately some dont and just tell you... Im a TS... or a man even...I just like to be feminine... thats ok...

    But its not the story of a girl trapped in a male body...
    I am bad at explaining science... but from what I know...the identity of ts woman is created by hormones in the womb... unfortunately due to a hormonal imbalance the body is created male...thats why there is a conflict...
    They tried this with its actually a more or less proven theory ...
    You should really investigate before thinking what you have learned in university covers it all... To science we are pretty unimportant btw...

    All the medicines we take were created for woman and men... not for transwoman...

    Why I dont like you... thats just the sum of all the things you said...
    I was not trying to hurt you..
    I was trying to tell you WHY you are so unattractive... perhaps if you would accept your attraction for Tgirls and think of them is a respectfull manner...instead of thinking them insane or dillusional... I am many things, I am not delusional...

    Sorry to hear your life has been so tough.. my life has been tough too..I even recognise some of the shit you wrote... but I dont want to get into that...

    You keep changing your view and changing your opinions... but I appreciate it that you seem truely emotionally involded... so ill try and be nice and kind...

    But I know myself...I know what I stand for, I have an opinion based on my experience and also try to be as objective as I can about myself and my situation.... I know what I want and what I dont want...

    You seem to be in the dark about it...
    Saying that you want children prevents you from dating a Tgirl I find odd...there is never a guarentee for children with any woman...

    But if you find one... best of luck with it..

    Btw Im not into escort...and I am therefor not selling myself as a chick with a dick...

    I like to be treated as a woman regardless of the fact that I am a TS... thats about self respect and self love.... (and not about self hate and ignorance what many men on this forum believe)

    Ok thats it for now

    Last edited by Birgitta; 05-26-2011 at 02:17 AM.
    Full time freak

  4. #184
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    Default Re: Are Transexuals emotionally Stable?

    Okay, Birgitta.

    Can we get along now? Water under the bridge?

    And remember, this is your place (HungAngels.Com). You and other T-girls should try and get along, me being a man I view myself as just a "visitor." So, please do not get discouraged with the board on my part nor feel the inclination to leave. I'm sorry to hear you were banned from other T-girl websites. I think you T-girls should be more encouraging of one another and not so critical and negative on each other. You'll receive enough of that in the world.

    Quote Originally Posted by Birgitta View Post
    Saying that you want children prevents you from dating a Tgirl I find odd...there is never a guarentee for children with any woman...

    The vast majority of women can get pregnant, Birgitta, that's why we have so many people on the earth now relative to a thousand years ago.

    Actually, the greater challenge is to keep young teenage girls from getting pregnant!

  5. #185
    5 Star Poster dderek123's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are Transexuals emotionally Stable?

    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Fagina View Post
    And by all means lets not go there, since that often, somehow seems to blow up, into fights between girls thinking they're the only one who's the "real deal" and everybody else fakers... Perhaps this is to late already.

    Lacosa is a pretty smart dude. He has wayyy more patience than me and he has articulated some good points.

  6. #186
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    Default Re: Are Transexuals emotionally Stable?

    They are no more or less stable than the 'men' (I use that label loosely) who are completely fascinated by them. Which includes everyone on this board.

    'We Are, Marshall... Almost home...'

  7. #187
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    Default Re: Are Transexuals emotionally Stable?

    Quote Originally Posted by dderek123 View Post

    Lacosa is a pretty smart dude. He has wayyy more patience than me and he has articulated some good points.

    [chuckles] I thank ya and Miss Fagina, but if I was so smart I wouldn't have worked so hard all semester through biology with all the labs, lab report, lab book, lab exam, lecture exams, to only miss the last lecture exam the last fuckin week of school, and thereby jeopardizing at least a guaranteed C in the class to now possibly either getting a D or F and having to retake the whole damn class over again. All because I gave into craving and ended up getting drunk and high the whole night before and the whole morning the next day (exam day).

    Thus is the insanity of addiction.

  8. #188
    5 Star Poster dderek123's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are Transexuals emotionally Stable?

    Quote Originally Posted by LaCosa View Post
    [chuckles] I thank ya and Miss Fagina, but if I was so smart I wouldn't have worked so hard all semester through biology with all the labs, lab report, lab book, lab exam, lecture exams, to only miss the last lecture exam the last fuckin week of school, and thereby jeopardizing at least a guaranteed C in the class to now possibly either getting a D or F and having to retake the whole damn class over again. All because I gave into craving and ended up getting drunk and high the whole night before and the whole morning the next day (exam day).

    Thus is the insanity of addiction.
    Sorry to hear that. On the way to recovery there is always the occasional relapse.

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