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  1. #41
    5 Star Poster Felicia Katt's Avatar
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    If you are not Yourdaddy, banned here but not forgotten, I apologize, but if you aren't him, you are twin brothers from different mothers, because everything you say, and every way you say is identical. I've heard of dittoheads, but assumed it was a figure of speech, not a literal condition.

    Your arguments aren't subtle, they are incoherent and non-existent. Abramoff and his lieutenants are going to jail. They gave money to Republicans. Delay was in the leadership, lost that, and now is leaving the Senate in disgrace. Ney was in the leadership, has lost that, and will likely be forced from office soon. Others who "Jack"ed off with corrupt cash will follow. You are arguing immoral equivalency, trying to minimize their culpability and criminality by pointing the finger at others who didn't do anything illegal. Cry wolf all you like, it doesn't change the dirty Republicans into lambs.

    Thank you for pointing out that the Democrats aren't backing McKinney. Too bad the Republicans didn't do the same for Delay and won't for the others indicted or to be indicted. But that would require ethical equivalency. And the party on the right has a real problem with admitting when its wrong.


  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Felicia Katt
    If you are not Yourdaddy, banned here but not forgotten, I apologize... You are arguing immoral equivalency, trying to minimize their culpability and criminality by pointing the finger at others who didn't do anything illegal. Cry wolf all you like, it doesn't change the dirty Republicans into lambs.

    Thank you for pointing out that the Democrats aren't backing McKinney. Too bad the Republicans didn't do the same for Delay and won't for the others indicted or to be indicted. But that would require ethical equivalency. And the party on the right has a real problem with admitting when its wrong.

    So one gets banned for being different? How intolerant.

    Ethics and morals are alien to the socialist/neo-marxist left. Moral equivalency is the sole property of the left.But still the most flawed of them demand perfection from everyone else.Wonder why they are the permanent minority.

    The Republicans did not exactly rally around Delay.That said let me repeat myself.I know that you find reality and logic hard to comprehend and understand,being a socialist/neo-marxist,but here it goes:

    The judge said Mr DeLay's actions in the conspiracy charge were not a crime at the time that the alleged violations took place and all conspiracy charges were thrown out.Thrown out,even before the trial begins!

    As for money laundering,The "facts" in the indictment do not make a case for illegal contributions by the corporations because the indictment doesn't even allege that the corporate contributions were made within 60 days of an election. The essential argument is that a contribution was made to the RNC from a Texas PAC, which had received these corporate contributions (the dates of which we don't know), and certain candidates in Texas received money (presumably from the RNC), although not necessarily tracking with the corporate contributions to the PAC.Based on this information, there are no illegal contributions, let alone no tie to Tom DeLay. Also note that none of the corporations that made contributions have been indicted. (And, by the way, the Texas conspiracy statute requires evidence that those charged actually intended to commit a crime. So, the bar for the government is significant.)

    Smile, we are confident it`s gonna be a quick trial and a not guilty verdict.

    Then I`ll return and define the words ' not guilty ' to you.
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  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Felicia Katt
    If you are not Yourdaddy...
    It's obviously him.

    Why he chose to come back under a different name, I can offer only one explination:


    You're a coward.

  4. #44
    Silver Poster Quinn's Avatar
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    While I could be wrong, I really don't think White_Male_Canada is Yourdaddy. He presents his arguments in a very different manner than Yourdaddy did.


    Life is essentially one long Benny Hill skit punctuated by the occasional Anne Frank moment.

  5. #45
    5 Star Poster Felicia Katt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by White_Male_Canada
    all conspiracy charges were thrown out.Thrown out,even before the trial begins!
    Smile, we are confident it`s gonna be a quick trial and a not guilty verdict.
    Then I`ll return and define the words ' not guilty ' to you.
    Once again, you are either misstating, or misrepresenting the facts. Its true that one conspiracy charge was thrown out on a very narrow technicality relating to whether the conspiracy statute could apply to election code violations. The court just accepted an appeal of that dismissal and it might be reinstated. There were other conpiracy charges in the indictments which are still pending.

    TRMPAC, a PAC founded by House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, was determined by a Texas Judge to have violated Texas campaign laws by failing to report hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions.
    Tony Rudy, DeLay's former deputy chief of staff just pleaded guilty to conspiracy and promised to cooperate with a federal investigation of bribery and lobbying fraud.
    Michael Scanlon, DeLay's former press secretary pleaded guilty in November to conspiring to bribe public officials.
    Jack Abramoff, Delay's "closest and dearest friend" has pleaded guilty to multiple felonies.
    Delay has been admonished an unprecedented four times by unanimous votes of the bipartisan House Ethics Committe. A fifth case is stayed pending the outcome of the Criminal trial, and will probably be rendered moot by Delay's resignation.

    The old sayings are you judge a man by the company he keeps, and by his actions ye shall know him. By those standards, Delay would be guilty as hell. We will see what happens when he actually faces a jury, if he ever does. I think he will probably end up pleading guilty to a lesser charge before then, to avoid going from the House to the big house.


  6. #46
    5 Star Poster Felicia Katt's Avatar
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    More trouble for Delay

    at the very least, its another gross ethical violation. At the worst, its fraud and influence peddling. 75000.00 paid by a lobbyist for a golf excursion. I think another indictment may be upcoming.

    The old expression is Justice Delayed, is Justice Denied, But here its just another Delay denial to the Justice Dept.


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