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  1. #71
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Thoughts about trans support groups?

    Oh, and btw, the only thing I did since then was get tits and a nose job. A few old shitty pictures of me won't save you. Your hands are enormous, and your shoulders are w i d e . lol

  2. #72
    Senior Member Professional Poster
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    Default Re: Thoughts about trans support groups?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicole Dupre View Post
    You can "play" any game you want, and post as many of them as you want. I love what I've accomplished. lol

    Let's face it. I looked better than you 5 yrs ago just sitting around my bedroom when a friend snapped a random pic, and I look better than you now. I'll always look better than you. You'll never pass.

    Oh, and btw, the only thing I did since then was get tits and a nose job. A few old shitty pictures of me won't save you. Your hands are enormous, and your shoulders are w i d e . lol
    A) I never said I was better looking than you. B) I have never critized your look until you started on mine..
    I understand that I have the frame of a fullback/D-lineman and have big hands and shoulders. I have lost some weight and 8 1/2 months of HRT have made big changes, this fall I am getting lazer hair and body contouring done.
    I will be full time later this year.

    Last edited by Erika1487; 08-14-2011 at 07:59 PM.

  3. #73
    onmyknees Platinum Poster onmyknees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Thoughts about trans support groups?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicole Dupre View Post

    I can't believe you actually called them "freaks". lol You're not exactly a conventional human being yourself, Ericka, if you haven't noticed. Just because you attend these Tea Party circle-jerks you love so damn much; you're still the first person they'd stone to death if they knew about you. lol

    Did you go dressed as a man or a... woman?

    hey conveniently like to morph the Tea Party Patriots with religious do it constantly. I understand what you're trying to do with respect to your never ending battle with James..It's part of your shtick...But You know better than anyone ( or at least you should) the Tea Party is a loosely formulated amalgamation of different chapters, that are held together by one overriding issues and a smaller Federal government. They take no stand on social issues because they are not a political party with a platform in the conventional sense. Don't attribute positions to them they themselves don't espouse. You libs rightfully love to painstakingly explain to us not to lump all Muslims in with terror groups, The guilt by association thing....but you're quick to forget your own instructions when it suits you. You, James, Erika or anyone else would be free to hang out.....Despise them for that as you're so inclined, but at least keep it real. I'll bet some of your clients are even members , or at least have similar beliefs.......The "Don't Tread on Me" necktie would a dead giveaway !!lol

  4. #74
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    Default Re: Thoughts about trans support groups?

    Quote Originally Posted by Erika1487 View Post
    A) I never said I was better looking than you. B) I have never critized your look until you start on mine..
    I understand that I have the frame of a fullback/D-lineman and have big hands and shoulders. I have lost some weight and 8 1/2 months of HRT have made big changes, this fall I am getting lazer hair and body contouring done.
    I will be full time later this year.
    Then why the hell do you leave up your old pics? It's like you enjoy the humiliation.

    FYI the photo you posted of me was never even put online by me. It's actually considered intellectual property, and I could ultimately have that diaper changing freak take it down. I've already looked into it. I made the mistake of sending it 5 yrs ago to two-faced Hara-doodoo T-man, to show him a color of nail polish. But he decided to post it on his blog when I told him to get the fuck out of my life. I look better than him too btw. lol

    But let's bring it full circle - why the hell did you post a photo of your dead grandparents' tombstone? Seriously, do you think Hung Angels is an appropriate place for such a thing? I have it in my PM box, and I would NEVER have posted it, because I actually respect people's privacy. It's the fucking lies that I have no respect for. I don't make my friends enter a beauty contest or force them to pass in public, just to be my friend.

    I gave you a chance on your stupid "regrets" thread, and you've proven yourself to be a fucking tool ever since; calling me up, making thinly veiled threats, etc. I ought to take advantage of all the info and pics I have on you. There's plenty. You'd be surprised how nice I've been.

    But then you say you have this important job with the GOP, that you can't risk. *smdh Why do you insult our intelligence with this shit?

    Last edited by Nicole Dupre; 08-14-2011 at 08:41 PM.

  5. #75
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    Default Re: Thoughts about trans support groups?

    Quote Originally Posted by onmyknees View Post
    hey conveniently like to morph the Tea Party Patriots with religious do it constantly. I understand what you're trying to do with respect to your never ending battle with James..It's part of your shtick...But You know better than anyone ( or at least you should) the Tea Party is a loosely formulated amalgamation of different chapters, that are held together by one overriding issues and a smaller Federal government. They take no stand on social issues because they are not a political party with a platform in the conventional sense. Don't attribute positions to them they themselves don't espouse. You libs rightfully love to painstakingly explain to us not to lump all Muslims in with terror groups, The guilt by association thing....but you're quick to forget your own instructions when it suits you. You, James, Erika or anyone else would be free to hang out.....Despise them for that as you're so inclined, but at least keep it real. I'll bet some of your clients are even members , or at least have similar beliefs.......The "Don't Tread on Me" necktie would a dead giveaway !!lol
    "You libs"? My "schtick"? Ok. I can no longer take you seriously. Everything turns into you getting on a soap box. I'm putting you on ignore. You may want to do the same with me.

  6. #76
    onmyknees Platinum Poster onmyknees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Thoughts about trans support groups?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicole Dupre View Post
    "You libs"? My "schtick"? Ok. I can no longer take you seriously. Everything turns into you getting on a soap box. I'm putting you on ignore. You may want to do the same with me.

    Ohhhhhhhh the resident flame thrower gets a little pissy when confronted?? So you want it all your way? Well that might be ok when a dude begs you to top him, but that ain't real life honey....that's fantasy. Damn...did you say I should put you on ignore?? ....Nah....I don't use the feature actually. I give it, and fully expect to get it back....That's the way life works....LMAO

  7. #77
    Gold Poster peggygee's Avatar
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    Default Re: Thoughts about trans support groups?

    Many years ago, when I was first transitioning I was in a support group at
    New York University, which was part of a research study on MTF
    transsexuals, and was limited solely to that demographic.

    I found it quite helpful, and made friends with a few of the women in it.

    Over the years I have been in a few support groups, but found them less
    and less useful.

    About eight years ago I participated in a group. I found it to be of little to
    no use to me, and that I was giving far more than I was gaining, which is
    not a bad thing per se.

    At this stage of my life I wouldn't feel the need to be in a support group,
    as I don't have any lingering trans-issues, just the usual litany of issues.
    concerns, and goals, that any other Black woman my age has.

  8. #78
    5 Star Poster Felicia Katt's Avatar
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    Default Re: Thoughts about trans support groups?

    The old saying is if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything. But not wanting to take a fall by not taking a stand is more accurate here.

    The Tea Party might not have an official position on gay rights. But its underlying disposition against them is clear

    According to the New York Times and CBS, only about 16 percent of Tea Party activists support same-sex marriage, with a whopping 40 percent saying gays and lesbians should not have the right to marry.

    The Tea Party Nation emailed its members a post by right-wing activist Alan Caruba on the dangers of marriage equality and anti-bullying programs. Caruba, who once called marriage equality “an act of societal suicide,” discussed how Tea Party activists need to stop “the queering of America.” According to Caruba, measures that promote tolerance and gay rights are “a distinct threat to the fabric of a society based on the undisputed normality of heterosexuality” and represent “one more factor in the destruction of America.

    Tea Party Nation president Judson Phillips himself is calling on activists to rally behind Michele Bachmann and her husband Marcus as they face scrutiny over their clinic’s use of “reparative therapy” and their long opposition to gay rights. Phillips claims that the gay rights movement is part of a larger “liberal freak show” different from the rest of the country, arguing that “most Americans do not believe homosexuality is a good thing”

    You might be able to hold your nose and support these kind of hateful people for your own financial reasons. But don't ask us to hold our tongues here while you do so.


  9. #79
    Junior Poster KelticForce1349's Avatar
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    Default Re: Thoughts about trans support groups?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicole Dupre View Post

    Again you are on record that your hate and rage for me revlove around my politics. Look I work for several African Americans in my own party and have no ill will towards any race. I do however a healthy disrespect for liberal B.S
    What is your personal or political definition of liberal B.S.?

  10. #80
    Bella Doll Platinum Poster BellaBellucci's Avatar
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    Default Re: Thoughts about trans support groups?

    The Tea Party, at its inception and when I considered myself to be one of their members, was a movement of smaller government and lower taxation and that was about it. Like OMK said, 'Don't Tread On Me.' I've even flown the Gadsden Flag numerous times on my personal Facebook profile.

    However, over time, they have been co-opted by displaced neo-cons looking to re-brand themselves into an acceptable looking group touting the same old regressive GOP rhetoric and values. I blame Beck, and Palin and Bachmann to a lesser degree.


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