View Full Version : RIP Ernie Ecstatic - producer for Pi Ladyboy - TSRD - wendy summers and many more

11-04-2023, 11:18 PM
Ernie Ecstatic was a producer / photographer / web designer and Friend to the Adult Trans community
Founder of Pi Ladyboy and webmaster for TS-Rockdolls and a number of other sites he was a
regular on the HA forum for years and appeared at the TEA awards back even before they were
the TEA awards filming models and making everyone he met smile with his unique joy that
can be somewhat rare in the industry. Without him I would have never had the career that I have had
but beyond that he was a true friend - I recall I mistakenly calling him while slipping my phone in my
pocket about 2 months ago and despite being very weak and just released from the hospital
he took the time to call back and make sure I was alright and ask if there was anything I needed.
A true friend which can be very very rare in this world these days.
You will be missed.

I just got the news
I am saddened to hear of your journey's end
In this world
I have thought of you often
As I always will
In this world
But I know that there are golden shores
Far beyond where we have walked
In this world
And some day I will see your smiling face
Your radiant joyous stride as you greet me
Far far beyond,
This world

RIP Ernie
Love always - Tempest


11-05-2023, 03:44 AM
Tempest, thank you for posting this notice. It is clear he meant a lot to you. I recall his posts in various trans forums over the years as always being intelligent, informative and kind. I actually met three of the models who went on to perform with PI Ladyboy, and one who declined, and believe it was important to them at the time, in terms of income and exposure in what we might call an 'emerging market'. He stayed the course in a risky business, but I am sure I am not alone in being grateful for the content that he produced.

He is at peace now, and the positive legacy will endure.

11-06-2023, 01:56 AM
I only just today heard of Ernie's passing. Thanks to Tempest for this post and to Angelina for letting me know. Ernie was one of the first to welcome me to HA *mumble* years ago and was a always a strong and kind voice for the trans community and the people on this forum.

We got together for lunches a few times, in DE, NY and MA, and always had a great time talking. I'm sad that I didn't keep in better contact with him over the years. Facebook, Twitter, and life in general pulled me away from our conversations here and I only chatted with him occasionally on Facebook.

I have lost a dear friend and this community has lost a true treasure.

11-06-2023, 02:00 AM
Stavros, he was indeed a hero to transpinays at the time. They were sorely misrepresented in the community as a whole and he brought them into the limelight. He helped launch careers.

11-06-2023, 11:05 PM
Thank you so much for the kind words

Tempest, thank you for posting this notice. It is clear he meant a lot to you. I recall his posts in various trans forums over the years as always being intelligent, informative and kind. I actually met three of the models who went on to perform with PI Ladyboy, and one who declined, and believe it was important to them at the time, in terms of income and exposure in what we might call an 'emerging market'. He stayed the course in a risky business, but I am sure I am not alone in being grateful for the content that he produced.

He is at peace now, and the positive legacy will endure.

11-06-2023, 11:08 PM
He was a friend to many indeed - modern age and all we all moved from the forums to elsewhere Ernie included but we would often reminisce about the old HA and HD days I know he made a good many friends here and Im glad that you were one of them - thank you

I only just today heard of Ernie's passing. Thanks to Tempest for this post and to Angelina for letting me know. Ernie was one of the first to welcome me to HA *mumble* years ago and was a always a strong and kind voice for the trans community and the people on this forum.

We got together for lunches a few times, in DE, NY and MA, and always had a great time talking. I'm sad that I didn't keep in better contact with him over the years. Facebook, Twitter, and life in general pulled me away from our conversations here and I only chatted with him occasionally on Facebook.

I have lost a dear friend and this community has lost a true treasure.

11-09-2023, 02:56 PM
Another one of the old timers, or orginals ... it's still nice to see people here from 2005/2008 (Stavros and BeardedOne) who remember people from way back. I've been here since 2003 and Ecstatic I believe was on HungAngels then.
What can I say about Ernie? Just a nice guy. Someone who wanted to improve the lives of the girls, someone who was less concerned about making money and more concerned about helping girls run their own sites, in a time when that was possible and before all the rules, regulations and difficulties of running smaller sites as there are now.
He supported the TEA's (along with Tempest) since the inception, and we continued to ensure they were always part of it, and their sponsorship was more affordable than the bigger companies. He could be spotted in a crowd. He was mild-mannered but fiercely intelligent. He had a kind word for all. He had the respect of many girls. He certainly had my respect.

It's sounds unimpressive to just say, 'He was just an all round nice guy' - but I believe that's something he'd like to be remembered as, and actually something many of us try to attain to be.

RIP Ernie. He was one of us.

11-09-2023, 02:58 PM
Just checked - he joined HungAngels in 2004 - and last activity was 2020.

12-04-2023, 01:42 PM

06-25-2024, 01:31 AM
Tragic News. Ecstatic was legendary and absolutely one of the originals of "The Old HA crew". May the road rise up to meet ya, Ernie.

06-26-2024, 05:02 AM
I'm heart broken to hear this tragic news about Ecstatic.
Hard to believe he's gone.

I always enjoyed his posts, threads, viewpoints and exchanging posts and correspondence with him.
Loved his humor and knowledge. He was quite a delightful character.

And he will most definitely be missed.

06-26-2024, 05:39 AM
Incredibly sorry to hear about Ecstatic. Always loved his post from the old days.