View Full Version : Kramer's racist rant

11-21-2006, 11:37 PM
Yesterday I stumbled across this on Youtube.
I didn't recognise his name (Michael Richards) , so I watched the whole thing before realizing it was Kramer. It's pretty shocking to me. There's also a Borat-esque moment where some presumably white assholes in the audience start clapping and cheering at his use of the 'N' word. I thought the black man in the crowd did a great job of takling the high road and keeping his cool, plus making Richards look like an even bigger asshole. Now he's sorry and says he's not a racist.
Yeah, right. Wtf? How much brains does it take to figure out that there's good and bad people in every group so that generalizations are useless? Fuck, as a white person this is just embarrassing. Just like Mel about Jews.
I'm not the most enlightened guy about anything, I'm utterly average, but growing up, I saw a lot of black and jewish entertainers that I loved, so that was my first impression of them. Growing up in a southern, mostly black high school, everyone was just a person. I spent Saturdays watching Fat Albert as a kid. Is this not pretty typical? What is people's problem anyway?
I think sometimes if I were black, and encountered racism everywhere, I would eventually flip the fuck out on someone. :x

11-21-2006, 11:54 PM
Subject covered here v v

11-22-2006, 12:01 AM
Doh - I looked around before posting this - and i didn't search for Kramer because of our Kramer!

11-22-2006, 01:20 AM
man, i never thought that was sick like this.... kramer was a kind of hero for me. what was happening to him in all those years when he was off. he´s still off and now he has finally reserved his place in a cemetery.

i´ve read the artictle that some dude here posted but i didn´t mind that he went so far..... sad, sad. he´s got no justification for this.

12-03-2006, 04:30 AM

12-03-2006, 04:32 AM
yea i saw that. i want to know what provoked him to say that. there had to been something said before that tape was playing

12-03-2006, 07:27 AM
Michael Richards is a great Sit-Com and comedy skit actor. He sucks at stand-up, but doesn't know it or beleive it. But people in the industry who have performed where he has, say he gets so wound up when he does these type of performances, if anything goes wrong he loses it.

In this case it was two black guys... thus the psycho rantings. If it was girls the c-word would have been the slur of choice. If they were asians, it would have been gook oriented. If it was white guys he probably would have took the homo route since "crackers" has no impact on white guys.

He was very serious about his stand up, and he sucks at it. It was a matter of time before someone set him off. In this case, it was two black guys but it could have been anyone who decided to call him out.

12-04-2006, 10:32 AM
I think he has a drug problem and that helped fuel his tirade.

12-04-2006, 10:47 AM
His choice, his show, I'm proud for him standing up for what he believes, Although i think he does a lot of drugs.

12-04-2006, 11:06 AM
His choice, his show, I'm proud for him standing up for what he believes, Although i think he does a lot of drugs.

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You're proud that he had a racist tirade and yelled racial epithets?

12-05-2006, 03:28 AM
So far as I’m concerned, it’s between Richards and the audience members with whom he was verbally jousting. Frankly, all of those directly involved seem like complete assholes – Richards for his lack of judgment and the involved audience members for trying to extract a financial settlement. Something they could all use just a little bit more of: self-respect.


12-06-2006, 07:22 AM

12-06-2006, 08:06 AM
that clip is hilarious!! :lol: