View Full Version : HIV risks

09-22-2007, 10:59 AM
I wanted to get everyone's opinions on the risks of getting an STD, like HIV from engaging in certain homosexual acts with a TS.

1. Anal (receiving vs. giving)
2. Sucking on breast and she lactates
3. Oral (covered BJ vs uncovered BJ)
4. Kissing (open mouth, French)
5. Rimming

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Sorry if this thread has been started before. I just joined this site a couple of months ago.

09-22-2007, 11:16 AM
I wanted to get everyone's opinions on the risks of getting an STD, like HIV from engaging in certain homosexual acts with a TS.

1. Anal (receiving vs. giving)
2. Sucking on breast and she lactates
3. Oral (covered BJ vs uncovered BJ)
4. Kissing (open mouth, French)
5. Rimming

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Sorry if this thread has been started before. I just joined this site a couple of months ago.

Well I'm not "everyone", but I think you could have left out the "homosexual" bit... Unless you're a TS yourself ;-)

There is a basic 'rule of thumb' I use, which is, don't assume TGs are more likely to be carrying a disease than anyone else. STDs can spread via semen or blood, and sometimes from oral interaction (e.g. herpes).

So... If she's covered in scabs and carbuncles, kiss her on the forehead and say goodnight ;-)

09-22-2007, 11:26 AM
Yeah, I wasn't sure about using the word homosexual. But I guess it all depends on how you define the word. Technically it means an act between the same sexes. So what defines sex or gender? Is it the genitalia or the essence of the person's soul?

09-22-2007, 11:52 AM
... it means an act between the same sexes.

That's right, poleskr. So then If you are male, a homosexual act (for you) would be a sexual encounter with another male; not an experience with a TG.

So what defines sex or gender?

Sex and gender are two different animals, and the debate continues on what they both *really* mean. You could say that sex is determined (unfairly) by genetics (e.g. if you have a cock, you're a man), whereas gender is primarily determined by our vision of ourself (e.g. someone can have a cock, but not feel male).

Two very important biological issues are never (or rarely) raised in this forum, which if discussed could shed some light on, and help ppl to see that TGs are *not* men.

1. Gender (remember, the way we perceive our sexuality) is determined (to a large degree) by a part of the brain called the sexually dimorphic nucleas (SDN). Studies have shown the SDN of TGs and females are the same size, both being approximately twice the size of the male SDN.

2. We *all* begin life as female. At about week 6 in our development, biology decides if we will become male or continue as female. Sometimes, the decision is not perfect.

09-22-2007, 12:26 PM
I wanted to get everyone's opinions on the risks of getting an STD, like HIV from engaging in certain homosexual acts with a TS.

1. Anal (receiving vs. giving)
2. Sucking on breast and she lactates
3. Oral (covered BJ vs uncovered BJ)
4. Kissing (open mouth, French)
5. Rimming

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Sorry if this thread has been started before. I just joined this site a couple of months ago.

1. Receiving unprotected anal sex poses the greatest risk, while risks to the penetrative partner are also significant (greater than that encountered in vaginal sex). Anal sex is the most effective sexual transmission mechanism for HIV. Use of a condom greatly reduces the risk.

2. Given that HIV-positive mothers are advised not to breastfeed their HIV-negative children, there is probably some risk involved, however I don't think there are any documented cases of HIV transmission through adult ingestion of breast milk.

3. There is a documented risk of HIV transmission from performing oral sex (fellatio). The level of risk is still subject to some debate, but is generally agreed to be significantly lower than that carried by anal sex. The risk is greatest if the insertive partner ejaculates ("comes") in the mouth of the receptive partner, however this would not be necessary for transmission.
There is also a small risk to the insertive partner, if there are cuts or sores on the penis and also within the mouth of the receptive partner.
Use of a condom once again very significantly reduces any risk associated with oral sex.

4. Virtually zero risk. Transmission would require open cuts or sores within the mouth. To the best of my knowledge there are no documented cases of transmission through french kissing.

5. Small HIV risk (theoretical risk, one debatable documented case if I remember rightly). However, significant hepatitis risk.

Hope this helps you take wise decisions.

09-22-2007, 12:34 PM
4. Virtually zero risk.

...of HIV infection perhaps, but the question related to STDs. Herpes is transmissible via kissing.

Play it safe... stick a flute in your man-pussy. ;-)

09-22-2007, 12:40 PM
4. Virtually zero risk. Transmission would require open cuts or sores within the mouth. To the best of my knowledge there are no documented cases of transmission through french kissing.

I recall reading about one such case, but it was due to the fact that the two people involved were both bleeding from dental procedures/work, one of the two had hiv- and french kissing transmitted the hiv given the wounds in their mouths from one to the other.

I suppose given that, that extreme cases of gum disease would also make it more risky...

09-26-2007, 09:10 PM
oh shit ive done evrything on the list....better get myself done to the health clinic :(

09-26-2007, 10:47 PM
So... If she's covered in scabs and carbuncles, kiss her on the forehead and say goodnight

And use a dental dam when you do! :shock:

Yeah, I wasn't sure about using the word homosexual. But I guess it all depends on how you define the word. Technically it means an act between the same sexes. So what defines sex or gender? Is it the genitalia or the essence of the person's soul?

Many, many views on this, posted in many, many other threads here and elsewhere. Search for the 'am i gay' threads, some are reasonably informative while others are just dumb-ass goofy. You'll either be well-informed or seriously entertained, whichever is your take on what you find.

1. Gender (remember, the way we perceive our sexuality) is determined (to a large degree) by a part of the brain called the sexually dimorphic nucleas (SDN). Studies have shown the SDN of TGs and females are the same size, both being approximately twice the size of the male SDN.


Size really =DOES= matter! :shock:


Interesting information, though. I wonder where the 'SDN' sits in an intersexed individual. Have there been any studies of that twist?

09-26-2007, 10:53 PM

Size really =DOES= matter! :shock:


Interesting information, though. I wonder where the 'SDN' sits in an intersexed individual. Have there been any studies of that twist?
LOL!! Sighs does matter. As for the intersexed, interesting question. My guess is that it would be dependent upon the gender with which the individual identifies (as with a MTF transgender), but that's only a guess.

09-26-2007, 10:57 PM

Size really =DOES= matter! :shock:


Interesting information, though. I wonder where the 'SDN' sits in an intersexed individual. Have there been any studies of that twist?

LOL!! Sighs does matter. As for the intersexed, interesting question. My guess is that it would be dependent upon the gender with which the individual identifies (as with a MTF transgender), but that's only a guess.

If I could get my IS lover to answer his damned emails, I'd ask. :x Ever since he became famous/important, I'm a footnote. :(

Noted on the gender identity. The curve ball is that he identified as male and then tweaked that by being gay. That his last relationship (That I know of) was with a F2M TS makes it all the more interesting.


09-26-2007, 10:59 PM
Hmm, he might have the largest SDN around! Heh